68 research outputs found

    Measures of store loyalty in French food retailing

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    Store loyalty is an important issue for retailers since it defines one way in which consumers are attached to stores. However, store loyalty is not unidimensional and there are different ways of measuring it. After surveying the marketing literature on how to assess ’store loyalty’, we compute different store loyalty indexes with French homescan database on consumer purchases (9 000 households) coupled with a store database that allows us to control for supply parameters, including store location and accessibility. We find that the store loyalty index, computed on more than 250 goods, differs greatly across chain stores. Moreover, when households increase their expenditures in a store, it does not necessarily mean that the store benefits from more loyal patronage. We also investigate the relationship between store loyalty and likelihood of buying private labels (PL). Results show that a PL expenditure increase does not translate into higher store loyalty (whatever the index studied).store loyalty, market power, private label

    Household Food Consumption, Individual Caloric Intake and Obesity in France

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    We show how to use a long period of observation of all food purchases at the household level to infer the profile of average individual caloric intakes according to the gender, age and the body mass index of household members. Using data from France, we apply this method to analyze the relationship between obesity and individual food consumption. The results show that obese or overweight individuals do absorb more calories at all ages but with differences that vary across gender and ages and across food nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids or proteins.

    Household Food Consumption, Individual Caloric Intake and Obesity in France

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    We show how to use a long period of observation of all food purchases at the household level to infer the profile of average individual caloric intakes according to the gender, age and the body mass index of household members. Using data from France, we apply this method to analyze the relationship between obesity and individual food consumption. The results show that obese or overweight individuals do absorb more calories at all ages but with differences that vary across gender and ages and across food nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids or proteins.

    Household Food Consumption, Individual Caloric Intake and Obesity in France

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    We show how to use a long period of observation of all food purchases at the household level to infer the profile of average individual caloric intakes according to the gender, age and the body mass index of household members. Using data from France, we apply this method to analyze the relationship between obesity and individual food consumption. The results show that obese or overweight individuals do absorb more calories at all ages but with differences that vary across gender and ages and across food nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids or proteins

    Household Food Consumption, Individual Calories Intake and Obesity in France

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    We show how to use a long period of observation of all food purchases at the household level to infer the profile of average individual caloric intakes according to the gender, age and the body mass index of household members. Using data from France, we apply this method to analyze the relationship between obesity and individual food consumption. The results show that obese or overweight individuals do absorb more calories at all ages but with differences that vary across gender and ages and across food nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids or proteins

    Measuring Consumers' Attachment to Geographical Indications: Implications for Competition Policy

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    Geographical Indications (GIs) are considered as upmarket products because they are based on tradition and convey information about their geographical origin. Otherwise, the limitation of the geographical areas devoted to GIs and the exclusivity they benefit on the product lead to suspicions of monopoly power. Quality and market power should however reflect a stronger attachment, making consumers less price sensitive than for standard goods. This research aims to compare theses conjectures to empirical measures concerning the French cheese market. Price elasticities are computed from a demand model on 21 products, 11 Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) products and 10 non PDOs. The results are counterintuitive, PDOs being as price elastic as or more price elastic than standard products. This finding thus challenges the widespread idea that PDOs systematically correspond to high quality. It also has important implications in terms of competition policy, showing that PDO cheeses suppliers cannot decide on price increases without suffering large reductions in demand

    Toward a FAIR reproducible research

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    Two major movements are actively at work to change the way research is done, shared and reproduced. The first is the reproducible research (RR) approach, which has never been easier to implement given the current availability of tools and DIY manuals. The second is the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) approach, which aims to support the availability and sharing of research materials. We show here that despite the efforts made by researchers to improve the reproducibility of their research, the initial goals of RR remain mostly unmet. There is great demand, both within the scientific community and from the general public, for greater transparency and for trusted published results. As a scientific community, we need to reorganize the discusion of all materials used in a study and to rethink the publication process. Researchers and journal reviewers should be able to easily use research materials for reproducibility, replicability or reusability purposes or for exploration of new research paths. Here we present how the research process, from data collection to paper publication, could be reorganized and introduce some already available tools and initiatives. We show that even in cases in which data are confidential, journals and institutions can organize and promote "FAIR-like RR" solutions where not only the published paper but also all related materials can be used by any researcher.

    Specific loop modifications of the thrombin-binding aptamer trigger the formation of parallel structures

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    Guanine-rich sequences show large structural variability, with folds ranging from duplex to triplex and quadruplex helices. Quadruplexes are polymorphic, and can show multiple stoichiometries, parallel and antiparallel strand alignments, and different topological arrangements. We analyze here the equilibrium between intramolecular antiparallel and intermolecular parallel G-quadruplexes in the thrombin-binding aptamer (TBA) sequence. Our theoretical and experimental studies demonstrate that an apparently simple modification at the loops of TBA induces a large change in the monomeric antiparallel structure of TBA to yield a parallel G-quadruplex showing a novel T-tetrad. The present results illustrate the extreme polymorphism of G-quadruplexes and the ease with which their conformation in solution can be manipulated by nucleotide modification.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MICINN (CTQ2010-20541, CTQ2012-38616, BIO2009-10964 and Consolider E-Science), the Generalitat de Catalunya, (2009/SGR/208), the University of Milano (PUR 2009 Funds), the funds de la Recherche ScientifiqueFNRS (VG research associate position and FRFC grant 2.4528.11) and PRIN09 (2009Prot- 2009J54YAP_005). RF is a recipient of a FPI predoctoral contract (MICINN) and a STSM from COST (G4net, MP0802). GP is a recipient of a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship. Collaborative research was funded by a Cost action (G4net, MP0802) and an Italian-Spanish collaborative action (IT2009-0067). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Peer reviewe
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