7,432 research outputs found

    Smart random walkers: the cost of knowing the path

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    In this work we study the problem of targeting signals in networks using entropy information measurements to quantify the cost of targeting. We introduce a penalization rule that imposes a restriction to the long paths and therefore focus the signal to the target. By this scheme we go continuously from fully random walkers to walkers biased to the target. We found that the optimal degree of penalization is mainly determined by the topology of the network. By analyzing several examples, we have found that a small amount of penalization reduces considerably the typical walk length, and from this we conclude that a network can be efficiently navigated with restricted information.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Disorder-induced mechanism for positive exchange bias fields

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    We propose a mechanism to explain the phenomenon of positive exchange bias on magnetic bilayered systems. The mechanism is based on the formation of a domain wall at a disordered interface during field cooling (FC) which induces a symmetry breaking of the antiferromagnet, without relying on any ad hoc assumption about the coupling between the ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) layers. The domain wall is a result of the disorder at the interface between FM and AFM, which reduces the effective anisotropy in the region. We show that the proposed mechanism explains several known experimental facts within a single theoretical framework. This result is supported by Monte Carlo simulations on a microscopic Heisenberg model, by micromagnetic calculations at zero temperature and by mean field analysis of an effective Ising like phenomenological model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Memory and long-range correlations in chess games

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    In this paper we report the existence of long-range memory in the opening moves of a chronologically ordered set of chess games using an extensive chess database. We used two mapping rules to build discrete time series and analyzed them using two methods for detecting long-range correlations; rescaled range analysis and detrented fluctuation analysis. We found that long-range memory is related to the level of the players. When the database is filtered according to player levels we found differences in the persistence of the different subsets. For high level players, correlations are stronger at long time scales; whereas in intermediate and low level players they reach the maximum value at shorter time scales. This can be interpreted as a signature of the different strategies used by players with different levels of expertise. These results are robust against the assignation rules and the method employed in the analysis of the time series.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Published in Physica

    Model Order Selection Rules For Covariance Structure Classification

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    The adaptive classification of the interference covariance matrix structure for radar signal processing applications is addressed in this paper. This represents a key issue because many detection architectures are synthesized assuming a specific covariance structure which may not necessarily coincide with the actual one due to the joint action of the system and environment uncertainties. The considered classification problem is cast in terms of a multiple hypotheses test with some nested alternatives and the theory of Model Order Selection (MOS) is exploited to devise suitable decision rules. Several MOS techniques, such as the Akaike, Takeuchi, and Bayesian information criteria are adopted and the corresponding merits and drawbacks are discussed. At the analysis stage, illustrating examples for the probability of correct model selection are presented showing the effectiveness of the proposed rules

    A study of memory effects in a chess database

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    A series of recent works studying a database of chronologically sorted chess games --containing 1.4 million games played by humans between 1998 and 2007-- have shown that the popularity distribution of chess game-lines follows a Zipf's law, and that time series inferred from the sequences of those game-lines exhibit long-range memory effects. The presence of Zipf's law together with long-range memory effects was observed in several systems, however, the simultaneous emergence of these two phenomena were always studied separately up to now. In this work, by making use of a variant of the Yule-Simon preferential growth model, introduced by Cattuto et al., we provide an explanation for the simultaneous emergence of Zipf's law and long-range correlations memory effects in a chess database. We find that Cattuto's Model (CM) is able to reproduce both, Zipf's law and the long-range correlations, including size-dependent scaling of the Hurst exponent for the corresponding time series. CM allows an explanation for the simultaneous emergence of these two phenomena via a preferential growth dynamics, including a memory kernel, in the popularity distribution of chess game-lines. This mechanism results in an aging process in the chess game-line choice as the database grows. Moreover, we find burstiness in the activity of subsets of the most active players, although the aggregated activity of the pool of players displays inter-event times without burstiness. We show that CM is not able to produce time series with bursty behavior providing evidence that burstiness is not required for the explanation of the long-range correlation effects in the chess database.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Radio polarization maps of shell-type SNRs II. Sedov models with evolution of turbulent magnetic field

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    Polarized radio emission has been mapped with great detail in several Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs), but has not yet been exploited to the extent it deserves. We have developed a method to model maps of the Stokes parameters for shell-like SNRs during their Sedov evolution phase. At first, 3-dimensional structure of a SNR has been computed, by modeling the distribution of the magnetohydrodynamic parameters and of the accelerated particles. The generation and dissipation of the turbulent component of magnetic field everywhere in SNR are also considered taking into account its interaction with accelerated particles. Then, in order to model the emission, we have used a generalization of the classical synchrotron theory, valid for the case in which the magnetic field has ordered and disordered components. Finally, 2-dimensional projected maps have been derived, for different orientations of SNR and of interstellar magnetic field with respect to the observer. An important effect to consider is the Faraday rotation of the polarization planes inside the SNR interior. In this paper we present details of the model, and describe general properties of the images.Comment: accepted in MNRA

    Innovation and Nested Preferential Growth in Chess Playing Behavior

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    Complexity develops via the incorporation of innovative properties. Chess is one of the most complex strategy games, where expert contenders exercise decision making by imitating old games or introducing innovations. In this work, we study innovation in chess by analyzing how different move sequences are played at the population level. It is found that the probability of exploring a new or innovative move decreases as a power law with the frequency of the preceding move sequence. Chess players also exploit already known move sequences according to their frequencies, following a preferential growth mechanism. Furthermore, innovation in chess exhibits Heaps' law suggesting similarities with the process of vocabulary growth. We propose a robust generative mechanism based on nested Yule-Simon preferential growth processes that reproduces the empirical observations. These results, supporting the self-similar nature of innovations in chess are important in the context of decision making in a competitive scenario, and extend the scope of relevant findings recently discovered regarding the emergence of Zipf's law in chess.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters (EPL