17,637 research outputs found

    Human Development of Peoples

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    This paper provides a framework and estimates of Enrollment Rates per natural and combines them with previous Income and Child Mortality per natural estimates by Clemens and Pritchett (2008) to produce a Human Development Index Per Natural. The methodology is applied for 1990 and 2000 to provide estimates of growth rates of this measure over the period. The paper also develops and illustrates a framework for estimating an education place premium, and discusses how it is related to per natural measures. The peoples of the least developed countries stand to gain the most from international migration, but there are potentially significant gains to migration between developing countries as well.Migration, Human Development, Education

    Human Development of Peoples

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    This paper provides a framework and estimates of Enrollment Rates per natural and combines them with previous Income and Child Mortality per natural estimates by Clemens and Pritchett (2008) to produce a Human Development Index Per Natural. The methodology is applied for 1990 and 2000 to provide estimates of growth rates of this measure over the period. The paper also develops and illustrates a framework for estimating an education place premium, and discusses how it is related to per natural measures. The peoples of the least developed countries stand to gain the most from international migration, but there are potentially significant gains to migration between developing countries as well.Migration, Human Development, Education

    Unveiling the circumstellar environment towards a massive young stellar object

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    As a continuation of a previous work, in which we found strong evidence of massive molecular outflows towards a massive star forming site, we present a new study of this region based on very high angular resolution observations with the aim of discovering the outflow driven mechanism. Using near-IR data acquired with Gemini-NIRI at the broad H- and Ks-bands, we study a region of 22" x 22" around the UCHII region G045.47+0.05, a massive star forming site at the distance of about 8 kpc. To image the source with the highest spatial resolution possible we employed the adaptative optic system ALTAIR, achieving an angular resolution of about 0.15". We discovered a cone-like shape nebula with an opening angle of about 90 degree extending eastwards the IR source 2MASS J19142564+1109283, a very likely MYSO. This morphology suggests a cavity that was cleared in the circumstellar material and its emission may arise from scattered continuum light, warm dust, and likely emission lines from shock-excited gas. The nebula, presenting arc-like features, is connected with the IR source through a jet-like structure, which is aligned with the blue shifted CO outflow found in a previous study. The near-IR structure lies ~3" north of the radio continuum emission, revealing that it is not spatially coincident with the UCHII region. The observed morphology and structure of the near-IR nebula strongly suggest the presence of a precessing jet. In this study we have resolved the circumstellar ambient (in scale of a thousand A.U.) of a distant MYSO, indeed one of the farthest cases.Comment: Accepted in A&A Letters (October 2013

    Discriminating dynamical from additive noise in the Van der Pol oscillator

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    We address the distinction between dynamical and additive noise in time series analysis by making a joint evaluation of both the statistical continuity of the series and the statistical differentiability of the reconstructed measure. Low levels of the latter and high levels of the former indicate the presence of dynamical noise only, while low values of the two are observed as soon as additive noise contaminates the signal. The method is presented through the example of the Van der Pol oscillator, but is expected to be of general validity for continuous-time systems.Comment: 12 pages (Elsevier LaTeX class), 4 EPS figures, submitted to Physica D (4 july 2001

    The performance of decentralized school systems : evidence from Fe y Alegría in Venezuela

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    This program evaluation estimates the effects on standardized test scores of graduating from the Fe y Alegría private school system in Venezuela. The authors find an Average Treatment Effect on the order of 0.1 standard deviations (approximately 16 percent of the average score), using a control group of public school students. These effects are significantly larger for households at the bottom of the distribution, and smaller for those at the top. The authors posit that the better performance of the Fe y Alegría system stems from their labor contract flexibility and decentralized administrative structure.Tertiary Education,Education For All,Secondary Education,Primary Education,Teaching and Learning

    On LpL^p--LqL^q trace inequalities

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that inequalities of the type TKfLq(dμ)CfLp(dσ),fLp(dσ), \| T_K f\|_{L^q(d\mu)}\leq C \|f\|_{L^p(d\sigma)}, \qquad f \in L^p(d\sigma), hold for a class of integral operators TKf(x)=RnK(x,y)f(y)dσ(y)T_K f(x) = \int_{R^n} K(x, y) f(y) d \sigma(y) with nonnegative kernels, and measures dμd \mu and dσd\sigma on Rn\R^n, in the case where p>q>0p>q>0 and p>1p>1. An important model is provided by the dyadic integral operator with kernel KD(x,y)QDK(Q)χQ(x)χQ(y)K_{\mathcal D}(x, y) \sum_{Q\in{\mathcal D}} K(Q) \chi_Q(x) \chi_Q(y), where D={Q}\mathcal D=\{Q\} is the family of all dyadic cubes in Rn\R^n, and K(Q)K(Q) are arbitrary nonnegative constants associated with QDQ \in{\mathcal D}. The corresponding continuous versions are deduced from their dyadic counterparts. In particular, we show that, for the convolution operator Tkf=kfT_k f = k\star f with positive radially decreasing kernel k(xy)k(|x-y|), the trace inequality TkfLq(dμ)CfLp(dx),fLp(dx), \| T_k f\|_{L^q(d\mu)}\leq C \|f\|_{L^p(d x)}, \qquad f \in L^p(dx), holds if and only if Wk[μ]Ls(dμ){\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu] \in L^s (d\mu), where s=q(p1)pqs = {\frac{q(p-1)}{p-q}}. Here Wk[μ]{\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu] is a nonlinear Wolff potential defined by Wk[μ](x)=0+k(r)kˉ(r)1p1μ(B(x,r))1p1rn1dr,{\mathcal W}_{k}[\mu](x)=\int_0^{+\infty} k(r) \bar{k}(r)^{\frac 1 {p-1}} \mu (B(x,r))^{\frac 1{p-1}} r^{n-1} dr, and kˉ(r)=1rn0rk(t)tn1dt\bar{k}(r)=\frac1{r^n}\int_0^r k(t) t^{n-1} dt. Analogous inequalities for 1q<p1\le q < p were characterized earlier by the authors using a different method which is not applicable when q<1q<1