20 research outputs found

    Case Report Sedation Monitoring and Management during Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy

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    Percutaneous endoscopic laser discectomy (PELD) is a painful intervention that requires deep sedation and analgesia. However, sedation should be light at some point because cooperation by the patient during the procedure is required for successful surgical treatment. Light sedation poses a problem for endotracheal intubation, while patients placed in the prone position during percutaneous endoscopic discectomy pose a problem for airway management. Therefore, under these conditions, sedation should be not deeper than required. Here we report the sedation management of three cases that underwent PELD, with a focus on deep and safe sedation that was monitored using bispectral index score and observer's assessment of alertness/sedation score

    Prostatectomía robótica: análisis anestesiológico de cirugías urológicas robóticas, un estudio prospectivo

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    ResumenJustificación y objetivosAunque muchas características de la prostatectomía robótica sean similares a las de las laparoscopias urológicas convencionales (como la prostatectomía laparoscópica), el procedimiento está asociado con algunos inconvenientes, incluyendo el acceso intravenoso limitado, tiempo quirúrgico relativamente largo, posición de Trendelenburg profunda y presión intraabdominal alta. El objetivo principal fue describir las alteraciones respiratorias y hemodinámicas y las complicaciones relacionadas con la presión intraabdominal elevada y con la posición de Trendelenburg profunda en pacientes sometidos a prostatectomía robótica. El objetivo secundario fue revelar criterios seguros de alta del quirófano.MétodosCincuenta y tres pacientes sometidos a prostatectomía robótica entre diciembre de 2009 y enero de 2011 fueron incluidos en un estudio prospectivo. Las principales medidas de resultado fueron: monitorización no invasiva, monitorización invasiva y gasometría realizada en decúbito dorsal (T0), Trendelenburg (T1), Trendelenburg+neumoperitoneo (T2), Trendelenburg predesinsuflación (T3), Trendelenburg posdesinsuflación (T4) y posiciones supinas (T5).ResultadosCincuenta y tres pacientes sometidos a prostatectomía robótica fueron incluidos en el estudio. El principal reto clínico en nuestro grupo de estudio fue la elección de la estrategia de ventilación para controlar la acidosis respiratoria, que es detectada por medio de la presión de dióxido de carbono espirado y la gasometría. Además, la presión arterial media permaneció inalterada, y la frecuencia cardíaca disminuyó significativamente y fue necesario intervenir. Los valores de la presión venosa central también estaban por encima de los límites normales.ConclusiónLa acidosis respiratoria y los síntomas clínicos «similares a la obstrucción de las vías aéreas» fueron los principales desafíos asociados con los procedimientos de prostatectomía robótica.AbstractBackground and objectivesAlthough many features of robotic prostatectomy are similar to those of conventional laparoscopic urological procedures (such as laparoscopic prostatectomy), the procedure is associated with some drawbacks, which include limited intravenous access, relatively long operating time, deep Trendelenburg position, and high intra-abdominal pressure. The primary aim was to describe respiratory and hemodynamic challenges and the complications related to high intra-abdominal pressure and the deep Trendelenburg position in robotic prostatectomy patients. The secondary aim was to reveal safe discharge criteria from the operating room.MethodsFifty-three patients who underwent robotic prostatectomy between December 2009 and January 2011 were prospectively enrolled. Main outcome measures were non-invasive monitoring, invasive monitoring and blood gas analysis performed at supine (T0), Trendelenburg (T1), Trendelenburg + pneumoperitoneum (T2), Trendelenburg-before desufflation (T3), Trendelenburg (after desufflation) (T4), and supine (T5) positions.ResultsFifty-three robotic prostatectomy patients were included in the study. The main clinical challenge in our study group was the choice of ventilation strategy to manage respiratory acidosis, which is detected through end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure and blood gas analysis. Furthermore, the mean arterial pressure remained unchanged, the heart rate decreased significantly and required intervention. The central venous pressure values were also above the normal limits.ConclusionRespiratory acidosis and “upper airway obstruction-like” clinical symptoms were the main challenges associated with robotic prostatectomy procedures during this study

    Primjena kometnog testa u procjeni oštećenja DNA nastalih zbog ishemijskoreperfuzijskih ozljeda u bolesnika podvrgnutih kirurškim zahvatima na koronarnim žilama

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    Ischaemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is responsible for a number of conditions such as coronary bypass and myocardial infarction, and deaths. Oxygen-free radicals formed during I/R have been proposed as the leading causes of tissue injury, and they play an important role in I/R injury. I/R induces oxidative DNA damage (such as purinic and pyrimidinic base lesions). Comet assay is a suitable and sensitive method for early detection of low-level DNA damage. We used modified alkaline comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes and evaluated I/R-induced DNA damage in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operation (in vivo model for I/R). No statistically significant difference in DNA damage levels was found before surgery, after anaesthesia, ischemia, reperfusion, and surgery. However, blood lactate levels (assessed in parallel with the comet assay) increased after I/R and did not return to the baseline level. Our findings showed that I/R injury did not induce DNA damage, but increased the lactate levels. This finding suggests that there might be reversible and uncommon necrosis that did not refl ect on overall DNA base damage. Further studies are needed using this approach.Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska (I/R) ozljeda čest je uzročnik pobola i smrtnosti u slučajevima kao što su ugradnja koronarnih premosnica, infarkt miokarda i sl. Slobodni kisikovi radikali koji nastaju tijekom procesa ishemije i reperfuzije smatraju se jednim od glavnih uzročnika oštećenja tkiva i imaju važnu ulogu u I/R ozljedama. I/R ozljede izazivaju oksidativna oštećenja u DNA (primjerice oštećenja purinskih i pirimidinskih baza). Kometni test osjetljiva je metoda koja omogućuje utvrđivanje niskih razina primarnih oštećenja u molekuli DNA. U ovom smo istraživanju primjenom kometnog testa na bijelim krvnim stanicama procjenjivali razine oštećenja u DNA nastale zbog I/R ozljeda u bolesnika podvrgnutih ugradnji premosnice koronarne arterije (in vivo model za I/R). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da nema značajnih razlika u razinama oštećenja DNA izmjerenim u uzorcima krvi uzimanima prije kirurškog zahvata, nakon anestezije te tijekom ishemije, reperfuzije i zahvata. Međutim, uočeno je da su nakon I/R ozljede porasle razine laktata u serumu koje se više nisu vratile na početne vrijednosti. Takve vrijednosti laktata u serumu upućuju na to da tijekom I/R nastupa neobična i reverzibilna nekroza koja se, međutim, ne odražava na stupanj oštećenja DNA. Za objašnjenje ovih zapažanja potrebna su daljnja istraživanja

    Sedation Monitoring and Management during Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy

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    Percutaneous endoscopic laser discectomy (PELD) is a painful intervention that requires deep sedation and analgesia. However, sedation should be light at some point because cooperation by the patient during the procedure is required for successful surgical treatment. Light sedation poses a problem for endotracheal intubation, while patients placed in the prone position during percutaneous endoscopic discectomy pose a problem for airway management. Therefore, under these conditions, sedation should be not deeper than required. Here we report the sedation management of three cases that underwent PELD, with a focus on deep and safe sedation that was monitored using bispectral index score and observer’s assessment of alertness/sedation score