84 research outputs found

    Symmetries in Connection Preserving Deformations

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    We wish to show that the root lattice of B\"acklund transformations of the qq-analogue of the third and fourth Painlev\'e equations, which is of type (A2+A1)(1)(A_2+ A_1)^{(1)}, may be expressed as a quotient of the lattice of connection preserving deformations. Furthermore, we will show various directions in the lattice of connection preserving deformations present equivalent evolution equations under suitable transformations. These transformations correspond to the Dynkin diagram automorphisms

    The Lattice Structure of Connection Preserving Deformations for q-Painlev\'e Equations I

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    We wish to explore a link between the Lax integrability of the qq-Painlev\'e equations and the symmetries of the qq-Painlev\'e equations. We shall demonstrate that the connection preserving deformations that give rise to the qq-Painlev\'e equations may be thought of as elements of the groups of Schlesinger transformations of their associated linear problems. These groups admit a very natural lattice structure. Each Schlesinger transformation induces a B\"acklund transformation of the qq-Painlev\'e equation. Each translational B\"acklund transformation may be lifted to the level of the associated linear problem, effectively showing that each translational B\"acklund transformation admits a Lax pair. We will demonstrate this framework for the qq-Painlev\'e equations up to and including qq-PVI\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{VI}}

    Construction of a Lax Pair for the E6(1)E_6^{(1)} qq-Painlev\'e System

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    We construct a Lax pair for the E6(1)E^{(1)}_6 qq-Painlev\'e system from first principles by employing the general theory of semi-classical orthogonal polynomial systems characterised by divided-difference operators on discrete, quadratic lattices [arXiv:1204.2328]. Our study treats one special case of such lattices - the qq-linear lattice - through a natural generalisation of the big qq-Jacobi weight. As a by-product of our construction we derive the coupled first-order qq-difference equations for the E6(1)E^{(1)}_6 qq-Painlev\'e system, thus verifying our identification. Finally we establish the correspondences of our result with the Lax pairs given earlier and separately by Sakai and Yamada, through explicit transformations

    Reductions of lattice mKdV to qq-PVI\mathrm{P}_{VI}

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    This Letter presents a reduction of the lattice modified Korteweg-de-Vries equation that gives rise to a qq-analogue of the sixth Painlev\'e equation. This new approach allows us to give the first ultradiscrete Lax representation of an ultradiscrete analogue of the sixth Painlev\'e equation.Comment: 4 page

    A symmetric difference-differential Lax pair for Painlevé VI

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    We present a Lax pair for the sixth Painlevé equation arising as a continuous isomonodromic deformation of a system of linear difference equations with an additional symmetry structure. We call this a symmetric difference-differential Lax pair. We show how the discrete isomonodromic deformations of the associated linear problem gives us a discrete version of the fifth Painlevé equation. By considering degenerations, we obtain symmetric difference-differential Lax pairs for the fifth Painlevé equation and the various degenerate versions of the third Painlevé equation

    Commutation Relations and Discrete Garnier Systems

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    We present four classes of nonlinear systems which may be considered discrete analogues of the Garnier system. These systems arise as discrete isomonodromic deformations of systems of linear difference equations in which the associated Lax matrices are presented in a factored form. A system of discrete isomonodromic deformations is completely determined by commutation relations between the factors. We also reparameterize these systems in terms of the image and kernel vectors at singular points to obtain a separate birational form. A distinguishing feature of this study is the presence of a symmetry condition on the associated linear problems that only appears as a necessary feature of the Lax pairs for the least degenerate discrete Painlevé equations