11 research outputs found

    Flujos de carbono inorgánico en sistemas costeros de la Península Ibérica

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    Se ha estudiado la dinámica del carbono inorgánico en siete sistemas costeros situados en la península Ibérica, que tienen en su mayoría carácter estuárico. En estas zonas la sulfatorreducción es uno de los mecanismos más importantes en la degradación de la materia orgánica, fundamentalmente en los sistemas del sur estudiados. Los flujos de carbono inorgánico medidos por medio de cámaras bentónicas, presentan un amplio intervalo de variación (22-500 mmol m-2 d-1), y son elevados en comparación con los de otros ecosistemas marinos. Se ha constatado la existencia de importantes ritmos circadianos y gradientes verticales en la concentración de carbono inorgánico y oxígeno en la columna de agua de los sistemas más confinados. Estas variaciones espacio-temporales, se producen como consecuencia del balance entre la fotosíntesis y los flujos bentónicos de carbono inorgánico y oxígeno. Estos sistemas litorales, intercambian por acción de las mareas importantes cantidades de carbono inorgánico con las zonas marinas próximas. Cabe destacar la zona de esteros de la bahía de Cádiz, que aporta 54.1 10(8) mol año-1 de carbono inorgánico al saco interno de la bahía. Todos los sistemas estudiados actúan en su conjunto como fuentes de CO2 a la atmósfera con un flujo medio superior a 70 mmol m-2 d-1. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la degradación bentónica de la materia orgánica en la dinámica del carbono inorgánico en los sistemas estudiados

    Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz

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    A first characterization of greenhouse gases had been carried out to study their role and impact in a productive transitional coastal system of the southern Portugal – Ria Formosa lagoon. To this purpose, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and the concentration of dissolved CH4 and N2O have been measured. Two surveys were carried out during 2020, at low tide under typical conditions of Spring (March) and end of Summer (October). The samplings sites were distributed along the costal lagoon covering: i) inner areas with strong human impact (influence of different flows of treated wastewater discharges); and ii) main channels in connection with the main inlets to study the exchanges with the ocean. In general, the highest values of the three greenhouse gases were found at the inner studied areas, especially affected by the disposal of treated effluents from wastewater treatment plans, in October. The mean water - atmosphere fluxes of the CO2, CH4 and N2O are positive, showing that the study area acts as a source of these gases to the atmosphere. On the other hand, it was calculated a rough estimation of the three gases globally exported from Ria Formosa to the ocean, through the main six inlets to evaluate the magnitude of the supply of these gases from Ria Formosa to the adjacent ocean. The mean CO2, CH4 and N2O horizontal water fluxes exported from all the inlets of Ria Formosa to the Gulf of Cadiz for both seasons, during low water, are 8.7 ± 3.9 mmol m−2 s−1, 8.0 ± 3.5 μmol m−2 s−1 and 3.2 ± 1.5 μmol m−2 s−1, which corresponds to a mass transport through the inlets section of 0.7 ± 0.7 kg s−1, 0.2 ± 0.2 g s−1 and 0.2 ± 0.3 g s−1 respectively. From these estimates, as expected, the higher mass transport was found at the larger and deeper inlets (Faro-Olhão and Armona)

    pCO(2) variability in the surface waters of the eastern Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Spatio-temporal variations in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) were studied during eight oceanographic cruises conducted between March 2014 and February 2016 in surface waters of the eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula) between the Guadalquivir river and Cape Trafalgar. pCO(2) presents a range of variation between 320.6 and 513.6 mu atm with highest values during summer and autumn and lowest during spring and winter. For the whole study, pCO(2) shows a linear dependence with temperature, and spatially there is a general decrease from coastal to offshore stations associated with continental inputs and an increase in the zones deeper than 400 m related to the influence of the eastward branch of the Azores Current. The study area acts as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere during summer and autumn and as a sink in spring and winter with a mean value for the study period of -0.18 +/- 1.32 mmol M-2 d(-1). In the Guadalquivir and Sancti Petri transects, the CO2 fluxes decrease towards offshore, whereas in the Trafalgar transect fluxes increase due to the presence of an upwelling. The annual uptake capacity of CO2 in the Gulf of Cadiz is 4.1 Gg C yr(-1)

    Methane dynamics in the coastal–Continental shelf transition zone of the Gulf of Cadiz

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    The concentration of CH4 in water was measured along five transects in the Gulf of Cadiz (Trafalgar, Sancti Petri, Guadalquivir, Tinto - Odiel and Guadiana) during four cruises throughout the months of March, June, September and December 2016. For two of the cruises water overlying three mud volcanoes situated in the Gulf of Cadiz were also sampled (San Petersburgo, 860 m; Pipoca, 460 m; and Anastasya, 500 m. In addition, the stable carbon isotopic compositions of dissolved CH4 (δ13C) were measured in the study area in June and December 2016. The mean CH4 value for the whole water column was 10.5 ± 4.3 nmol L−1, with large spatial and temporal variations. The highest values were found in June 2016 and the lowest in March 2016. In surface waters, the mean dissolved methane concentration was of 9.6 ± 2.6 nmol L−1. In most of the sampling area, high concentrations of CH4 were found in subsurface waters at depths close to the thermocline and at the coastal stations. The highest concentrations were obtained from the bottom waters above the Anastasya mud volcano (125 nmol L−1). The stable carbon isotope compositions ranged between - 29.2 and - 58.4‰, and the least negative values were associated with the highest CH4 concentrations in samples from above the mud volcanoes, related to thermogenic values. The sea-air fluxes of CH4 ranged from 12.4 to 37.7 μmol m−2 d−1, showing that the study area acts as a source of CH4 to the atmosphere

    Distribution, reactivity and vertical fluxes of methane in the Guadalquivir Estuary (SW Spain)

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    The influence of temperature, salinity, sediment-water-atmosphere exchanges and oxidation rate on the variability of methane (CH4) in the Guadalquivir Estuary has been studied. The database corresponds to 3 intensive samplings carried out in summer (2021 and 2022) and winter (2022). An increase in CH4 concentration towards the interior of the estuary has been observed, more intense during summer (19–371 nmol L−1). The influence of temperature and salinity on the variability of CH4 concentration is negligible, with contributions below 1 nmol L−1. Water-atmosphere fluxes increase inland in summer (28–574 μmol m−2 d−1), being generally higher than in winter (18–80 μmol m−2 d−1). Similarly, benthic fluxes remain relatively constant in winter (10 ± 6 μmol m−2 d−1) and increase inland in summer (7–212 μmol m−2 d−1). In the innermost station of the estuary, with salinities lower than 1, there is a significant increase in benthic fluxes, with values above 9000 μmol m−2 d−1. CH4 oxidation rates increase towards low salinities, being especially high in summer (489 nmol L−1 d−1). Based on the information obtained, CH4 variability in the Guadalquivir Estuary is mainly controlled by water-atmosphere fluxes, benthic fluxes and oxidation in the water column. The uncertainty associated with the quantification of these processes does not allow an adequate assessment of the influence of lateral inputs, although there is experimental evidence of their importance in the Guadalquivir

    Biogeochemistry of surface sediments in mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cádiz

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    The shallowest sediment of three mud volcanoes (MVs) located in the middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz, Anastasya, Pipoca and St. Petersburg, have been seasonally studied during June and December 2016. These structures are locally important contributors of many biogeochemical active substances to the water column, with a special attention in the emission of methane (CH4). Along this study, the role of organic matter diagenesis and its contribution to the difusive fuxes estimated in the sediment–water interface from the three MVs have been investigated mainly. For this, the frst combined analyses of sediment properties (granulometry, porosity, density, organic carbon) and pore water chemistry (major elements, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nutrients, CH4 and nitrous oxide) have been carried out. Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs presented similar behaviours, with a slight concentration variation for the chemical variables in the top layers of the sedimentary record followed by a more intense vertical variation in deeper layers. Anastasya MV showed some typical processes of these structures, such as the clay dehydration, the dissolution of halite and the precipitation of authigenic carbonates, which was also observed in St. Petersburg MV. Organic matter diagenesis clearly altered the biogeochemical profles, except for Pipoca MV. Moreover, mud breccia with a mousse-like texture has been identifed in the deepest levels of Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs. Here, anaerobic oxidation of methane is linked to the decrease of SO2−4 and the increases of CH4 and DIC with the core depth. Changes across the sediment–water interface presented low difusive fuxes in the three MVs due to the presence of other processes as the irrigation by benthic macrofauna, the action of bottom currents and/or the upward fuid migration. From the obtained results, we can conclude that Anastasya MV presents a certain venting activity at present

    A numerical simulation study of the hydrodynamic effects caused by morphological changes in the Guadalquivir River Estuary

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    This study presents an analysis of the impacts of the changes in bottom depth along the Guadalquivir Estuary on tidal dynamics. A realistic non-linear 1D numerical model, incorporating changes in both breadth and bottom depth, was employed to investigate the involved effects. The findings reveal a significant amplification of the M2 tidal wave towards the upper region of the Estuary, resulting from the gradual deepening caused by multiple dredging operations. The Estuary exhibits a pronounced tendency towards resonance, which is further enhanced by its deepening, resulting in reduced bottom friction and a smaller decrease in tidal wave amplitude as it propagates through the Estuary. The alterations in depth, particularly in breadth, along the Estuary play a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the resonant response of the M2 tidal wave.12 página

    Boomerang effect. Your health and well-being

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    Vídeo, en formato píldora correspondiente a la actividad de divulgación titulada: ¿Consumes? ¿Generas residuos? Cuida tu entorno sin moverte de casa. La actividad de divulgación científica corresponde a la convocatoria UCA/R106REC/2023 relacionadas con la sostenibilidad y la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y /o la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa para el curso 2023/2024Actividad de divulgación en forma de Píldora que consiste en un video, donde se pretende concienciar a la población para disminuir los hábitos de consumo que se realizan de forma desmesurada, aconsejar sobre la práctica de las 3R e indicar algunos de los efectos de la contaminación en la salud, sino se gestionan adecuadamente las basuras (efecto boomerang). La contaminación por basura puede deberse a la mala o nula gestión de los residuos que generamos, es por ello que en ocasiones esta basura doméstica puede contener sustancias tóxicas perjudiciales para la salud, además de la atracción de plagas y animales que pueden propagar enfermedades. Por lo tanto, es importante que todos hagamos nuestra parte para reducir la cantidad de basura que generamos.Patrocinador: Delegación del Rector para el Desarrollo Estratégico de la UCAVídeo MPG.4 de 1 minuto y 58 segundos de duració

    Consume Sustainably

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    Vídeo, en formato píldora correspondiente a la actividad de divulgación titulada: ¿Consumes? ¿Generas residuos? Cuida tu entorno sin moverte de casa. La actividad de divulgación científica corresponde a la convocatoria UCA/R106REC/2023 relacionadas con la sostenibilidad y la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y /o la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa para el curso 2023/2024.Actividad de divulgación en forma de Píldora que consiste en un video, donde se pretende concienciar a la población para disminuir los hábitos de consumo y gestionar los residuos desde casa. La contaminación por basura puede deberse a la mala o nula gestión de los residuos que generamos, es por ello que en ocasiones esta basura doméstica puede contener sustancias tóxicas perjudiciales para la salud, además de la atracción de plagas y animales que pueden propagar enfermedades. Por lo tanto, es importante que todos hagamos nuestra parte para reducir la cantidad de basura que generamos.Delegación del Rector para el Desarrollo Estratégico de la UCAVídeo MPG.4 de 1 minuto y 13 segundos de duración

    La evaluación colegiada de las competencias básicas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias : hacia un modelo de escuela inclusiva y sostenible

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    Precede al título: Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria ObligatoriaLa Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) introduce el concepto de «competencias básicas» como eje articulador del currículo, conectando de pleno con las reflexiones y las estrategias que se están desarrollando en otros sistemas educativos internacionales a la luz del informe Delors (1996), el documento DeSeCo (Definición y Selección de Competencias fundamentales) elaborado por la OCDE, de las evaluaciones PISA (Programa para la Evaluación Internacional del Alumnado), etc. Esta propuesta centra el foco en la dimensión formativa de la «evaluación», aspecto inacabado con la LOGSE (Ley Orgánica General del Sistema Educativo), a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados en esa dirección. Trabajar en las aulas para la consecución de las «competencias básicas» lleva ineludiblemente al problema de cómo evaluarlas de forma colegiada —cuando la propia ordenación del sistema educativo fragmenta cada una de las enseñanzas en diferentes áreas o materias— y de cómo emplear la información que proporciona esta labor para hacer valer el sentido formativo y regulador que debe tener la evaluación de las competencias básicas.Consejería de Educación y Universidades. Dirección General de Ordenación, Innovación y Promoción Educativa; Avda. Buenos Aires, 5; 38071 Tenerife; Tel. +34922592592; Fax +34922592570; [email protected]