17 research outputs found

    Respuesta a D. Bonavia

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    Orefici Giuseppe. Respuesta a D. Bonavia. In: Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Tome 80, 1994. pp. 281-284

    Analysis of the Context of Burials in the Plaza of Ahu Tongariki

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    Between 1990 and 1993, the Ligabue Study and Research Centre of Venice, in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios Isla de Pascua of the University of Chile, the Museo Isla de Pascua Sebastiano Englert and the Italian Precolumbian Archaeological Study and Research Centre, three successive missions to Rapa Nui were made with the aim of increasing knowledge of the inhabited and ceremonial settlements on the island. The purpose of this was to make a more comprehensive analysis including the Marquesas Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, the most probable route of the Polynesian migration.</p

    Max Uhle y las investigaciones arqueológicas en la región de Nasca

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    Se relacionan las investigaciones de Max Uhle en el área nasquense — sus excavaciones y sondeos en los valles de lea, Nasca y Palpa y sus estudios tipológico-comparativos — con los estudios y excavaciones posteriores: las de Tello, Gayton, Kroeber, Strong, Rowe, Dawson, Proulx, Menzel, Silverman, Massey y otros, así como, sobre todo, con los resultados del "Proyecto Nasca" y de otras investigaciones de la Misión Arqueológica Italiana (1982 - 1996). El cuadro cada vez más diferenciado de la cerámica polícroma del estilo 'Nasca' en sus diferentes fases y de las relaciones entre Nasca y Paracas — en la cerámica y en los textiles — hace surgir nuevos interrogantes.Max Uhle's investigation of the Nasca area, his excavations and archaeological surveys in the Valleys of Ica, Nasca and Palpa as well as the resulting typological and comparative studies are related in this article to archaeological research done later by Tello, Gayton, Kroeber, Strong, Rowe, Dawson, Proulx, Menzel, Silverman, Massey and others, as well as, above all, by the scholars of the "Nasca Project" and other campaigns of the Italian Archaeological Mission (1982 - 1996). The general scheme of the polychrome Nasca ceramic complex could be gradually elaborated regarding its different periods and its relation to the Paracas ceramic and textile complex raising several new questions

    Respuesta a D. Bonavia

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    Orefici Giuseppe. Respuesta a D. Bonavia. In: Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Tome 80, 1994. pp. 281-284

    ArchaeoGeophysical methods in the Templo del Escalonado (Cahuachi, Nasca, Perù)

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    The application of geophysical prospection methods to detect earthen remains is one of the major challenging issues to be addressed in archaeological investigations. The subtle geophysical contrast between earthen buried remains and the surroundings makes the detection of archaeological features very difficult. In this paper, we address this challenge using a multi-technique approach. The integration of different geophysical methods has been used to identify archaeological remains in Cahuach, Peru, which is the largest adobe ceremonial centre in the world. The investigations herein presented are focused on two different geophysical campaigns carried out in 2008 in an area of the Templo del Escalonado, which is highly representative of the whole archaeological site. It is a desert environment where the archaeological features are covered by sand and alluvial material. The geophysical prospection, required by the archaeologists to guide excavation planning, was performed using both ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and geomagnetics with a gradiometer system. The first allowed the detection of significant anomalies, the latter confirmed the presence of these anomalies and also provided additional features not visible from GPR. Trial excavations were carried out in correspondence of some anomalies. The archaeologists unearthed a ceremonial offering in correspondence of an anomaly detected using both GPR and geomagnetic methods. Moreover, an altar and precious archaeological materials were discovered in the area characterized by a magnetic anomaly. From an archaeological perspective, these findings were very significant, because they enabled us to cast new light on the Templo del Escalonado. From a geophysical perspective, our results pointed out the high potentiality of magnetic and GPR techniques to detect, investigate and document adobe archaeological remains in a desert environmental settin

    Integrated remote sensing techniques for the detection of buried archaeological adobe structures: Preliminary results in Cahuachi (Peru)

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    This paper is focused on the jointly use of satellite Quickbird (QB) images and Ground Probing Radar (GPR) for assessing their capability in the detection of archaeological adobe structures (sun-dried earth material). Such detection is particularly complex. due to the low contrast generally existing between the archaeological features and the background. Two significant test areas were investigated in the Ceremonial Centre of Cahuachi (in the Nasca territory, Southern Peru) dating back to 6th century BC to 4th century AD. Our results showed that both satellite and GPR data provided valuable indications for unearthing precious ancient remains. Our preliminary analyses pointed out that the integrated use of non destructive remote sensing techniques has high potentiality for its important scientific implications and for its significant contributions to cultural resource managemen

    Opis i analiza El Fuerte de Samaipata w świetle nowych badań oraz propozycja względnej chronologii jego głównych elementów

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    The study describes the results of the documentation of El Fuerte de Samaipata, a pre-Hispanic archaeological site in Bolivia on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It summarizes the most recent observations of the carvings on the rock of Samaipata, which, due to progressing erosion, are slowly vanishing. Thanks to modern documentation technologies, laser scanning, structural light scanning, digital photogrammetry, and advanced digital analysis of images and 3D models of the site, all still visible traces of petroglyphs as well as “architectural” elements like terraces, platform, niches and seats have been documented and described.W pracy opisano wyniki projektu dokumentującego El Fuerte de Samaipata, prehiszpańskie stanowisko archeologiczne w Boliwii wpisane na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. Artykuł podsumowuje najnowsze obserwacje dotyczące rytów naskalnych w Samaipata, które powoli zanikają z powodu postępującej erozji. Dzięki nowoczesnym technologiom dokumentacji, skanowaniu laserowemu, skanowaniu światłem strukturalnym, cyfrowej fotogrametrii oraz zaawansowanej cyfrowej analizie obrazów i modeli 3D terenu wszystkie nadal widoczne ślady petroglifów, a także elementów „architektury” takich jak tarasy, platformy, nisze i siedziska zostały udokumentowane i opisane

    Rapid Increase of Resistance to Erythromycin and Clindamycin in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy, 1993-1995

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    A survey of antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy showed a sharp increase in erythromycin resistance. In 1993, the incidence of erythromycin-resistant strains was on average 5.1%, with marked variations by geographic area. Two years later, the incidence of these strains had registered a 1.5- to roughly 20-fold increase, with a mean value of 25.9%, exceeding 40% in three centers out of 13 and 30% in another four. For all the strains studied, normal levels of susceptibility to penicillin were reported

    Giornata di studi: prospettive nella ricerca archeologica, storico-artistica e nel restauro architettonico in perù

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    In occasione della giornata di studio “Prospettive nella ricerca archeologica, storico artistica e nel restauro architettonico in Perù” organizzata dal Dipartimento di progettazione e studio dell’architettura e dal Dipartimento di Studi Storico-artistici, Archeologici e sulla Conservazione dell’Università di Roma Tre svoltasi nella sede del DIPSA il 3 giugno 2008, il direttore del DIPSA Andrea Vidotto ed il responsabile scientifico del “Progetto Perù” Michele Zampilli hanno presentato le attività in corso. Tali attività riguardano: • Il progetto di cooperazione internazionale nelle cittadine di Huayatara e Castrovirreyna nella regione di Huancavelica danneggiate dal terremoto del 25 agosto 2007 che ha lo scopo di fornire l’assistenza tecnica necessaria a definire le linee programmatiche, le metodologie più appropriate e gli strumenti attuativi per la ricostruzione dei due centri che preveda il miglioramento delle condizioni abitative delle popolazioni ed uno sviluppo urbano ordinato e rispettose dei caratteri del luogo e dell’ambiente. • La ricerca congiunta con il Departamento de Arquitectura y Urbanismo della Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perù dal titolo: “Monumenti e centri storici in zone a rischio simico. La Regione sud andina del Perù” che ha come referenti i proff. Michele Zampilli e Aldo Mantovani. Tale ricerca ha permesso l’organizzazione nel settembre 2008 di un Workshop sul centro storico di Cusco con la partecipazione di studenti delle Facoltà di Architettura di Roma Tre, della PUCP e dell’ Università del Cusco. • La partecipazione al progetto per un “Curso de capacitaciòn en Restauraciòn para jovenes de Apurimac y Ayacucho” in partenariato con l’associazione Apurimac onls per la formazione di 100 giovani di due regioni andine nell’attività di restauro dei beni artistici ed architettonici.