27 research outputs found

    En administrativ elite under forandring

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    En administrativ elite under forandring

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    Det kommunale skyggeliv

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    Bo Smith-udvalget gennemførte en undersøgelse af (skandale)sager, der på statsligt niveau havde været genstand for en formel undersøgelse siden 1980. Der var ingen tilsvarende undersøgelse af kommunerne. Denne artikel forsøger at afhjælpe denne mangel. Skandalesager er ikke dagligdag. Alligevel kan disse fortælle os noget om de udfordringer og problemer, som er i den kommunale opgaveløsning og i samspillet mellem politikere og embedsmænd. Der er tale om ni sager fra 2002-2015. Fire sager omhandler forvaltningsmæssige fejl, mens de restende fem i et eller andet omfang berører samspillet mellem den politiske ledelse og embedsmændene. Sagerne diskuteres med relation til Bo Smith-udvalgets anbefalinger

    Administration and politics in the shadows: Councilors and officers in Danish local government

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    The interaction between politicians and officials has been widely discussed, not least because of a number of scandals, which have been seen as proof of a politicization of the role and behavior of officials. This discussion has only been concerned with central government. But local authorities are responsible for much of the welfare state and they have therefore been almost as bureaucratized as the ministries. In fact they have had their share of scandals. Councils do, however, lead a more quiet life – partly because the press shows less interest; partly because of institutional factors. Local authorities are governed by committees and there is a strong culture of consensus. The mayor is elected for four years and cannot be forced from office. Formally the mayor is just a chairman with limited executive responsibilities. In fact, he/she is often the central decision-maker. Officers see themselves primarily as advisers to politicians, less as classic administrators. Although without formal legal status they are in fact perceived as very strong. Backbench councilors, on the other hand, complain of having lost influence