24 research outputs found

    Different Observational Methods and the Detection of Seasonal and Atlantic Influence Upon Phytoplankton Communities in the Western Barents Sea

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    Phytoplankton community composition, and its dependency on environmental variation, are key to understanding marine primary production, processes of trophic transfer and the role of marine phytoplankton in global biogeochemical cycles. Understanding changes in phytoplankton community composition on Arctic shelves is important, because these productive environments are experiencing rapid change. Many different methods have been employed by researchers to quantify phytoplankton community composition. Previous studies have demonstrated that the way in which community composition is quantified can influence the interpretation of environmental dependencies. Researchers must consider both the suitability of the data they collect for monitoring marine ecosystems, as well as the research effort required to collect representative datasets. We therefore seek to understand how the representation of phytoplankton community structure in the western Barents Sea, a rapidly changing Arctic shelf sea, influences the interpretation of environmental dependencies. We compare datasets of cell counts, phytoplankton pigments and bio-optics (absorption spectra), relating them to a suite of environmental conditions with multivariate exploratory analyses. We show that, while cell counts reveal the greatest insight into environmental dependencies, pigment and absorption spectral datasets still provide useful information about seasonal succession and the influence of Atlantic water masses– two key subjects of great research interest in this region. As pigments and optical properties influence remotely-sensed ocean-colour, these findings hold implications for remote detection of phytoplankton community composition

    EDGE: The origin of scatter in ultra-faint dwarf stellar masses and surface brightnesses

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    We demonstrate how the least luminous galaxies in the Universe, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, are sensitive to their dynamical mass at the time of cosmic reionization. We select a low-mass (∼1.5×109 M⊙\sim \text{1.5} \times 10^{9} \, \text{M}_{\odot}) dark matter halo from a cosmological volume, and perform zoom hydrodynamical simulations with multiple alternative histories using "genetically modified" initial conditions. Earlier forming ultra-faints have higher stellar mass today, due to a longer period of star formation before their quenching by reionization. Our histories all converge to the same final dynamical mass, demonstrating the existence of extended scatter (≥\geq 1 dex) in stellar masses at fixed halo mass due to the diversity of possible histories. One of our variants builds less than 2 % of its final dynamical mass before reionization, rapidly quenching in-situ star formation. The bulk of its final stellar mass is later grown by dry mergers, depositing stars in the galaxy's outskirts and hence expanding its effective radius. This mechanism constitutes a new formation scenario for highly diffuse (r1/2∼820 pc\text{r}_{1 /2} \sim 820 \, \text{pc}, ∼32 mag arcsec2\sim 32 \, \text{mag arcsec}^2), metal-poor ([Fe /H]=−2.9\big[ \mathrm{Fe}\, / \mathrm{H} \big]= -2.9), ultra-faint (MV=−5.7\mathcal{M}_V= -5.7) dwarf galaxies within the reach of next-generation low surface brightness surveys.Comment: Minor edits to match the published ApJL version. Results unchange

    EDGE: The shape of dark matter haloes in the faintest galaxies

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    Collisionless Dark Matter Only (DMO) structure formation simulations predict that Dark Matter (DM) haloes are prolate in their centres and triaxial towards their outskirts. The addition of gas condensation transforms the central DM shape to be rounder and more oblate. It is not clear, however, whether such shape transformations occur in `ultra-faint' dwarfs, which have extremely low baryon fractions. We present the first study of the shape and velocity anisotropy of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies that have gas mass fractions of fgas(r<Rhalf)<0.06f_{\rm gas}(r<R_{\rm half}) < 0.06. These dwarfs are drawn from the Engineering Dwarfs at Galaxy formation's Edge (EDGE) project, using high resolution simulations that allow us to resolve DM halo shapes within the half light radius (∼100 \sim 100\,pc). We show that gas-poor ultra-faints (M200c⩽1.5×109 M_{\rm 200c} \leqslant 1.5\times10^9\,M⊙_\odot; fgas<10−5f_{\rm gas} < 10^{-5}) retain their pristine prolate DM halo shape even when gas, star formation and feedback are included. This could provide a new and robust test of DM models. By contrast, gas-rich ultra-faints (M200c>3×109 M_{\rm 200c} > 3\times10^9\,M⊙_\odot; fgas>10−4f_{\rm gas} > 10^{-4}) become rounder and more oblate within ∼10\sim 10 half light radii. Finally, we find that most of our simulated dwarfs have significant radial velocity anisotropy that rises to β~>0.5\tilde{\beta} > 0.5 at R≳3RhalfR \gtrsim 3 R_{\rm half}. The one exception is a dwarf that forms a rotating gas/stellar disc because of a planar, major merger. Such strong anisotropy should be taken into account when building mass models of gas-poor ultra-faints.Comment: 16 pages and 11 figures (excluding appendices), accepted by MNRA

    EDGE: the puzzling ellipticity of Eridanus II's star cluster and its implications for dark matter at the heart of an ultra-faint dwarf

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    The Eridanus II (EriII) 'ultra-faint' dwarf has a large (15 pc15\,\text{pc}) and low mass (4.3×103 M⊙4.3\times10^3\,\text{M}_\odot) star cluster (SC) offset from its centre by 23±3 pc23\pm3\,\text{pc} in projection. Its size and offset are naturally explained if EriII has a central dark matter core, but such a core may be challenging to explain in a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. In this paper, we revisit the survival and evolution of EriII's SC, focussing for the first time on its puzzlingly large ellipticity (0.31−0.06+0.050.31^{+0.05}_{-0.06}). We perform a suite of 960 direct NN-body simulations of SCs, orbiting within a range of spherical background potentials fit to ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxy simulations. We find only two scenarios that come close to explaining EriII's SC. In the first, EriII has a low density dark matter core (of size ∼70 pc\sim70\,\text{pc} and density ≲2×108 M⊙ kpc−3\lesssim2\times10^8\,\text{M}_{\odot}\,\text{kpc}^{-3}). In this model, the high ellipticity of EriII's SC is set at birth, with the lack of tidal forces in the core allowing its ellipticity to remain frozen in for long times. In the second, EriII's SC orbits in a partial core, with its high ellipticity owing to its imminent tidal destruction. However, this latter model struggles to reproduce the large size of EriII's SC, and it predicts substantial tidal tails around EriII's SC that should have already been seen in the data. This leads us to favour the cored model. We discuss potential caveats to these findings, and the implications of the cored model for galaxy formation and the nature of dark matter.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures + appendices. Published with MNRAS. Comments welcom

    EDGE -- Dark matter or astrophysics? Clear prospects to break dark matter heating degeneracies with HI rotation in faint dwarf galaxies

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    Low-mass dwarf galaxies are expected to showcase pristine `cuspy' inner dark matter density profiles compared to their stellar sizes, as they form too few stars to significantly drive dark matter heating through supernovae-driven outflows. Here, we study such simulated faint systems (104≤M⋆≤2×106 M⊙10^4 \leq M_{\star} \leq 2\times 10^6 \, M_\mathrm{\odot}) drawn from high-resolution (3 pc) cosmological simulations from the `Engineering Dwarf Galaxies at the Edge of galaxy formation' (EDGE) project. We confirm that these objects have steep and rising inner dark matter density profiles at z=0z=0, little affected by galaxy formation effects. But five dwarf galaxies from the suite showcase a detectable HI reservoir (MHI≈105−106 M⊙M_{\mathrm{HI}}\approx 10^{5}-10^{6} \, M_\mathrm{\odot}), analogous to the observed population of faint, HI-bearing dwarf galaxies. These reservoirs exhibit episodes of ordered rotation, opening windows for rotation curve analysis. Within actively star-forming dwarfs, stellar feedback easily disrupts the tenuous HI discs (vϕ≈10 km s−1v_{\phi} \approx 10\, \mathrm{km} \, \mathrm{s}^{-1}), making rotation short-lived (≪150 Myr\ll 150 \, \mathrm{Myr}) and more challenging to interpret for dark matter inferences. Contrastingly, we highlight a long-lived (≥500 Myr\geq 500 \, \mathrm{Myr}) and easy-to-interpret HI rotation curve extending to ≈2 r1/2,3D\approx 2\, r_{1/2, \text{3D}} in a quiescent dwarf, that has not formed new stars since z=4z=4. This stable gas disc is supported by an oblate dark matter halo shape that drives high angular momentum gas flows. Our results strongly motivate further searches for HI rotation curves in the observed population of HI-bearing low-mass dwarfs, that provide a key regime to disentangle the respective roles of dark matter microphysics and galaxy formation effects in driving dark matter heating.Comment: Main text 10 pages, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

    EDGE: The direct link between mass growth history and the extended stellar haloes of the faintest dwarf galaxies

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    Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are commonly found in close proximity to the Milky Way and other massive spiral galaxies. As such, their projected stellar ellipticity and extended light distributions are often thought to owe to tidal forces. In this paper, we study the projected stellar ellipticities and faint stellar outskirts of tidally isolated ultra-faints drawn from the 'Engineering Dwarfs at Galaxy Formation's Edge' (EDGE) cosmological simulation suite. Despite their tidal isolation, our simulated dwarfs exhibit a wide range of projected ellipticities (0.03<ε<0.850.03 < \varepsilon < 0.85), with many possessing anisotropic extended stellar haloes that mimic tidal tails, but owe instead to late-time accretion of lower mass companions. Furthermore, we find a strong causal relationship between ellipticity and formation time of an UFD, which is robust to a wide variation in the feedback model. We show that the distribution of projected ellipticities in our suite of simulated EDGE dwarfs matches well with that of 21 Local Group dwarf galaxies. Given the ellipticity in EDGE arises from an ex-situ accretion origin, the agreement in shape indicates the ellipticities of some observed dwarfs may also originate from a similar non-tidal scenario. The orbital parameters of these observed dwarfs further support that they are not currently tidally disrupting. If the baryonic content in these galaxies is still tidally intact, then the same may be true for their dark matter content, making these galaxies in our Local Group pristine laboratories for testing dark matter and galaxy formation models.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; submitted to MNRA

    EDGE: The direct link between mass growth history and the extended stellar haloes of the faintest dwarf galaxies

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    Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are commonly found in close proximity to the Milky Way and other massive spiral galaxies. As such, their projected stellar ellipticity and extended light distributions are often thought to owe to tidal forces. In this paper, we study the projected stellar ellipticities and faint stellar outskirts of tidally isolated ultra-faints drawn from the ‘Engineering Dwarfs at Galaxy Formation’s Edge’ (EDGE) cosmological simulation suite. Despite their tidal isolation, our simulated dwarfs exhibit a wide range of projected ellipticities (0.03 &amp;lt; ε &amp;lt; 0.85), with many possessing anisotropic extended stellar haloes that mimic tidal tails, but owe instead to late-time accretion of lower mass companions. Furthermore, we find a strong causal relationship between ellipticity and formation time of a UFD, which is robust to a wide variation in the feedback model. We show that the distribution of projected ellipticities in our suite of simulated EDGE dwarfs matches well with a sample of 19 Local Group dwarf galaxies and a sample of 11 isolated dwarf galaxies. Given ellipticity in EDGE arises from an ex-situ accretion origin, the agreement in shape indicates the ellipticities of some observed dwarfs may also originate from a non-tidal scenario. The orbital parameters of these observed dwarfs further support that they are not currently tidally disrupting. If the baryonic content in these galaxies is still tidally intact, then the same may be true for their dark matter content, making these galaxies in our Local Group pristine laboratories for testing dark matter and galaxy formation models

    EDGE: the mass–metallicity relation as a critical test of galaxy formation physics

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    We introduce the ‘Engineering Dwarfs at Galaxy Formation’s Edge’ (EDGE) project to study the cosmological formation and evolution of the smallest galaxies in the Universe. In this first paper, we explore the effects of resolution and sub-grid physics on a single low-mass halo (Mhalo=109 M⊙M_{\rm halo}=10^{9}{\, \rm M}_\odot), simulated to redshift z = 0 at a mass and spatial resolution of ∼20 M⊙\sim 20{\, \rm M}_\odot and ∼3 pc. We consider different star formation prescriptions, supernova feedback strengths, and on-the-fly radiative transfer (RT). We show that RT changes the mode of galactic self-regulation at this halo mass, suppressing star formation by causing the interstellar and circumgalactic gas to remain predominantly warm (∼104 K) even before cosmic reionization. By contrast, without RT, star formation regulation occurs only through starbursts and their associated vigorous galactic outflows. In spite of this difference, the entire simulation suite (with the exception of models without any feedback) matches observed dwarf galaxy sizes, velocity dispersions, V-band magnitudes, and dynamical mass-to-light-ratios. This is because such structural scaling relations are predominantly set by the host dark matter halo, with the remaining model-to-model variation being smaller than the observational scatter. We find that only the stellar mass–metallicity relation differentiates the galaxy formation models. Explosive feedback ejects more metals from the dwarf, leading to a lower metallicity at a fixed stellar mass. We conclude that the stellar mass–metallicity relation of the very smallest galaxies provides a unique constraint on galaxy formation physics