173 research outputs found

    Tables of toxicity of botulinum and tetanus neurotoxins

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    Tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins are the most poisonous substances known, so much so as to be considered for a possible terrorist use. At the same time, botulinum neurotoxin type A1 is successfully used to treat a variety of human syndromes characterized by hyperactive cholinergic nerve terminals. The extreme toxicity of these neurotoxins is due to their neurospecificity and to their metalloprotease activity, which results in the deadly paralysis of tetanus and botulism. Recently, many novel botulinum neurotoxins and some botulinum-like toxins have been discovered. This large number of toxins differs in terms of toxicity and biological activity, providing a potential goldmine for novel therapeutics and for new molecular tools to dissect vesicular trafficking, fusion, and exocytosis. The scattered data on toxicity present in the literature require a systematic organization to be usable by scientists and clinicians. We have assembled here the data available in the literature on the toxicity of these toxins in different animal species. The internal comparison of these data provides insights on the biological activity of these toxins

    Botulinum Neurotoxins: Biology, Pharmacology, and Toxicology

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    The study of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) is rapidly progressing in many aspects. Novel BoNTs are being discovered owing to next generation sequencing, but their biologic and pharmacological properties remain largely unknown. The molecular structure of the large protein complexes that the toxin forms with accessory proteins, which are included in some BoNT type A1 and B1 pharmacological preparations, have been determined. By far the largest effort has been dedicated to the testing and validation of BoNTs as therapeutic agents in an ever increasing number of applications, including pain therapy. BoNT type A1 has been also exploited in a variety of cosmetic treatments, alone or in combination with other agents, and this specific market has reached the size of the one dedicated to the treatment of medical syndromes. The pharmacological properties and mode of action of BoNTs have shed light on general principles of neuronal transport and protein-protein interactions and are stimulating basic science studies. Moreover, the wide array of BoNTs discovered and to be discovered and the production of recombinant BoNTs endowed with specific properties suggest novel uses in therapeutics with increasing disease/symptom specifity. These recent developments are reviewed here to provide an updated picture of the biologic mechanism of action of BoNTs, of their increasing use in pharmacology and in cosmetics, and of their toxicology

    Botulinum neurotoxins are zinc proteins.

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    The available amino acid sequences of 150-kDa botulinum and tetanus neurotoxins show the presence of a closely homologous segment in the middle of the light chain (NH2-terminal 50 kDa), which is the intracellularly active portion of the toxin. This segment contains the zinc binding motif of metalloendopeptidases, HEXXH. Atomic adsorption analysis of botulinum neurotoxins (serotypes A, B, and E) made on the basis of this observation demonstrated the presence of one zinc atom/molecule of 150-kDa neurotoxin. Conditions were found for the removal of the zinc ion with chelating agents and for the restoration of the normal metal content. The conserved segment, which includes the zinc binding motif, was synthesized and shown to bind [65Zn]2+. Chemical modification experiments indicated that two histidines and no cysteines are involved in Zn2+ coordination in agreement with a probable catalytic role for the zinc ion. The present findings suggest the possibility that botulinum neurotoxins are zinc proteases

    Botulinum neurotoxin serotype F is a zinc endopeptidase specific for VAMP/synaptobrevin

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    Botulinum neurotoxin serotype F contains the zinc binding motif of zinc endopeptidases. Atomic adsorption analysis of highly purified toxin preparation revealed the presence of one atom of zinc per molecule of toxin, which could be removed with EDTA or o-phenanthroline. The light chain of the neurotoxin was shown to have a zinc-dependent protease activity specific for VAMP/synaptobrevin, an integral membrane protein of synaptic vesicles. Both isoforms of rat VAMP were cleaved at the same site corresponding to the single Gln-Lys peptide bond present in their sequences. This proteolytic activity was inhibited by EDTA, o-phenanthroline, and captopril as well as by VAMP peptides spanning the cleavage site

    Arg206 of SNAP-25 is essential for neuroexocytosis at the Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junction

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    An analysis of SNAP-25 isoform sequences indicates that there is a highly conserved arginine residue (198 in vertebrates, 206 in the genus Drosophila ) within the C-terminal region, which is cleaved by botulinum neurotoxin A, with consequent blockade of neuroexocytosis. The possibility that it may play an important role in the function of the neuroexocytosis machinery was tested at neuromuscular junctions of Drosophila melanogaster larvae expressing SNAP-25 in which Arg206 had been replaced by alanine. Electrophysiological recordings of spontaneous and evoked neurotransmitter release under different conditions as well as testing for the assembly of the SNARE complex indicate that this residue, which is at the P 1 ′ position of the botulinum neurotoxin A cleavage site, plays an essential role in neuroexocytosis. Computer graphic modelling suggests that this arginine residue mediates protein–protein contacts within a rosette of SNARE complexes that assembles to mediate the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic plasma membrane

    Genome Sequence of the Fish Brain Bacterium Clostridium tarantellae

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    Eubacterium tarantellae was originally cultivated from the brain of fish affected by twirling movements. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of E. tarantellae DSM 3997, which consists of 3,982,316\u2009bp. Most protein-coding genes in this strain are similar to genes of Clostridium bacteria, supporting the renaming of E. tarantellae as Clostridium tarantella
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