5 research outputs found

    Monitoring pertumbuhan mangrove di area modulasi karang dan mangrove Kampus Tateli Politeknik Negeri Manado

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    Research conducted in the Coral and Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus of the Polytechnic of Manado State, in January to October 2019 aims to identify and differentiate the types of mangroves and then obtain data on mangrove growth in the Coral & Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus. Retrieval of data using an area of 20 m2 of mangrove modulation and divided into four quadrants measuring 10 m2, while the tools used are: a compass to determine the direction or azimuth of research, a meter to measure distances., A photo camera for documentation tools, computers and other stationery which is used for data processing and writing research, rope, Tally sheet., Height measuring devices. Observations and data collection in this study included the measurement of trees, saplings, seedling height, seedling leaves, and seedling branches. From the existing mangrove modulation, four quadrants of mangrove observation were obtained. There are a number of mangrove individuals whose growth is observed and seen from the height, number of leaves and branches of the mangrove. Based on observations, it was found that in quadrant one there were two types of mangroves in the seedling phase, namely Rhizophora Apiculata and Rhizophora Mucronata with a total of 17 individuals. The average leaves of R. Apiculata are 7 strands. Then in the second quadrant two mangrove species were found, namely R. Apiculata and Sonneratia Alba, with a total of 15 individuals where the average height of Rhizophora Apiculata seedlings was 78cm, while Sonneratia Alba was 25.71cm. Furthermore, in this third quadrant only one species of mangrove Sonneratia Alba was found in the seedling phase. In this quadrant there are 15 mangrove individuals, with an average height value of 28.33 cm, an average value of leaves of 7.8 strands, an average value of 0.27 branches and the last in the fourth quadrant there are four types of mangrove seedlings namely R. Apiculata, R. mucronata, Brugueira Gymnoriza, and Sonneratia Alba. In this quadrant, 30 individual mangrove seedlings were found. Based on these results it can be concluded that from the existing mangrove modulation, obtained four quadrants of mangrove observation. There are several mangrove individuals whose growth is observed, as seen from the height, number of leaves and branches of the mangrove. Then the average mangrove growth is dominated by R. mucronata species. Whereas the highest rate of mangrove growth for 10 months is Brugueira Sp. Keywords: Mangroves, Growt


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    The beach is an area that lies between the ocean and the terrestrial, which is strongly influenced by the tides. The beauty of the beach and the unique biota that live on the beach have long been a tourist attraction. Beaches are generally known as attractive tourist destinations, especially for mass tourism and recreation. However, the use of the beach for tourism purposes must pay attention to the sustainability of resource use, ecosystem balance, and environmental sustainability. Tourism activities carried out in nature, including in coastal areas, must be carried out with due regard to environmental conditions so that resources remain sustainable and balanced, and support the sustainable use of these resources for tourism purposes. Therefore, if a coastal area is to be developed as a destination or tourist spot, it is necessary to assess the suitability of coastal resources whether or not they are suitable for use as environmental services in the tourism sector, or whether certain strategies are required so that coastal resources remain sustainable. The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability of beach tourism for recreation at Lakban Beach, Southeast Minahasa Regency based on the calculation of the Tourism Suitability Index. Data was collected through direct measurements and observations in the field of ten parameters, which include beach type, beach width, depth, beach slope, fresh water availability, water base material, current, brightness, land cover, and dangerous biota. Data is analysed using the Tourism Suitability Index. The results showed that the Suitability of Beach Tourism for Recreation at Lakban Beach is in the Very Suitable category. However, it should be noted that there is some dangerous biota that live in the coastal waters.Keywords : Lakban Beach, Eco marine tourism, sutainaibility ABSTRAKPantai merupakan daerah yang terletak di antara lautan dan daratan yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Keindahan pantai dan keunikan biota yang hidup di pantai sudah lama menjadi daya tarik wisatawan. Pantai umumnya dikenal sebagai tujuan wisata yang menarik, terutama untuk pariwisata dan rekreasi massal. Namun pemanfaatan pantai untuk tujuan wisata harus memperhatikan kelestarian pemanfaatan sumber daya, keseimbangan ekosistem, dan kelestarian lingkungan. Kegiatan kepariwisataan yang dilakukan di alam, termasuk di kawasan pesisir, harus dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan agar sumber daya tetap lestari dan seimbang, serta mendukung pemanfaatan sumber daya tersebut secara berkelanjutan untuk tujuan wisata. Oleh karena itu, jika kawasan pesisir akan dikembangkan sebagai destinasi atau tempat wisata, maka perlu dikaji kesesuaian sumber daya pesisir apakah layak atau tidak untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai jasa lingkungan di sektor pariwisata, atau diperlukan strategi tertentu untuk itu. agar sumber daya pesisir tetap lestari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kesesuaian wisata pantai untuk rekreasi di Pantai Lakban Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara berdasarkan perhitungan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengukuran dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan terhadap sepuluh parameter yang meliputi tipe pantai, lebar pantai, kedalaman, kemiringan pantai, ketersediaan air tawar, material dasar perairan, arus, kecerahan, tutupan lahan, dan biota berbahaya. Data dianalisis menggunakan Indeks Kesesuaian Pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kesesuaian Wisata Pantai Untuk Rekreasi di Pantai Lakban berada pada kategori Sangat Sesuai. Namun perlu diperhatikan bahwa ada beberapa biota berbahaya yang hidup di perairan pesisir.Kata kunci: Pantai Lakban, Kesesuaian Wisata la


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    The research, which was conducted in the Coral and Mangrove Modulation Area, Tateli Campus, Manado State Polytechnic, from January to October 2020, aimed to obtain data on the growth of mangroves in the Coral & Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus. nature and research place for lecturers. Collecting data using a mangrove modulation area of 20 m2 and divided into four quadrants measuring 10 m2. Observations and data collection in this study included measurements of trees, saplings, seedling height, seedling leaves, and seedlings branches. As for Coral Reefs using the observation method. Observation is conducting direct observations in the field to dive and take pictures and measure the growth of corals in that location. Observations were made every month, by measuring the length of the transplanted coral using a ruler to determine coral growth. Furthermore, coral length growth data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. From this research, it can be concluded that the existing mangrove areas and artificial coral areas are identified as very suitable to be used as natural laboratories for learning and research at the Tateli Marine Ecotourism Campus. There were several individual mangroves whose growth was observed, which was seen from the height, number of leaves and mangrove branches. Ecological and oceanographic conditions of mangrove ecosystems are temperature, salinity, pH, depth and brightness which are very good for the suitability of mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs as a natural laboratory because the measurement results show numbers that are still within the quality standard limits according to the Quality Standard of Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004.Keywords: mangrove ecosystem, coral reefs, ecological conditions, growth, natural laboratory, ecotourism Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di Area Modulasi Karang dan Mangrove Kampus Tateli Politeknik Negeri Manado, pada bulan Januari sampai Oktober tahun 2020 ini bertujuan mendapatkan data pertumbuhan mangrove yang berada di Area Modulasi Karang & Mangrove Kampus Tateli kemudian diatur dan dikembangkan untuk menjadi sarana pembelajaran mahasiswa atau sebagai laboratorium alam dan tempat penelitian bagi dosen. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan luasan modulasi mangrove seluas 20 m2 dan dibagi menjadi empat kuadran berukuran 10 m2, Pengamatan dan pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi pengukuran pohon, pancang, tinggi semai, daun semai, dan cabang semai. Sedangkan untuk Terumbu Karang menggunakan metode observasi. Observasi adalah mengadakan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan untuk melakuakan penyelaman dan pengambilan gambar serta mengukur pertumbuhan karang yang ada di lokasi tersebut. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap bulan, dengan cara mengukur panjang karang yang ditransplantasi menggunakan mistar untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan karang. Selanjutnya data pertumbuhan panjang karang dianalisis menggunakan bantuan Microsoft Excel. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa daerah mangrove dan area artificial coral yang ada, teridentifikasi sangat layak untuk dijadikan laboratorium alam untuk pembelajaran dan penelitian di Kampus Ekowisata Laut Tateli. Ada beberapa individu mangrove yang di amati pertumbuhannya, yang dilihat dari tinggi, jumlah daun dan cabang mangrove. Kondisi ekologi dan oseanografi ekosistem mangrove adalah suhu, salinitas, pH, kedalaman dan kecerahan sangat baik untuk kesesuaian lahan ekosistem mangrove dan terumbu karang sebagai laboratorium alam karena hasil pengukuran menunjukkan angka yang masih masuk dalam batas baku mutu sesuai dengan Baku Mutu Kepmen LH No. 51 Tahun 2004. Kata kunci: Ekosistem mangrove, terumbu karang, kondisi ekologis, pertumbuhan, labarotorium alam, ekowisat