48 research outputs found

    Thermal acclimation of surfactant secretion and its regulation by adrenergic and cholinergic agonists in type II cells isolated from warm-active and torpid golden-mantled ground squirrels, Spermophilus lateralis

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    Homeothermic mammals experience pulmonary surfactant dysfunction with relatively small fluctuations in body temperature. However, ground squirrels survive dramatic changes in body temperature during hibernation, when body temperature drops from 37°C to 0-5°C during prolonged torpor bouts. Using type II cells isolated from both warm-active and torpid squirrels, we determined the effect of assay temperature, autonomic agonists and torpor on surfactant secretion. Basal secretion was significantly higher in type II cells isolated from torpid squirrels compared with warm-active squirrels when assayed at the body temperature of the animal from which they were isolated (4°C and 37°C, respectively). A change in assay temperature significantly decreased surfactant secretion. However, the change in secretory rate between 37°C and 4°C was less than expected if due to temperature alone (Q₁₀ range=0.8-1.2). Therefore, the surfactant secretory pathway in squirrel type II cells demonstrates some temperature insensitivity. When incubated at the body temperature of the animal from which the cells were isolated, the adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, significantly increased surfactant secretion in both warm-active and torpid squirrel type II cells. However, the cholinergic agonist, carbamylcholine chloride, only increased secretion in torpid squirrel type II cells when incubated at 4°C. Torpor did not affect basal cAMP production from isolated type II cells. However, the production of cAMP appears to be upregulated in response to isoproterenol in torpid squirrel type II cells. Thus, at the cellular level, both the secretory and regulatory pathways involved in surfactant secretion are thermally insensitive. Upregulating basal secretion and increasing the sensitivity of type II cells to cholinergic stimulation may be adaptative characteristics of torpor that enable type II cells to function effectively at 0-5°C.Carol J. Ormond, Sandra Orgeig, Christopher B. Daniels and William K. Milso

    Ultrastructural changes of the intracellular surfactant pool in a rat model of lung transplantation-related events

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, involved in primary graft dysfunction following lung transplantation, leads to inactivation of intra-alveolar surfactant which facilitates injury of the blood-air barrier. The alveolar epithelial type II cells (AE2 cells) synthesize, store and secrete surfactant; thus, an intracellular surfactant pool stored in lamellar bodies (Lb) can be distinguished from the intra-alveolar surfactant pool. The aim of this study was to investigate ultrastructural alterations of the intracellular surfactant pool in a model, mimicking transplantation-related procedures including flush perfusion, cold ischemia and reperfusion combined with mechanical ventilation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using design-based stereology at the light and electron microscopic level, number, surface area and mean volume of AE2 cells as well as number, size and total volume of Lb were determined in a group subjected to transplantation-related procedures including both I/R injury and mechanical ventilation (I/R group) and a control group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After I/R injury, the mean number of Lb per AE2 cell was significantly reduced compared to the control group, accompanied by a significant increase in the luminal surface area per AE2 cell in the I/R group. This increase in the luminal surface area correlated with the decrease in surface area of Lb per AE2. The number-weighted mean volume of Lb in the I/R group showed a tendency to increase.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We suggest that in this animal model the reduction of the number of Lb per AE2 cell is most likely due to stimulated exocytosis of Lb into the alveolar space. The loss of Lb is partly compensated by an increased size of Lb thus maintaining total volume of Lb per AE2 cell and lung. This mechanism counteracts at least in part the inactivation of the intra-alveolar surfactant.</p

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 Infects Alveolar Macrophages without Virus Production or Excessive TNF-Alpha Induction

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) of the subtype H5N1 causes severe, often fatal pneumonia in humans. The pathogenesis of HPAIV H5N1 infection is not completely understood, although the alveolar macrophage (AM) is thought to play an important role. HPAIV H5N1 infection of macrophages cultured from monocytes leads to high percentages of infection accompanied by virus production and an excessive pro-inflammatory immune response. However, macrophages cultured from monocytes are different from AM, both in phenotype and in response to seasonal influenza virus infection. Consequently, it remains unclear whether the results of studies with macrophages cultured from monocytes are valid for AM. Therefore we infected AM and for comparison macrophages cultured from monocytes with seasonal H3N2 virus, HPAIV H5N1 or pandemic H1N1 virus, and determined the percentage of cells infected, virus production and induction of TNF-alpha, a pro-inflammatory cytokine. In vitro HPAIV H5N1 infection of AM compared to that of macrophages cultured from monocytes resulted in a lower percentage of infected cells (up to 25% vs up to 84%), lower virus production and lower TNF-alpha induction. In vitro infection of AM with H3N2 or H1N1 virus resulted in even lower percentages of infected cells (up to 7%) than with HPAIV H5N1, while virus production and TNF-alpha induction were comparable. In conclusion, this study reveals that macrophages cultured from monocytes are not a good model to study the interaction between AM and these influenza virus strains. Furthermore, the interaction between HPAIV H5N1 and AM could contribute to the pathogenicity of this virus in humans, due to the relative high percentage of infected cells rather than virus production or an excessive TNF-alpha induction

    Neurochemical and thermal control of surfactant secretion by alveolar type II cells isolated from the marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata

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    Pulmonary surfactant is synthesised in alveolar type II cells and secreted into the lining of the lung in response to ventilation, temperature changes and autonomic neurotransmitters. Type II cells were isolated from the heterothermic marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. The neurotransmitters, isoproterenol and carbamylcholine chloride significantly increased phosphatidylcholine secretion at 37 degrees C (basal: 14.2%, isoproterenol: 20.1%, carbamylcholine: 17.0%). Temperature reduced the rate of secretion from dunnart type II cells (e.g. basal: 14.2% at 37 degrees C; 7.2% at 18 degrees C). However, the change in secretory rate between 37 degrees C and 18 degrees C was less than expected if due to temperature alone (Q10= 1.4). The surfactant secretory pathway is therefore modulated by factors other than and in addition to, temperature. The response of dunnart type II cells to the agonists remained the same at both temperatures. Basal secretion was higher in dunnart type II cells (14.2% in 4 h) than has been reported in rat type II cells (1.9% in 3 h) and consequently, the agonist-stimulated increases in secretion from dunnart type II cells (41% above basal in 4 h) were much lower than observed for rat type II cells (200% above basal in 1.5 h).Ormond C.J, Daniels C.B and Orgeig S

    New insights into the thermal dynamics of the surfactant system from warm and cold animals

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    Purifying selection drives the evolution of surfactant protein C (SP-C) independently of body temperature regulation in mammals

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    Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The pulmonary surfactant system of heterothermic mammals must be capable of dealing with the effect of low body temperatures on the physical state of the lipid components. We have shown previously that there is a modest increase in surfactant cholesterol during periods of torpor, however these changes do not fully explain the capacity of surfactant to function under the wide range of physical conditions imposed by torpor. Here we examine indirectly the role of surfactant protein C (SP-C) in adapting to variable body temperatures by testing for the presence of positive (adaptive) selection during evolutionary transitions between heterothermy and homeothermy. We sequenced SP-C from genomic DNA of 32 mammalian species from groups of closely related heterothermic and homeothermic species (contrasts). We used phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood estimates of rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions and fully Bayesian inference of these sequences to determine whether the mode of body temperature regulation exerts a selection pressure driving the molecular adaptation of SP-C. The protein sequence of SP-C is highly conserved with synonymous or highly conservative amino acid substitutions being predominant. The evolution of SP-C among mammals is characterised by high codon usage bias and high rates of transition/transversion. The only contrast to show evidence of positive selection was that of the bears (Ursus americanus and U. maritimus). The significance of this result is unclear. We show that SP-C is under strong evolutionary constraints, driven by purifying selection, presumably to maintain protein function despite variation in the mode of body temperature regulation.Sally Potter, Sandra Orgeig, Stephen Donnellan and Christopher B. Danielshttp://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/704239/description#descriptio

    Cardiorespiratory consequences of intrauterine growth restriction: influence of timing, severity and duration of hypoxaemia

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    At birth, weight of the neonate is used as a marker of the 9-month journey as a fetus. Those neonates born less than the 10th centile for their gestational age are at risk of being intrauterine growth restricted. However, this depends on their genetic potential for growth and the intrauterine environment in which they grew. Alterations in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus will decrease fetal growth, but these alterations occur due to a range of causes that are maternal, placental or fetal in nature. Consequently, IUGR neonates are a heterogeneous population. For this reason, it is likely that these neonates will respond differently to interventions compared not only to normally grown fetuses, but also to other neonates that are IUGR but have travelled a different path to get there. Thus, a range of models of IUGR should be studied to determine the effects of IUGR on the development and function of the heart and lung and subsequently the impact of interventions to improve development of these organs. Here we focus on a range of models of IUGR caused by manipulation of the maternal, placental or fetal environment on cardiorespiratory outcomes.Jack R.T.Darby, Tamara J.Varcoe, Sandra Orgeig, Janna L.Morriso