22 research outputs found

    Basel II versus the global financial crisis

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    The implementation of Basel II supposes a series of important challenges both for the credit institutions ā€“ the adjustment of the risk management and of the information system, the training of the personnel, the obtainment of the data bases. In this context, expected changes will undoubtedly generate, Analyzing USA crisis, IMF pointed out the importance of regulations for this sector, which practically donā€™t exist in some cases, especially in the case of innovative banking instruments, such as sub prime, derivatives and others.Basel II, global financial crisis, risk management, banking instruments

    New approaches in the analysis of banking performances

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    Starting from the necessity of the maximisation of the banking performances based upon the maintenance of a certain risk profile of the bank, we analysed the profitability of the foreign banks in comparison to the one of the autochthonous banks. At the same time, we evaluated based upon the data supplied by the National Bank of Romania, the evolution of the banking performances in the banking system in Romania. Although the rating agencies have improved the risk perspective for the banking sector in Romania, these warn however that the risks for the banks which activate in our country are bigger than in other countries in the area.banking performances, profitability, comparative analysis, efficiency

    Prudential politics promoted by NBR where to?

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    During the implementation of the monetary policy, the National Bank of Romania took great care for the activity of giving loans. Analyzing USA crisis, IMF pointed out the importance of regulations for this sector, which practically donā€™t exist in some cases, especially in the case of innovative banking instruments, such as sub prime, derivatives and others.prudential politics, monetary policy, banking prudential indicators

    Banking credit market in Romania: Basel II impact

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    The Basel II implementation supposes a series of important challenges both for the credit institutions ā€“ the adjusting of the risk management and of the data processing system, the training of the personnel, the obtaining of the data bases etc. ā€“ and also for the National Bank of Romania ā€“ the adaptation of the supervision process, the elaboration of the new regulation frame, the training of the personnel etc. In this context, the expected changes will no doubt generate, deep mutations in the architecture of the Romanian banking market. In fact, we propose ourselves to evaluate over the next pages the effects induced by them in the domain of the banking risks management.Basel II, risk management, credit risk, operational risk, profitability


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    The role of the bank system as essential link the saving-investmentprocess makes of its stability a priority on the agenda of the public authorities. One of themajor objectives of a central bank is to prevent the systemic risk by promoting an efficientbank monitoring, which should contribute to the achievement of the stability and viability ofthe entire financial system. Thus, the central banks developed methods and processes for thecontinual supervising and evaluation of the banks ā€“ premises of the prevention of theapparition of a great variety of bank crisis or other unpleasant surprises regarding theentities of the bank system.model, systemic risk, warning in time system.

    Management models of the systemic risk in the bank activity

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    The role of the bank system as essential link the saving-investment process makes of its stability a priority on the agenda of the public authorities. One of the major objectives of a central bank is to prevent the systemic risk by promoting an efficient bank monitoring, which should contribute to the achievement of the stability and viability of the entire financial system. Thus, the central banks developed methods and processes for the continual supervising and evaluation of the banks ā€“ premises of the prevention of the apparition of a great variety of bank crisis or other unpleasant surprises regarding the entities of the bank system.model, systemic risk, warning in time system

    Simulation Methods in the Contact with Impact of Rigid Bodies

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    The analysis of impacts of elastic bodies is topical and it has many applications, practical and theoretical, too. The elastic character of collision is put in evidence, especially by the velocities of some parts of a particular body, named ā€œringā€. In the presented paper, the situation of elastic collisions is put in evidence by the simulation with the help of the program ANSYS and it refers to the particular case of the ring, with the mechanical characteristics, given in the pape

    Control of a saturated Permanent Magnet

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    The main objective of this article is to highlight the main method that could quantify the impact of the structural funds on the Gross Domestic Product. I also presented the regional disparities situation and the European funds absorption rate. The HERMIN model has been designed considering the evolution of macro-variables throughout transition and pre-accession process, as well as out of the need to analyze the gradual alignment of RomaniaĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s economic policies to those of EU. The fact that, initially, the HERMIN model was designed for the European UnionĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s less developed economies represented the cornerstone in choosing it, as it was the case for Romania, too. However, the quantitative evaluation must always be accompanied by a qualitative evaluation, in order to comprise factors which cannot be measured by the econometrical modeling. For this purpose, when the results of econometrical model based evaluation are used, it is important to be aware of the fact that models simplify reality, no matter the impressive mathematical calculations they employ. Also, we must not omit the fact that RomaniaĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s major development needs and the current economic context imperatively demand a high as possible level of structural funds absorption, as well as their efficient use, meant to generate a significant impact at a national, regional and local level. One of the main instruments employed to sustain economic growth, while also reducing disparities between regions is represented by the structural funds. These funds, consisting in financial contributions of the member states, according to their level of development, are redistributed in compliance with an extremely complex regulating and procedural frame, to those EU states of regions which are fallen behind from a social and economical development perspective Nevertheless, when absorption capacity of a member state is evaluated, the used percentage from the allocated funds is not the only monitored indicator, but also the effects they have generated in that stateĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s economy. This analysis is imperative because at this moment, Romania is facing one of the lowest absorption rate