157 research outputs found

    Spectral Functions for the Tomonaga-Luttinger and Luther-Emery Liquids

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    We calculate the finite temperature single hole spectral function and the spin dynamic structure factor of spinfull one-dimensional Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. Analytical expressions are obtained for a number of special cases. We also calculate the single hole spectral function of a spin gapped Luther-Emery liquid and obtain exact results at the free fermion point K_s=1/2. These results may be applied to the analysis of angle resolved photoemission and neutron scattering experiments on quasi-one-dimensional materials.Comment: Published versio

    Nodal-antinodal dichotomy and magic doping fractions in a stripe ordered antiferromagnet

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    We study a model of a stripe ordered doped antiferromagnet consisting of coupled Hubbard ladders which can be tuned from quasi-one-dimensional to two-dimensional. We solve for the magnetization and charge density on the ladders by Hartree-Fock theory and find a set of solutions with lightly doped ``spin-stripes'' which are antiferromagnetic and more heavily doped anti-phase ``charge-stripes''. Both the spin- and charge-stripes have electronic spectral weight near the Fermi energy but in different regions of the Brillouin zone; the spin-stripes in the ``nodal'' region, near (\pi/2,\pi/2), and the charge-stripes in the ``antinodal'' region, near (\pi,0). We find a striking dichotomy between nodal and antinodal states in which the nodal states are essentially delocalized and two-dimensional whereas the antinodal states are quasi-one-dimensional, localized on individual charge-stripes. For bond-centered stripes we also find an even-odd effect of the charge periodicity which could explain the non-monotonous variations with doping of the low-temperature resistivity in LSCOComment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Expanded and improved, with additional reference

    The Tomonaga-Luttinger Model and the Chern-Simons Theory for the Edges of Multi-layer Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    Wen's chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger model for the edge of an m-layer quantum Hall system of total filling factor nu=m/(pm +- 1) with even p, is derived as a random-phase approximation of the Chern-Simons theory for these states. The theory allows for a description of edges both in and out of equilibrium, including their collective excitation spectrum and the tunneling exponent into the edge. While the tunneling exponent is insensitive to the details of a nu=m/(pm + 1) edge, it tends to decrease when a nu=m/(pm - 1) edge is taken out of equilibrium. The applicability of the theory to fractional quantum Hall states in a single layer is discussed.Comment: 15 page

    Disorder Effects in Fluctuating One-Dimensional Interacting Systems

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    The zero temperature localization of interacting electrons coupled to a two-dimensional quenched random potential, and constrained to move on a fluctuating one-dimensional string embedded in the disordered plane, is studied using a perturbative renormalization group approach. In the reference frame of the electrons the impurities are dynamical and their localizing effect is expected to decrease. We consider several models for the string dynamics and find that while the extent of the delocalized regime indeed grows with the degree of string fluctuations, the critical interaction strength, which determines the localization-delocalization transition for infinitesimal disorder,does not change unless the fluctuations are softer than those of a simple elastic string.Comment: 15 page

    Evidence of Electron Fractionalization from Photoemission Spectra in the High Temperature Superconductors

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    In the normal state of the high temperature superconductors Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} and La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_4, and in the related ``stripe ordered'' material La_1.25Nd_0.6Sr_0.15CuO_4, there is sharp structure in the measured single hole spectral function A(k,w) considered as a function of k at fixed small binding energy w. At the same time, as a function of w at fixed k on much of the putative Fermi surface, any structure in A(k,w), other than the Fermi cutoff, is very broad. This is characteristic of the situation in which there are no stable excitations with the quantum numbers of the electron, as is the case in the one dimensional electron gas.Comment: Published versio

    Charge and current oscillations in Fractional quantum Hall systems with edges

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    Stationary solutions of the Chern-Simons effective field theory for the fractional quantum Hall systems with edges are presented for Hall bar, disk and annulus. In the infinitely long Hall bar geometry (non compact case), the charge density is shown to be monotonic inside the sample. In sharp contrast, spatial oscillatory modes of charge density are found for the two circular geometries, which indicate that in systems with compact geometry, charge and current exist also far from the edges.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures Revte

    Boundary Energies and the Geometry of Phase Separation in Double--Exchange Magnets

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    We calculate the energy of a boundary between ferro- and antiferromagnetic regions in a phase separated double-exchange magnet in two and three dimensions. The orientation dependence of this energy can significantly affect the geometry of the phase-separated state in two dimensions, changing the droplet shape and possibly stabilizing a striped arrangement within a certain range of the model parameters. A similar effect, albeit weaker, is also present in three dimensions. As a result, a phase-separated system near the percolation threshold is expected to possess intrinsic hysteretic transport properties, relevant in the context of recent experimental findings.Comment: 6 pages, including 4 figures; expanded versio

    Finite temperature spectral function of Mott insulators and CDW States

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    We calculate the low temperature spectral function of one-dimensional incommensurate charge density wave (CDW) states and half-filled Mott insulators (MI). At T=0T=0 there are two dispersing features associated with the spin and charge degrees of freedom respectively. We show that already at very low temperatures (compared to the gap) one of these features gets severely damped. We comment on implications of this result for photoemission experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published versio