373 research outputs found

    Caratterizzazione della resistenza a corrosione di leghe ferrose in liquidi ionici a base imidazolo,

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    The possibility to use ionic liquids (ILs) in several industrial applications, from galvanic to electronics, to CO2 capture in combustion processes, requires a deeper understanding of the compatibility of the ILs of major interest with metallic materials that currently compose industrial plants. This work proposes the evaluation of the corrosion behavior of a carbon steel (API 5L X52) and a stainless steel (AISI 316) in presence of methyl imidazolium based ILs. The analysis focuses on the dependence of ILs corrosiveness on their chemical formulation, with particular reference to the anion composition and to the chain length of the imidazolium cation

    Effect of intermittent cathodic protection on potential and corrosion rate of carbon steel in soil simulating solution

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    Carbon steel in aerated soil operates in cathodic protection (CP) condition if the IR-free potential is more negative than –0.850 V CSE, which corresponds to a corrosion rate lower than 0.01 mm·a-1. CP is applied by a stationary current, which effectiveness depends on a thermodynamic effect, which reduces (or stops) corrosion rate, and on a chemical effect due to the alkalinisation at the metal-to-electrolyte interface. The increase of pH is promoted by the cathodic reactions (oxygen reduction and, at lower potential, hydrogen evolution) occurring on the polarized metal and can promote passive condition. In this paper, a preliminary study of intermittent CP has been carried out in order to investigate the effect of a temporary current interruption on potential monitoring and on residual corrosion rate of steel in soil simulating solution. Test has been performed applying two cathodic current densities (0.2 and 1.0 A·m-2), varying the current-off period daily duration (6, 12 and 16 hours) and monitoring weekly the potential. During the on period (i.e. CP on), oxygen is consumed and alkaline pH is established; during the off period (i.e. when CP is interrupted), the alkalinity and the slow oxygen replacement assure corrosion rates lower than in free corrosion condition, especially if high cathodic current density is previously applied

    Surface treatment to improve corrosion resistance of pure titanium

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    The corrosion behavior of pure titanium UNS R50250 and UNS R50400 were investigated and compared with electrochemical behavior of Ti-0.2Pd and Ti-0.3Mo-0.8Ni alloys (UNS R52400 and UNS R53400 respectively). Surface treatments, especially anodic oxidations, were conducted in order to enhance the corrosion resistance of pure titanium up to the corrosion resistance of titanium alloys one. Samples were then tested with potentiodynamic analyses in chloride and fluoride containing solutions, in order to find critical pitting potentials for each condition and treatment. The results show that, despite all anodization treatments increased titanium corrosion resistance to different extents, no treatment was able to increase it up to UNS R52400 level. A suggestion on the best anodization procedure to increase corrosion resistance while maintaining ease of treatment is given based on potentiodynamic test results

    Impianti di ionizzazione Cu-Ag per la di disinfezione delle acque e rischi di corrosione per spostamento

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    The copper and silver ionization system is one of the water sanitation treatments. Effective ionization occurs if the content of copper ions in solution is 0.2-0.4 mg/L and that of silver ions is 0.02-0.04 mg/L. An excess of copper and silver ions can react with other metal surfaces, triggering a deposition reaction, allowing the formation of deposits of more noble metals, and then promoting a localized corrosion phenomenon due to galvanic coupling. In the present paper, two case histories will be presented: one related to a legionella sanitizing plant system of a hospital; the second related to a system of water purification of a vessel on a boat. In both cases, working conditions are illustrated, corrosion morphology is described, focusing on the presence of copper and silver deposits, and the cause of corrosion is presented, estimating a reliable corrosion rate

    Can an intermittent cathodic protection system prevent corrosion of buried pipeline?

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    Carbon steel pipelines are provided with corrosion prevention systems, namely an insulating coating and a cathodic protection (CP) system that reduces corrosion rate below 10 μm/a. CP is applied by a stationary cathodic current, which effectiveness on the metal surface is twofold: oxygen consumption and alkalinization (pH > 10) at the metal-to-electrolyte interface. The increase of pH is beneficial, promoting passive condition. In this paper, a preliminary study of the effect of intermittent CP has been carried out in order to investigate the effect of a temporary current interruption on the potential monitoring and on the residual corrosion of the metal. During the on period, oxygen is consumed and alkaline pH is established, during off period, the alkalinity and the slow oxygen replacement assure corrosion rates lower than in free corrosion condition. Test has been performed both in normal and overprotection condition, varying the off period duration, monitoring weekly the protection potential

    Modellazione molecolare di inibitori organici nel cemento (Molecular modeling of organic inhibitors in concrete)

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    Corrosion inhibitors are largely used to prevent chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The interaction mechanisms with the passive film present on steel still requires deeper understanding. In a previous work [1] based on molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods [2-5] we considered organic inhibitors adsorbed on γ-FeOOH, comparing theoretical results with experimental data [1]. Here we considered the initial interaction with the inhibitor film and chlorides. In particular, the adsorbed tartrate monolayer show the best behavior thanks to the repulsions by the COO- groups exposed to chlorides, more distant from the γ-FeOOH surface, whereas the dimethylethanolamine film doesn’t have the same repulsion. The molecular simulations are a useful tool to better understand the behaviour of inhibitors in presence of chlorides that can start the corrosio

    Hydrogen charging of carbon and low alloy steel by electrochemical methods

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    Atomic hydrogen can be the result of different processes like electroplating, chemical and electrochemical pickling treatments, in welding or by cathodic processes in corrosive fluids. Moreover, adsorption of atomic hydrogen can affect materials in contact with high pressure gaseous hydrogen. Once entered the material, atomic hydrogen interacts with the metal structure and may produce a "damage" of various forms, such as Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), delayed fracture, blistering and hydrogen embrittlement. In particular, when H2S is present ("sour service"), metallic materials, such as carbon and low alloy steels, may suffer hydrogen damage and hydrogen embrittlement. Sour service materials must be used in compliance with international accepted standards, used worldwide in oil and gas activities, when fluids are classified as sour. The present study has been carried out in order to set up an electrochemical method to charge with hydrogen two typical pipeline materials, carbon and low alloy steels. The reason of the use of an electrochemical method is to avoid any critical conditions from the point of view of preparation, safety and disposal. Hydrogen content in the specimens was measured by two different methods: hot glycerol bath and Inert Gas Fusion (IGF) analysis. Hydrogen content in the specimens is about 0.6-2 ppm; mechanical performances were assessed by means of J integral tests: a pronounced decrease of fracture toughness was observed for H charged specimens.{GRAPHIACAL ABSTRACT

    Effetto dell’intermittenza della corrente di protezione nei sistemi di protezione catodica dell’acciaio

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    The paper reports the results of a preliminary research study on the effects of protection current intermittence on the cathodic protection conditions of buried or immersed pipelines. It is well known that cathodic protection has chemical and electrochemical beneficial effects on carbon steel, which do not disappear instantly in correspondence to the current interruption. According to this premise, laboratory tests of intermittent cathodic protection in which the current has been interrupted cyclically were carried out on carbon steel specimens in soil-simulating solution. The effects of the duration of the current-off time, the number of on-off cycles, and of the applied current density have been studied. Potential has been monitored weekly and the residual corrosion rate was calculated by means of a simple electrochemical model

    Organic Inhibitors to Prevent Chloride-Induced Corrosion in Concrete: Atomistic Simulations of Triethylenetetramine-Based Inhibitor Film

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    Inhibitors are largely used to prevent chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete structures thanks to both a barrier effect on chloride penetration and a competition with the adsorption of the inhibitor. The interaction mechanisms between passive film on carbon steel, the inhibitor molecule, and chlorides still require deeper understanding. Theoretical studies based on molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD) methods can be useful to better understand the passive film formation and its interaction with chlorides. In this work, the interaction between a triethylenetetramine (TETA) inhibitor film on γ-FeOOH surface and chlorides is studied using MD methods. After MM optimization in the initial adsorption stage, some chlorides are close to protective TETA film. After MD run at room temperature effectively, chlorides remain close to the protective film. In order to have an effective barrier on chloride attack, the metal oxide must remain wholly covered by the protective film. The TETA film well covers the lepidocrocite surface but cannot kinetically efficiently prevent the chloride-induced corrosion compared to other organic films exposing COO− groups because it does not exert any repulsion to chlorides
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