5 research outputs found

    Efecto de un fungicida en el rendimiento y calidad de la cebada.

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    En el Centro de Investigaciones Tibaitatá, se realizan ensayos comerciales con fungicidas en cebada. Se llevaron a cabo en un lote fertilizado con 250 kg/ha de abono 10-30-10. La densidad de siembra fué de 70 kg/ha, se hicieron 9 aplicaciones con Maneb en la dosis de 4.2 kg/ha. Las aplicaciones fueron hechas después de 15 milímetros de lluvia acumulada. Se utilizaron las variedades 124, Bochica y Funza. Estas variedades produjeron 25, 33 y 40 por ciento más respectivamente que sus correspondientes testigos. La clasificación comercial también se aumentó en 3, 12 y 24 por ciento respectivamente. La calidad maltera de estas variedades fue modificada sin llegar a considerarse demasiado apartada de los límites permitidos para cada factor. Así los datos del peso de 1000 gramos, el extracto fino y la alfa amilasa estuvieron favorecidos por tratamientos con fungicida, según el análisis de varianza la respuesta fue altamente significativa. La utilidad líquida una vez deducido el precio del fungicida y los costos de aplicación fué de 8.1 por ciento para la variedad 124, 17.4 por ciento para Bochica y 22 por ciento para Funza. Estos mismos porcentajes o algo más pierden los agricultores debido al ataque de los hongos en las variedades comercialesCebada-Hordeum vulgar

    Estudios fisiológicos del Puccinia pittieriana Henn., causante de la roya de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.).

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    Se realizaron ensayos para conocer varios aspectos de la fisiología de este patógeno y la reacción de varios tipos de Solanum en presencia del mismo. En el Laboratorio se llevaron a cabo experimentos para conocer la germinación de las teleutosporas y el efecto de la temperatura sobre ella, se determinó el método más apropiado para la inoculación artificial del patógeno y la influencia de la humedad sobre el período de incubación, para conocer la capacidad infectiva del patógeno se inocularon variedades de papa, tomate y algunas solanáceas silvestres. Se encontró que las teleutosporas germinaron entre 4 y 24 grados centigrados, con una óptima germinación entre 8 y 12 grados centigrados, después de 3 horas producen basidiosporas hialinas y ovoides, que son las responsables de nuevas infecciones. Las teleutosporas inoculadas por aspersión, seguidas por períodos de 12 a 14 horas en cámara húmeda, aseguran buenas infecciones, observándose los síntomas entre los 11 y 14 días. 14 variedades silvestres de papa presentaron la enfermedad, al igual que todas las de tomate. Bajo condiciones de invernadero se encontraron dos nuevos hospedantes: el llorón (Solanum caripense) y la hierbamora (Solanum nigrum-americanum)Papa-Solanum tuberosu

    Incidence of cancer in children residing in ten jurisdictions of the Mexican Republic: importance of the Cancer registry (a population-based study)

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    BACKGROUND: In 1996, Mexico started to register cases of childhood cancer. Here, we describe the incidence of cancer in children, residing in ten Mexican jurisdictions, who were treated by the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). METHODS: New cases of childhood cancer, which were registered prospectively in nine principal Medical Centers of IMSS during the periods 1998–2000 (five jurisdictions) and 1996–2002 (five jurisdictions), were analyzed. Personnel were specifically trained to register, capture, and encode information. For each of these jurisdictions, the frequency, average annual age-standardized incidence (AAS) and average annual incidence per period by sex and, age, were calculated (rates per 1,000,000 children/years). RESULTS: In total 2,615 new cases of cancer were registered, with the male/female ratio generally >1, but in some tumors there were more cases in females (retinoblastoma, germ cells tumors). The principal groups of neoplasms in seven jurisdictions were leukemias, central nervous system tumors (CNS tumors), and lymphomas, and the combined frequency for these three groups was 62.6 to 77.2%. Most frequently found (five jurisdictions) was the North American-European pattern (leukemias-CNS tumors-lymphomas). Eight jurisdictions had AAS within the range reported in the world literature. The highest incidence was found for children underless than five year of age. In eight jurisdictions, leukemia had high incidence (>50). The AAS of lymphomas was between 1.9 to 28.6. Chiapas and Guerrero had the highest AAS of CNS tumors (31.9 and 30.3, respectively). The frequency and incidence of neuroblastoma was low. Chiapas had the highest incidence of retinoblastoma (21.8). Germ-cell tumors had high incidence. CONCLUSION: The North American-European pattern of cancers was the principal one found; the overall incidence was within the range reported worldwide. In general but particularly in two jurisdictions (Yucatán and Chiapas), it will be necessary to carry out studies concerning the causes of cancer in children. Due to the little that is known about the incidence of cancer in Mexican children, it will be necessary to develop a national program to establish a cancer registry for the whole of the country


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    The use of different materials for the retention of different types of molecules is well known. However, currently there is a need to use materials of natural origin given their characteristics such as being renewable, economical and friendly to the environment. The objective of this study was to reduce the content of phenolic compounds in wastewater from coffee processing wastewater. To achieve this, the percentage of retention of the phenolic compounds was evaluated on the vegetable sponge, Luffa cylindrica as adsorbent material. The influence of pH, particle size and contact time under experimental design was evaluated in a 23 model. A total phenol retention percentage of 97,8% at pH 7,0 particle size 850μm and 2 h exposure was achieved. The kinetic behaviour corresponds to a pseudo second order model, and the adsorption of the phenolic compounds-Luffa cylindrica is represented by the Freundlich isotherm. Additionally; it was possible to reduce the value of other pollution parameters such as COD and turbidity. Therefore; treatment with L. cylindrica is a valuable alternative for the treatment of water from the processing of coffeeEl uso de distintos materiales para la retención de diferentes tipos de moléculas es ampliamente conocido. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, ha surgido la necesidad de usar materiales de origen natural dadas sus características intrínsecas como ser renovables, económicas y amigables con el medio ambiente. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo disminuir el contenido de compuestos fenólicos en aguas residuales del beneficio del café. Para esto, se determinó el porcentaje de retención de dichos compuestos en Luffa cylindrica (estropajo) como material adsorbente. Se evaluó la influencia del pH, tamaño de partícula y tiempo de contacto bajo diseño experimental 23. Se logró un porcentaje de retención de fenoles totales de 97,8% a pH 7,0, tamaño de partícula 850 μm y 2 h de exposición. El comportamiento cinético obtenido corresponde a un modelo de pseudo segundo orden y la adsorción de compuestos fenólicos totales por L. cylindrica está representado por la isoterma de Freundlich. Adicionalmente, se logró disminuir el valor de otros índices de contaminación como DQO y turbidez, por tanto, el tratamiento con L. cylindrica se constituye en una valiosa alternativa para el tratamiento de aguas provenientes del beneficio del café.É bem conhecida a utilização de diferentes materiais para a retenção de diferentes tipos de moléculas. Porém, atualmente existe a necessidade de utilização de materiais de origem natural devido às suas características como serem renováveis, econômicos e amigáveis ​​ao meio ambiente. Este estudo teve como objetivo diminuir o conteúdo de compostos fenólicos nas águas residuais da fábrica de café. Para isso, foi determinada a porcentagem de retenção dos referidos compostos no esfregão Luffa cylindrica como material adsorvente. A influência do pH, tamanho das partículas e tempo de contato foi avaliada sob o delineamento experimental 23. Uma porcentagem total de retenção de fenol de 97,8% foi alcançada em pH 7,0, tamanho de partícula 850μm e 2 h de exposição. O comportamento cinético obtido corresponde a um modelo de pseudo-segunda ordem e a adsorção de compostos fenólicos totais por L. cylindrica é representada pela isoterma de Freundlich. Além disso, foi possível diminuir o valor de outros parâmetros de contaminação como DQO e turbidez, portanto, o tratamento com L. cylindrica constitui uma alternativa valiosa para o tratamento de águas em benefício do caf

    Recommendations of the Colombian consensus committee for the management of traumatic brain injury in prehospital, emergency department, surgery, and intensive care (beyond one option for treatment of traumatic brain injury: a stratified protocol [BOOTSTRAP])

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global public health problem. In Colombia, it is estimated that 70% of deaths from violence and 90% of deaths from road traffic accidents are TBI related. In the year 2014, the Ministry of Health of Colombia funded the development of a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with severe TBI. A critical barrier to the widespread implementation was identified—that is, the lack of a specific protocol that spans various levels of resources and complexity across the four treatment phases. The objective of this article is to present the process and recommendations for the management of patients with TBI in various resource environments, across the treatment phases of prehospital care, emergency department (ED), surgery, and intensive care unit. Using the Delphi methodology, a consensus of 20 experts in emergency medicine, neurosurgery, prehospital care, and intensive care nationwide developed recommendations based on 13 questions for the management of patients with TBI in Colombia. It is estimated that 80% of the global population live in developing economies where access to resources required for optimum treatment is limited. There is limitation for applications of CPGs recommendations in areas where there is low availability or absence of resources for integral care. Development of mixed methods consensus, including evidence review and expertise points of good clinical practices can fill gaps in application of CPGs. BOOTStraP (Beyond One Option for Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Stratified Protocol) is intended to be a practical handbook for care providers to use to treat TBI patients with whatever resources are available. Stratification of recommendations for interventions according to the availability of the resources on different stages of integral care is a proposed method for filling gaps in actual evidence, to organize a better strategy for interventions in different real-life scenarios. We develop 10 algorithms of management for building TBI protocols based on expert consensus to articulate treatment options in prehospital care, EDs, neurological surgery, and intensive care, independent of the level of availability of resources for care