59 research outputs found

    Renormalized solutions of elliptic equations with general measure data

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    We study existence and (in some case) uniqueness for elliptic equations with measure data

    Foreign Policy and the Ideology of Post-ideology: The Case of Matteo Renzi’s Partito Democratico

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    The post-communist Italian Left has experienced a long phase of ideational misalignment between ideas placed at different levels, as a qualified discursive institutionalist approach demonstrates. Background public philosophies have often clashed with post-communist political ideology, while foreign policy programmes have often contradicted specific policies. Under the leadership of Matteo Renzi, however, the PD is now experiencing a moment of remarkable ideational consistency. Rather than being founded on entirely new premises, this new consensus folds old elements into new ones and shows all the defining traits of post-ideology. Yet, by espousing post-ideology, Renzi is making an ultimately ideological move whose limitations may soon start to show

    Genealogy of a Populist Uprising: Italy, 1979-2019

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    After the 2018 general election, Italy became the only Western European country governed exclusively by anti-establishment forces. The importance of this goes beyond domestic implications, not only because what happens to the south of the Alps is relevant to the future of the European Union, but also because, with Italy often having been a bellwether for global trends, more general lessons can be drawn from its history. The Italian populist uprising can best be understood by looking at how the malfunctioning of the Italian public sphere, the anti-political zeitgeist, and the country\u2019s struggle to squeeze itself into the European monetary straitjacket have interacted with each other over the last forty years. Two junctures are critical: the political and institutional earthquake of 1992-94, and the sovereign debt crisis of 2011 and its aftermath

    La delegittimazione politica et\ue0 contemporanea

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    Nonostante la sua importanza, la categoria di \u201cdelegittimazione\u201d non ha ancora ricevuto una specifica attenzione da parte della storiografia internazionale, per quanto venga sempre pi\uf9 spesso utilizzata dal linguaggio politico, giornalistico e talvolta anche in ambito scientifico. Ritenuta parte di processi pi\uf9 generali o sottomessa ad altri fenomeni, quali le crisi politiche o le transizioni di regime, la delegittimazione non ha ancora trovato uno spazio autonomo nelle ricerche degli storici. Da un punto di vista interpretativo, il nucleo concettuale del problema rimane quello affrontato da Carl Schmitt nei suoi saggi degli anni Venti. Ma Schmitt scriveva e teorizzava dopo la grande guerra, negli anni del bolscevismo e del nascente nazismo. Come \ue8 possibile che in democrazia la figura dell\u2019avversario come hostis resti ancora centrale? Per la prima volta una serie di ricerche contribuisce a fare chiarezza su un tema centrale non solo per la comprensione della storia d\u2019Italia nella seconda met\ue0 del Novecento, ma anche sulla crisi del modello democratico in corso nell\u2019Unione Europea

    Storia Politica

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    Pubblica opere sulla storia politica dei secoli XIX e XX, sia di studiosi affermati che di giovani ricercatori. Il suo raggio di interesse spazia dalla storia del pensiero e della cultura a quella istituzionale e amministrativa. L'approvazione dei testi \ue8 soggetta all'approvazione di un blind referee

    European parties and the European integration process, 1945-1992

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    The present volume brings together three different traditions of historical study: national politics, European integration, and political parties. Since the 1980s, there has been an enlargement of the scope of political history. This attempt to transcend national boundaries can intersect with the new strands of European integration history, paying much more attention to transnational perspectives and forces. The chapters comprised in this book attempt to forge a dialogue between these new methodologies and the study of political parties in manifold ways. Firstly, in the study of party foreign and European politics - how parties have perceived themselves as belonging not only to the national political game, but also to a wider transnational, and European one. Secondly, party history can transcend national boundaries through the study of international and European party cooperation. Thirdly, it can offer worthwhile avenues of study on how political families deal with European integration not along ideologica I cleavages but along national ones. This volume fills a crucial gap of European historiography by comparing parties' discourses/platforms/policies on European integration and by developing national, comparative and transnational approaches

    Storia Politica

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    Pubblica opere sulla storia politica dei secoli XIX e XX, sia di studiosi affermati che di giovani ricercatori. Il suo raggio di interesse spazia dalla storia del pensiero e della cultura a quella istituzionale e amministrativa. L'approvazione dei testi \ue8 soggetta all'approvazione di un blind referee

    Storia Politica

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    Storia politica XIX e XX secolo utilizzando referee anonim
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