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    ABSTRACT The associations between androgens and cardiovascular risk factors in men are controversial. A nested case-control study was used to compare the levels of cardiovascular risk factors in two groups (n ϭ 25 each) of healthy men contrasted by their plasma total testosterone (PTT) concentration, matched by age and ethnic origin. Compared to the men with normal PTT (mean Ϯ SEM, 19.8 Ϯ 0.7 nmol/L), the men with low PTT (10.1 Ϯ 0.3 nmol/L) had a significantly higher body mass index (P Ͻ 0.01), waist/hip ratio (P Ͻ 0.001), systolic blood pressure (P Ͻ 0.05), fasting and 2-h plasma glucose (P Ͻ 0.04 and P Ͻ 0.02 respectively), serum triglycerides (P Ͻ 0.001), total cholesterol (P Ͻ 0.04), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (P Ͻ 0.01), apolipoprotein B (P Ͻ 0.01), fasting and 2-h plasma insulin (both P Ͻ 0.0001), and lower values of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (P Ͻ 0.01) and apolipoprotein A1 (P Ͻ 0.05). After adjustment for both body mass index and waist/ hip ratio, fasting and 2-h plasma insulin and triglyceride levels remained significantly different between the two groups (P Ͻ 0.04, P Ͻ 0.001, and P Ͻ 0.03 respectively). Plasma sex hormone-binding globulin was markedly decreased in the low PTT group (P Ͻ 0.0001), whereas bioavailable testosterone was not significantly different. This case-control study provides further and stronger evidence of a negative association between PTT and plasma insulin in men, as suggested by cross-sectional studies. Because these are observational data, neither causality nor the direction of the associations among PTT, sex hormone-binding globulin, and insulin sensitivity can be determined. Intervention studies are needed to better assess the metabolic and cardiovascular benefits of androgen treatment that have been suggested by preliminary clinical trials. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82: 682-685, 1997) F OR A LONG time, androgens have been considered to decrease glucose tolerance, induce hyperinsulinemia, and increase cardiovascular risk in women (1) as well as in men (2). Recently, these effects have been questioned in men. Indeed, from recent cross-sectional studies in healthy men, lower plasma total testosterone (PTT) levels seem to be associated with hyperinsulinemia, decreased glucose tolerance, and a higher level of cardiovascular risk factors (3-5). To investigate the role of endogenous testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the association between sex hormones and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy males, in 1992-1993 we selected from the large male occupation-based population examined in the Telecom Study in 1985-1987 (3, 6), two groups of men contrasted by their PTT concentrations to compare their levels of cardiovascular risk factors, plasma SHBG, and plasma bioavailable testosterone. Materials and Methods Study design This study used a nested case-control design. The levels of plasma SHBG, plasma bioavailable testosterone, and cardiovascular risk factors were compared between males with low and normal PTT. As age and ethnicity influence cardiovascular risk factors (7-9), the subjects were matched on these covariates (Ϯ1 yr for age). Selection of subjects For the low PTT group, we selected healthy men not treated for diabetes, dyslipidemia, or hypertension from the lower percentiles of the PTT distribution of the 1718 adult men who participated in the crosssectional study of 1985-1987 (3, 6). We recruited all healthy men with PTT levels of 11.8 nmol/L or less in 1985-1987 who could be traced and who agreed to be reexamined in 1992-1993. The fifth percentile of the PTT distribution in the background population was 11.8 nmol/L When a case with a confirmed low PTT level had been included, we then recruited a matched control subject, with PTT levels between 17. 3-24.3 nmol/L in 1985-1987 and 13.9 -28.4 nmol/L in 1992-1993. When several controls were available for a given case, we systematically chose the control who had been examined at the date closest to that of the case in [1985][1986][1987]. To obtain the a priori calculated sample size of 25 men by group (see Statistical methods), we contacted 147 subjects (65 with low PTT in 198

    Des tessons Khirbet Kerak à Qalʿat Semʿan (Syrie)

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    La présence, à Qalʿat Semʿan, d’une quarantaine de tessons étrangers à la céramique byzantino-islamique du site, mais présentant la morphologie, le dégraissant, la couleur et le traitement de surface de l’assemblage connu sous le nom de Khirbet Kerak au Levant, ou Red-Black Burnished Ware dans l’Amuq, permet d’induire la présence d’une petite occupation associée et remontant au deuxième tiers du IIIe millénaire av. n. è. dans le Massif calcaire. Elle est, à ce jour, unique dans cette zone. Les tessons proviennent d’une couche de destruction relativement bien localisée et étaient inclus dans la terre servant de soubassement au pavement d’une partie de la fortification médio-byzantine. L’article en donne une description et propose un certain nombre de comparaisons.The occurrence, at Qalʿat Semʿan, of about 40 sherds alien to the usual byzantino-islamic pottery of the site, but which display the shape, temper, color and surface treatment of that known as Khirbet Kerak Ware in the Levant, or Red-Black Burnished Ware in the Amuq, points to a small related occupation dating back to the second third of the 3rd millennium BC in the Limestone Massif. This find is unique in this area to this day. The sherds come from a well circumscribed destruction level and were inserted in the earth used to support a pavement in part of the medio-byzantine fortification. The article describes them and gives a certain number of comparisons.:عثر في قلعة سمعان على حوالي ٤٠ كسرة فخارية لاتنتمي للفخار البيزنطي والإسلامي المعروفين في الموقع. لكننا يمكن أن نستنج منها وجود استيطان بشري في الكتلة الكلسية، فريد في هذه المنطقة، ويعود للألف الثالث قبل الميلاد، من خلال شكلها وتزجيجها ولونها ومعالجة سطح هذه المجموعة المعروفة باسم فخار خربة الكرك أو فخار العمق (الأحمرـ الأسود المصقول). تأتي هذه القطع من طبقة ردميات محددة جداً، تم دمجها مع التراب المستخدم كقاعدة لرصف جزء من تحصين ميدي – بيزنطي. يقدم هذا المقال وصفاً لها، ويقترح عدداً من المقارنات

    Examen scientifique, description et classement archéologiques des céramiques de la fouille de Sia (Jabal El Arab, Syrie méridionale)

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    Examination of the pétrographie composition of ceramics from this excavation has been foreseen as an element of archaeological description as well as a tool for research on their geographic origins. In bringing forth at the same time the macroscopic examination of sherds and microscopic study, it has been possible to define pétrographie categories identifiable by the archaeologist. A strictly local resource (lehm groundmass and basaltic temper) proves to be distinctly preponderant, at least in the phase of the lst-3rd centuries A.D. The study of three other groups of close origin (several hundred kms) will permit the revelation of certain trends of regional exchange, whereas the study of sigillata and medieval glazed pottery may lead to comparisons on much vaster area.L'examen de la composition pétrographique des céramiques de la fouille a été envisagé comme un élément de la description archéologique et comme l'outil d'une recherche sur les provenances. En menant de front l'examen macroscopique des tessons et l'étude microscopique des lames minces, il a été possible de définir des classes pétrographi- ques identifiables par l'archéologue. Une ressource strictement locale (dond de pâte constitué d'un lehm, avec inclusions basaltiques) apparaît nettement prépondérante, du moins dans la phase ler-3ème siècle ap. J.-C. Trois autres groupes, de provenance proche (quelques centaines de km), permettront de déceler certains courants d'échanges régionaux, tandis que l'étude des sigillées et des vernissées médiévales peut aboutir à des comparaisons sur une aire beaucoup plus vaste.Courtois L., Dentzer J.M., Orssaud D., Villeneuve F. Examen scientifique, description et classement archéologiques des céramiques de la fouille de Sia (Jabal El Arab, Syrie méridionale). In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°1, 1981. Actes du XXe symposium international d'archéométrie Paris 26-29 mars 1980 Volume III. pp. 45-52

    Des tessons Khirbet Kerak à Qalʿat Semʿan (Syrie)

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    International audienceThe occurrence, at Qalʿat Semʿan, of about 40 sherds alien to the usual byzantino-islamic pottery of the site, but which display the shape, temper, color and surface treatment of that known as Khirbet Kerak Ware in the Levant, or Red-Black Burnished Ware in the Amuq, points to a small related occupation dating back to the second third of the 3rd millennium BC in the Limestone Massif. This find is unique in this area to this day. The sherds come from a well circumscribed destruction level and were inserted in the earth used to support a pavement in part of the medio-byzantine fortification. The article describes them and gives a certain number of comparisons.La présence, à Qalʿat Semʿan, d’une quarantaine de tessons étrangers à la céramique byzantino-islamique du site, mais présentant la morphologie, le dégraissant, la couleur et le traitement de surface de l’assemblage connu sous le nom de Khirbet Kerak au Levant, ou Red-Black Burnished Ware dans l’Amuq, permet d’induire la présence d’une petite occupation associée et remontant au deuxième tiers du IIIe millénaire av. n. è. dans le Massif calcaire. Elle est, à ce jour, unique dans cette zone. Les tessons proviennent d’une couche de destruction relativement bien localisée et étaient inclus dans la terre servant de soubassement au pavement d’une partie de la fortification médio-byzantine. L’article en donne une description et propose un certain nombre de comparaisons

    Première partie: Étude archéologique des bâtiments 101 à 108

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    Sodini J.-P., Tate George, Bavant Bernard, Bavant Swantje, Biscop Jean-Luc, Orssaud Dominique. Première partie: Étude archéologique des bâtiments 101 à 108. In: Syria. Tome 57 fascicule 1, 1980. pp. 11-181

    Addendum concernant la céramique

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    Sodini J.-P., Tate George, Bavant Bernard, Bavant Swantje, Biscop Jean-Luc, Orssaud Dominique. Addendum concernant la céramique . In: Syria. Tome 57 fascicule 1, 1980. p. 304

    Deuxième partie: Remarques générales

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    Sodini J.-P., Tate George, Bavant Bernard, Bavant Swantje, Biscop Jean-Luc, Orssaud Dominique. Deuxième partie: Remarques générales . In: Syria. Tome 57 fascicule 1, 1980. pp. 183-301


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    Sodini J.-P., Tate George, Bavant Bernard, Bavant Swantje, Biscop Jean-Luc, Orssaud Dominique. Illustrations. In: Syria. Tome 57 fascicule 1, 1980. pp. 304-304


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    Will Ernest, Sodini J.-P., Tate George, Bavant Bernard, Bavant Swantje, Biscop Jean-Luc, Orssaud Dominique. Introduction. In: Syria. Tome 57 fascicule 1, 1980. pp. 1-10