23 research outputs found

    First-passage distributions for the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation

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    We present an analytical framework to study the first-passage (FP) and first-return (FR) distributions for the broad family of models described by the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation in finite domains, identifying general properties of these distributions for different classes of models. When in the Fokker-Planck equation the diffusion coefficient is positive (nonzero) and the drift term is bounded, as in the case of a Brownian walker, both distributions may exhibit a power-law decay with exponent -3/2 for intermediate times. We discuss how the influence of an absorbing state changes this exponent. The absorbing state is characterized by a vanishing diffusion coefficient and/or a diverging drift term. Remarkably, the exponent of the Brownian walker class of models is still found, as long as the departure and arrival regions are far enough from the absorbing state, but the range of times where the power law is observed narrows. Close enough to the absorbing point, though, a new exponent may appear. The particular value of the exponent depends on the behavior of the diffusion and the drift terms of the Fokker-Planck equation. We focus on the case of a diffusion term vanishing linearly at the absorbing point. In this case, the FP and FR distributions are similar to those of the voter model, characterized by a power law with exponent -2. As an illustration of the general theory, we compare it with exact analytical solutions and extensive numerical simulations of a two-parameter voter-like family models. We study the behavior of the FP and FR distributions by tuning the importance of the absorbing points throughout changes of the parameters. Finally, the possibility of inferring relevant information about the steady-sate probability distribution of a model from the FP and FR distributions is addressed.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Abrupt transition due to non-local cascade propagation in multiplex systems

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    Multilayer systems are coupled networks characterized by different contexts (layers) of interaction and have gained much attention recently due to their suitability to describe a broad spectrum of empirical complex systems. They are very fragile to percolation and first-neighbor failure propagation, but little is known about how they respond to non-local disruptions, as it occurs in failures induced by flow redistribution, for example. Acknowledging that many socio-technical and biological systems sustain a flow of some physical quantity, such as energy or information, across the their components, it becomes crucial to understand when the flow redistribution can cause global cascades of failures in order to design robust systems,to increase their resilience or to learn how to efficiently dismantle them. In this paper we study the impact that different multiplex topological features have on the robustness of the system when subjected to non-local cascade propagation. We first numerically demonstrate that this dynamics has a critical value at which a small initial perturbation effectively dismantles the entire network, and that the transition appears abruptly. Then we identify that the excess of flow caused by a failure is, in general, more homogeneously distributed the networks in which the average distance between nodes is small.Using this information we find that aggregated versions of multiplex networks tend to overestimate robustness, even though to make the system more robust can be achieved by increasing the number of layers. Our predictions are confirmed by simulated cascading failures in areal multilayer system

    Efficient network exploration by means of resetting self-avoiding random walkers

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    The self-avoiding random walk (SARW) is a stochastic process whose state variable avoids returning to previously visited states. This non-Markovian feature has turned SARWs a powerful tool for modelling a plethora of relevant aspects in network science, such as network navigability, robustness and resilience. We analytically characterize self-avoiding random walkers that evolve on complex networks and whose memory suffers stochastic resetting, that is, at each step, with a certain probability, they forget their previous trajectory and start free diffusion anew. Several out-of-equilibrium properties are addressed, such as the time-dependent position of the walker, the time-dependent degree distribution of the non-visited network and the first-passage time distribution, and its moments, to target nodes. We examine these metrics for different resetting parameters and network topologies, both synthetic and empirical, and find a good agreement with simulations in all cases. We also explore the role of resetting on network exploration and report a non-monotonic behavior of the cover time: frequent memory resets induce a global minimum in the cover time, significantly outperforming the well-known case of the pure random walk, while reset events that are too spaced apart become detrimental for the network discovery. Our results provide new insights into the profound interplay between topology and dynamics in complex networks, and shed light on the fundamental properties of SARWs in nontrivial environments.Comment: 10 pages & 3 figures; Supp. Mat.: 11 pages & 15 figure

    Joint effect of ageing and multilayer structure prevents ordering in the voter model

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    The voter model rules are simple, with agents copying the state of a random neighbor, but they lead to non-trivial dynamics. Besides opinion processes, the model has also applications for catalysis and species competition. Inspired by the temporal inhomogeneities found in human interactions, one can introduce ageing in the agents: the probability to update decreases with the time elapsed since the last change. This modified dynamics induces an approach to consensus via coarsening in complex networks. Additionally, multilayer networks produce profound changes in the dynamics of models. In this work, we investigate how a multilayer structure affects the dynamics of an ageing voter model. The system is studied as a function of the fraction of nodes sharing states across layers (multiplexity parameter q ). We find that the dynamics of the system suffers a notable change at an intermediate value q*. Above it, the voter model always orders to an absorbing configuration. While, below, a fraction of the realizations falls into dynamical traps associated to a spontaneous symmetry breaking in which the majority opinion in the different layers takes opposite signs and that due to the ageing indefinitely delay the arrival at the absorbing state.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Non-Markovian random walks characterize network robustness to nonlocal cascades

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    Localized perturbations in a real-world network have the potential to trigger cascade failures at the whole system level, hindering its operations and functions. Standard approaches analytically tackling this problem are mostly based either on static descriptions, such as percolation, or on models where the failure evolves through first-neighbor connections, crucially failing to capture the nonlocal behavior typical of real cascades. We introduce a dynamical model that maps the failure propagation across the network to a self-avoiding random walk that, at each step, has a probability to perform nonlocal jumps toward operational systems' units. Despite the inherent non-Markovian nature of the process, we are able to characterize the critical behavior of the system out of equilibrium, as well as the stopping time distribution of the cascades. Our numerical experiments on synthetic and empirical biological and transportation networks are in excellent agreement with theoretical expectation, demonstrating the ability of our framework to quantify the vulnerability to nonlocal cascade failures of complex systems with interconnected structure

    Interplay between exogenous triggers and endogenous behavioral changes in contagion processes on social networks

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    In recent years, statistical physics' methodologies have proven extremely successful in offering insights into the mechanisms that govern social interactions. However, the question of whether these models are able to capture trends observed in real-world datasets is hardly addressed in the current literature. With this work we aim at bridging the gap between theoretical modeling and validation with data. In particular, we propose a model for opinion dynamics on a social network in the presence of external triggers, framing the interpretation of the model in the context of misbehavior spreading. We divide our population in aware, unaware and zealot/educated agents. Individuals change their status according to two competing dynamics, referred to as behavioral dynamics and broadcasting. The former accounts for information spreading through contact among individuals whereas broadcasting plays the role of an external agent, modeling the effect of mainstream media outlets. Through both simulations and analytical computations we find that the stationary distribution of the fraction of unaware agents in the system undergoes a phase transition when an all-to-all approximation is considered. Surprisingly, such a phase transition disappears in the presence of a minimum fraction of educated agents. Finally, we validate our model using data collected from the public discussion on Twitter, including millions of posts, about the potential adverse effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19. We show that the intervention of external agents, as accounted for in our model, is able to reproduce some key features that are found in this real-world dataset

    Effectiveness of dismantling strategies on moderated vs. unmoderated online social platforms

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    Online social networks are the perfect test bed to better understand large-scale human behavior in interacting contexts. Although they are broadly used and studied, little is known about how their terms of service and posting rules affect the way users interact and information spreads. Acknowledging the relation between network connectivity and functionality, we compare the robustness of two different online social platforms, Twitter and Gab, with respect to dismantling strategies based on the recursive censor of users characterized by social prominence (degree) or intensity of inflammatory content (sentiment). We find that the moderated (Twitter) vs unmoderated (Gab) character of the network is not a discriminating factor for intervention effectiveness. We find, however, that more complex strategies based upon the combination of topological and content features may be effective for network dismantling. Our results provide useful indications to design better strategies for countervailing the production and dissemination of anti-social content in online social platforms

    Aging-induced continuous phase transition

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    Aging is considered as the property of the elements of a system to be less prone to change states as they get older. We incorporate aging into the noisy voter model, a stochastic model in which the agents modify their binary state by means of noise and pair-wise interactions. Interestingly, due to aging the system passes from a finite-size discontinuous transition between ordered (ferromagnetic) and disordered (paramagnetic) phases to a second order phase transition, well defined in the thermodynamic limit, belonging to the Ising universality class. We characterize it analytically by finding the stationary solution of an infinite set of mean field equations. The theoretical predictions are tested with extensive numerical simulations in low dimensional lattices and complex networks. We finally employ the aging properties to understand the symmetries broken in the phase transition.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

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    Master’s degree in Physics of Complex Systems at the Iniversitat de les Illes Balears, academin year 2013-2014.Last years have witnessed fast and fruitful advances in the knowledge of human dynamics. It has had two main and parallel contributions. On the one hand, theoretical modeling using tools from Statistical Physics have been important in an area of knowledge studied mostly by social scientists. On the other hand, with the development and improving of computers and their softwares, it has been possible to collect and to process big amounts of data, having empirical results to prove or to reject the existing theories, and even to nd new and unexpected behaviors. In this master thesis we analyse a database containing information of Twitter users. We focus our attention on inter-event times, this is, the time elapsed between two consecutive occurrences of the same event. These events are tweets holding the condition of replies, which is a way to interact directly with other users. We consider communication in Twitter as an example of a correspondence phenomenon, showing that it has strong temporal heterogeneities, with events clustered together in very small time windows followed by long periods of inactivity. In this work we characterize the bursty communication pattern by studying the interevent time distribution. We move on analysing correlations in the time series, nding that data are correlated to old times, beyond the circadian rhythms. We also use this empirical inter-event time distributions as an interacting rules for the voter model, showing that correlations enhanced the time to reach consensus.Peer reviewe

    Stochastic resetting in a networked multiparticle system with correlated transitions

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    The state of many physical, biological and socio-technical systems evolves by combining smooth local transitions and abrupt resetting events to a set of reference values. The inclusion of the resetting mechanism not only provides the possibility of modeling a wide variety of realistic systems but also leads to interesting novel phenomenology not present in reset-free cases. However, most models where stochastic resetting is studied address the case of a finite number of uncorrelated variables, commonly a single one, such as the position of non-interacting random walkers. Here we overcome this limitation by framing the process of network growth with node deletion as a stochastic resetting problem where an arbitrarily large number of degrees of freedom are coupled and influence each other, both in the resetting and non-resetting (growth) events. We find the exact, full-time solution of the model, and several out-of-equilibrium properties are characterized as function of the growth and resetting rates, such as the emergence of a time-dependent percolation-like phase transition, and first-passage statistics. Coupled multiparticle systems subjected to resetting are a necessary generalization in the theory of stochastic resetting, and the model presented herein serves as an illustrative, natural and solvable example of such a generalization