587 research outputs found

    Ni-Mn-Ga films in the austenite and the martensite structures at room temperature: Uniaxial texturation and epitaxial growth

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    Ni-Mn-Ga films in the austenite and the martensite structures at room temperature have been obtained using the DC magnetron sputtering technique. Two elaboration processes were studied. A first batch of samples was deposited using a resist sacrificial layer in order to release the film from the substrate before vacuum annealing. This process leads to polycrystalline films with a strong (022) fiber texture. The martensitic phase transformation of such polycrystalline freestanding films has been studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. A second batch of samples was grown epitaxially on (100)MgO substrates using different deposition temperatures. The texture has been analyzed with four-circle X-ray diffraction. Epitaxial films crystallized both in the austenite and the martensite structures at room temperature have been studied

    Application d’un champ électrique de faible amplitude pour l’amélioration de la cristallisation et de la filtration sur supports métalliques en oenologie.

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    En œnologie, on assiste à l’apparition de matériaux métalliques, utilisés comme support de cristallisation ou média filtrant, qui ont permis la mise en œuvre de méthodes électrochimiques. Des dispositifs expérimentaux ont permis à la fois de moduler le potentiel électrique relatif métal-solution et d’atteindre diverses grandeurs étroitement liées à la physico-chimie de l’interface. Le premier montage permet la mesure de l’angle de contact entre une goutte de solution électrolytique et une plaque métallique polie ou rugueuse. Le deuxième dispositif permet de déduire l’ascension capillaire de la mesure de la masse de solution incorporée dans un matériau métallique poreux. Le dernier est une cellule, où le média filtrant est enchâssé entre deux électrodes métalliques, dans laquelle le débit de filtration peut être aisément mesuré. Les résultats concernent la variation de l’énergie interfaciale avec le potentiel électrique appliqué d’où l’on déduit le point de charge nulle et la capacité différentielle de la double couche électochimique. Pour la cristallisation, on a constaté une dépendance entre la masse de cristaux de bitartrate de potassium déposée sur le support métallique et le potentiel électrique. Pour la filtration, le champ électrique a fait apparaître simultanément une série de phénomènes qui augmente le flux de filtration des vins

    Martensite structures and twinning in substrate-constrained epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films deposited by a magnetron co-sputtering process

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    In order to obtain Ni-Mn-Ga epitaxial films crystallized in martensite structures showing Magnetic-Induced Rearrangement (MIR) of martensite variants, a fine control of the composition is required. Here we present how the co-sputtering process might be helpful in the development of Ni-Mn-Ga epitaxial films. A batch of epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films deposited by co-sputtering of a Ni-Mn-Ga ternary target and a pure manganese target has been studied. The co-sputtering process allows a precise control of the film compositions and enables keeping the epitaxial growth of Ni-Mn-Ga austenite during deposition at high temperature. It gives rise to tune the content of the MIR-active 14-modulated martensite in the film at room temperature, as well as micro and macro-twinned domains sizes

    Industrial Cu-Ni alloys for HTS coated conductor tape

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    Copper rich Cu-Ni alloys have been textured with the RABiTS method in order to get non-magnetic and cost efficient substrates for coated conductor wires. The study is focused on two industrial compositions: Cu55Ni45 (Constantan) and Cu70Ni30. Studies on surface roughness have been done. The effects of annealing conditions (temperature and atmosphere) on the grain boundaries deepness were analyzed. Electrolytic polishing was also applied to improve the surface quality. RX pole figures and micro hardness measurements have been achieved on samples annealed up to 950°C. Attention has been paid to the rolling texture and to the annealing processes. The rolling texture has been found to be mainly copper-type (C, S and B contributions). Beginning of recrystallization occurred between 400°C and 600°C and stabilized between 900°C to 950°C, depending on the nickel content of the alloy. Finally both samples, rolled and annealed under the appropriate conditions, have been characterized. Pole figure measurements gave the global in plane and out of plane disorientations of our samples which are in-plane 7.4° and out-plane (RD) 4.3° for both samples. EBSD maps have shown the details of the distribution and have allowed us to quantify the ratio between cubic {100} and twined {122} orientations

    Metal-to-insulator transition and superconductivity in boron-doped diamond

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    International audienceThe experimental discovery of superconductivity in boron-doped diamond came as a major surprise to both the diamond and the superconducting materials communities. The main experimental results obtained since then on single-crystal diamond epilayers are reviewed and applied to calculations, and some open questions are identified. The critical doping of the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) was found to coincide with that necessary for superconductivity to occur. Some of the critical exponents of the MIT were determined and superconducting diamond was found to follow a conventional type II behaviour in the dirty limit, with relatively high critical temperature values quite close to the doping-induced insulator-to-metal transition. This could indicate that on the metallic side both the electron-phonon coupling and the screening parameter depend on the boron concentration. In our view, doped diamond is a potential model system for the study of electronic phase transitions and a stimulating example for other semiconductors such as germanium and silicon

    Tuning macro-twinned domain sizes and the b-variants content of the adaptive 14-modulated martensite in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films by co-sputtering

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    In order to obtain modulated-martensite in our epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films, we have tuned the composition by using a co-sputtering process. Here we present how the composition affects the variant distribution of the 14-modulated martensite at room temperature. The nature of such modulated-martensites is still strongly debated for magnetic shape memory alloys. It has been very recently demonstrated that the modulated-martensites in Ni-Mn-Ga are adaptive phases. The results presented here corroborate this theory for the first time, for three different compositions. Moreover, we demonstrate with the help of the adaptive modulations theory that b-variants of the 14-modulated martensite form close to the free-surface of the film to release the stress induced by branching of macro-twinned domains during the martensitic transformation on a rigid substrate. At room temperature, the content of such b-variants is found to strongly decrease when the macro-twinned domain sizes increase

    Investigation of metallic/oxide interfaces in Pt/Co/AlOx trilayers by hard x-ray reflectivity

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    International audienceX-ray reflectivity (XRR) is used to determine the oxidation front at the nanometer scale in sputtered perpendicular semi tunnel junctions, as the form Pt/Co/AlOx, by varying the oxidation time tOx of the capping layer. From XRR simulations, we show that the nature of the stack is gradually defined according to the value of tOx. For low tOx values (<40 s), a simple Pt/Co/Al/AlOx multilayer is appearing whereas a Pt/Co/CoO/AlOx architecture takes place for higher tOx. The oxygen-induced magnetic properties obtained by extraordinary Hall effects measurements are explained by the structural results. The increase of Co-O bondings with tOx is at the origin of the appearing of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA)

    The contribution of x-ray specular reflectometry to the oxygen-induced magnetic properties in Pt/Co/AlOx

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    3 pagesInternational audienceTwo key parameters were analyzed in Si/SiO/Pt/Co/AlOx: the oxidation time of the Al layer resulting in AlOx, and the ex situ annealing temperatures varied in the 15 and 55 s and 20, 300, and 450 °C ranges, respectively. For intermediate annealing temperatures (∼300 °C), the quantitative analysis of specular reflectometry data shows that the progressive oxidation of layers by increasing the oxidation time goes along with an improvement of the homogeneity of the alumina layer. This outcome casts new light on the temperature dependence of magnetic properties of the samples. The remarkable temperature variation of the coercive field, extracted from extraordinary Hall effects in the 5-300 K range, is associated with structural change due to Co-oxygen bondings, which leads to strong pinning of Co spins in the low temperature regime

    Making a case for cardiorespiratory fitness surveillance among children and youth

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    We review the evidence that supports cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) as an important indicator of current and future health among school-aged children and youth, independent of physical activity levels. We discuss the merit of CRF measurement for population health surveillance and propose the development of CRF guidelines to help support regional, national, and international surveillance efforts
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