5 research outputs found

    Social Networks, Emotions, and Education: Design and Validation of e-COM, a Scale of Socio-Emotional Interaction Competencies among Adolescents

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    Socio-emotional competencies play an essential role in personal development as they are associated with highly prosocial behavior and low aggressiveness. An individual who is online manages his/her emotions in a specific manner. Thus, it is highly relevant to analyze and evaluate online socio-emotional competencies. Until now, however, no instruments had been defined or developed for that purpose. This study’s objective was thus to design and validate a questionnaire for the evaluation of socio-emotional competencies in virtual contexts, and to analyze eventual differences according to gender and academic year. Using the model developed by Bisquerra and Pérez (2007) as a theoretical framework, the competencies posited therein were transferred to an online environment. The questionnaire was filled out by 888 adolescents ages 12 to 17 (48% males, M = 13.83 years old, DT = 1.27), all residents of Aragón, Spain. On the basis of their responses, structure analysis, validation, and reliability were carried out. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) yielded a five-dimensional structure with good fit and internal consistency. The five resulting dimensions evaluate (1) emotional e-conscience, (2) emotional e-autonomy, (3) emotional e-regulation, (4) e-self-control of impulsiveness, and (5) social e-competency. Differences among genders were observed in the categories of emotional e-conscience and social e-competency. Furthermore, the results of this study show that online emotional expression does not imply emotional competency. These results represent an advance in the field of emotional education. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Abuso de Internet y adolescentes: gratificaciones, supervisión familiar y uso responsable. Implicaciones educativas y familiares

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    Internet tiene un gran potencial educativo y social pero no por ello está exento de riesgos como la tecnoadicción o abuso de la tecnología. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar en qué medida las gratificaciones, la supervisión familiar y su uso responsable influyen en el abuso de Internet y con ello comprender mejor este riesgo en la adolescencia de cara a que docentes y familias puedan establecer estrategias para su prevención. En el estudio participaron 555 adolescentes (55.7% chicos y 44.3 % chicas) de 1º-4º ESO (M: 13. 97 años y SD: 1. 27). Los datos se obtuvieron través de cuestionarios. Los resultados muestran que la evasión es la principal motivación para el abuso digital junto al entretenimiento y el logro digital. El uso responsable y la supervisión familiar juegan un papel protector. Se discuten las diferencias según el género y la edad y las implicaciones educativas para docentes y familias. Internet abuse has become a social problem in adolescence. Previous research suggested that it is related to the gratifications they receive from using it. However, it is unknown whether continued responsible use (netiquette) and family supervision can balance the rewards that promote this risk. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the extent to which gratifications, family supervision and responsible use predict Internet abuse and thereby better understand this risk in adolescence so that teachers and families can establish strategies for its prevention according to the gender and age. 555 adolescents (55.7% boys) from 1st to 4th year of ESO (M: 13. 97 years old and SD: 1.27) participated in the study. The data were obtained through questionnaires. The results reveal that, although mainly entertainment in boys and avoidance in girls promote abuse, educating netiquette is an important protection factor for both genders and all ages, as well as family supervision in girls and boys. in adolescents 12-13 years old. Educational and family implications are discussed

    Illness Behavior: Prediction by Symptoms, the Grossarth-Maticek and Eysenck Personality Types, Neuroticism, Life Events, Coping, Health Locus of Control, Social Support, and Attribution Style

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    A study was carried out with 501 persons to analyze the predictive capacity of various psychosocial variables¿symptom perception, neuroticism, Personality Types 2 and 4 of Grossarth-Maticek and Eysenck, beliefs about health, social support, or certain coping styles¿on two health-related behaviors: the frequency of visits to the doctor and self-medication. The results were analyzed by two structural equation models that revealed that some of the variables have direct effects on the behaviors, whereas other variables, such as attribution style, coping styles, or the impact of the stressors, have indirect effects via the reported symptoms or neuroticism.... (Ver más) In addition, selfmedication and the frequency of health service visits are independent of each other, which shows that their determinants are different. It is concluded that to address these factors in the two health indicators, it is also necessary to take in account the psychosocial variables considered herein.Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio con 501 personas en el que se intenta analizar la capacidad predictiva de algunas variables psicosociales¿la percepción de síntomas, el neuroticismo, los tipos de personalidad 2 y 4 de Grossarth-Maticek y Eysenck, las creencias sobre la salud, el apoyo social y algunos estilos de afrontamiento - sobre dos conductas relacionadas con la salud, la frecuencia de visitas al médico y la automedicación. Los resultados han sido analizados a través de dos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales que ponen de manifiesto que algunas de las variables predictoras tienen efectos directos sobre las conductas consideradas, mientras... (Ver más) que otras lo hacen de manera indirecta a través de los síntomas informados o del neuroticismo. Además, la automedicación y la frecuencia de asistencia a los servicios de salud son independientes entre sí, lo que vendría a poner de manifiesto que los determinantes de ambas son distintas, como se comprueba en este trabajo. Se concluye que al abordar los factores implicados en estos dos indicadores de salud, es preciso también tener en cuenta las variables psicosociales aquí considerada

    Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Spanish version

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    This article presents the process of adjusting into Spanish Kenny’s Music Performance Anxiety Inventory (Kenny, Davis, & Oates, 2004). This questionnaire is based on Barlow’s theory of performance anxiety and evaluates levels of anxiety whilst on stage. After doing two translations into Spanish, a peer review, and pilot study, the questionnaire was answered by 490 musicians training in six Spanish music conservatories. Results showed that the adapted version of the instrument, with some minor modifications, has good psychometric properties, also validated through a confirmatory factor analysis procedure. Thereof, and in accordance with to Barlow’s theoretical framework, we saw emerge three related factors that made reference to specific cognitions of performance anxiety, such as helplessness as a factor of psychological vulnerability and early family influences. Performance anxiety is related to a psychological vulnerability profile and early relationship context. Finally, it is important to count with reliable instruments that allow contrasting theories in different cultural background, comparing the effects of problems or treatment outcomes