19 research outputs found

    Invandrare med diabetes - att stötta och bemöta ur ett transkulturellt perspektiv

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    Immigration is today happening in Sweden to a great extent and this requires a higher level of demands within the transcultural nursing. With this fact as a base to our literature review the aim of the study was developed. This was to investigate how immigrants with diabetes mellitus type 2 experience health and to find out the importance of knowledge related to the patients compliance of given advise and prescriptions. On the basis of the aim the following questions of issue was formulated: How do immigrants with diabetes mellitus type 2 experience their health and what knowledge do they possess concerning their illness? and Within which areas of the immigrants life is it important for the nurse to gain knowledge in order to affect and oblige him or her? A critical review of nine scientific articles emerged in three themes that answer the questions of issue. These themes are: Experience of health and illness, Factors that influence the immigrants acting and Religion, culture and communication. The themes of the study support and relates to Leiningers sunrise model.Invandring sker i Sverige idag i allt större utstrÀckning och högre krav stÀlls pÄ den transkulturella omvÄrdnaden. Med detta som grund utformades studiens syfte som var att genom litteraturstudie undersöka hur invandrare med diabetes mellitus typ 2 upplever hÀlsa samt kunskapens betydelse för patientens följsamhet till givna rÄd och ordination. UtifrÄn syftet formulerades följande frÄgestÀllningar Hur upplever invandrare med diabetes mellitus typ 2 sin hÀlsa och vad har de för kunskap kring sin sjukdom? samt Kring vilka omrÄden i den invandrades liv behöver sjuksköterskan ha kunskap för att pÄ bÀsta sÀtt kunna pÄverka och tillmötesgÄ denna? Efter att kritiskt granskat 9 vetenskapliga artiklar mynnade resultaten ut i tre teman som svarar pÄ frÄgestÀllningarna. Dessa teman Àr HÀlso- och sjukdomsuppfattning, Faktorer som pÄverkar den invandrades agerande och Religion, kultur och kommunikation. Studiens teman stöttar och anknytes till Leiningers sunrise-modell

    Comparison of SILAC and mTRAQ Quantification for Phosphoproteomics on a Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

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    Advances in mass spectrometric methodology and instrumentation have promoted a continuous increase in analytical performance in the field of phosphoproteomics. Here, we employed the recently introduced quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometer for quantitative signaling analysis to a depth of more than 15 000 phosphorylation sites. In parallel to the commonly used SILAC approach, we evaluated the nonisobaric chemical labeling reagent mTRAQ as an alternative quantification technique. Both enabled high phosphoproteome coverage in H3122 lung cancer cells. Replicate quantifications by mTRAQ identified almost as many significant phosphorylation changes upon treatment with ALK kinase inhibitor crizotinib as found by SILAC quantification. Overall, mTRAQ was slightly less precise than SILAC as evident from a somewhat higher variance of replicate phosphosite ratios. Direct comparison of SILAC- and mTRAQ-quantified phosphosites revealed that the majority of changes were detected by either quantification techniques, but also highlighted the aspect of false negative identifications in quantitative proteomics applications. Further inspection of crizotinib-regulated phosphorylation changes unveiled interference with multiple antioncogenic mechanisms downstream of ALK fusion kinase in H3122 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a strong analytical performance of the Q Exactive in global phosphoproteomics, and establish mTRAQ quantification as a useful alternative to metabolic isotope labeling

    Comparison of SILAC and mTRAQ Quantification for Phosphoproteomics on a Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

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    Advances in mass spectrometric methodology and instrumentation have promoted a continuous increase in analytical performance in the field of phosphoproteomics. Here, we employed the recently introduced quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometer for quantitative signaling analysis to a depth of more than 15 000 phosphorylation sites. In parallel to the commonly used SILAC approach, we evaluated the nonisobaric chemical labeling reagent mTRAQ as an alternative quantification technique. Both enabled high phosphoproteome coverage in H3122 lung cancer cells. Replicate quantifications by mTRAQ identified almost as many significant phosphorylation changes upon treatment with ALK kinase inhibitor crizotinib as found by SILAC quantification. Overall, mTRAQ was slightly less precise than SILAC as evident from a somewhat higher variance of replicate phosphosite ratios. Direct comparison of SILAC- and mTRAQ-quantified phosphosites revealed that the majority of changes were detected by either quantification techniques, but also highlighted the aspect of false negative identifications in quantitative proteomics applications. Further inspection of crizotinib-regulated phosphorylation changes unveiled interference with multiple antioncogenic mechanisms downstream of ALK fusion kinase in H3122 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a strong analytical performance of the Q Exactive in global phosphoproteomics, and establish mTRAQ quantification as a useful alternative to metabolic isotope labeling

    Comparison of SILAC and mTRAQ Quantification for Phosphoproteomics on a Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

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    Advances in mass spectrometric methodology and instrumentation have promoted a continuous increase in analytical performance in the field of phosphoproteomics. Here, we employed the recently introduced quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometer for quantitative signaling analysis to a depth of more than 15 000 phosphorylation sites. In parallel to the commonly used SILAC approach, we evaluated the nonisobaric chemical labeling reagent mTRAQ as an alternative quantification technique. Both enabled high phosphoproteome coverage in H3122 lung cancer cells. Replicate quantifications by mTRAQ identified almost as many significant phosphorylation changes upon treatment with ALK kinase inhibitor crizotinib as found by SILAC quantification. Overall, mTRAQ was slightly less precise than SILAC as evident from a somewhat higher variance of replicate phosphosite ratios. Direct comparison of SILAC- and mTRAQ-quantified phosphosites revealed that the majority of changes were detected by either quantification techniques, but also highlighted the aspect of false negative identifications in quantitative proteomics applications. Further inspection of crizotinib-regulated phosphorylation changes unveiled interference with multiple antioncogenic mechanisms downstream of ALK fusion kinase in H3122 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a strong analytical performance of the Q Exactive in global phosphoproteomics, and establish mTRAQ quantification as a useful alternative to metabolic isotope labeling

    Comparison of SILAC and mTRAQ Quantification for Phosphoproteomics on a Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

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    Advances in mass spectrometric methodology and instrumentation have promoted a continuous increase in analytical performance in the field of phosphoproteomics. Here, we employed the recently introduced quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometer for quantitative signaling analysis to a depth of more than 15 000 phosphorylation sites. In parallel to the commonly used SILAC approach, we evaluated the nonisobaric chemical labeling reagent mTRAQ as an alternative quantification technique. Both enabled high phosphoproteome coverage in H3122 lung cancer cells. Replicate quantifications by mTRAQ identified almost as many significant phosphorylation changes upon treatment with ALK kinase inhibitor crizotinib as found by SILAC quantification. Overall, mTRAQ was slightly less precise than SILAC as evident from a somewhat higher variance of replicate phosphosite ratios. Direct comparison of SILAC- and mTRAQ-quantified phosphosites revealed that the majority of changes were detected by either quantification techniques, but also highlighted the aspect of false negative identifications in quantitative proteomics applications. Further inspection of crizotinib-regulated phosphorylation changes unveiled interference with multiple antioncogenic mechanisms downstream of ALK fusion kinase in H3122 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a strong analytical performance of the Q Exactive in global phosphoproteomics, and establish mTRAQ quantification as a useful alternative to metabolic isotope labeling

    Comparison of SILAC and mTRAQ Quantification for Phosphoproteomics on a Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

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    Advances in mass spectrometric methodology and instrumentation have promoted a continuous increase in analytical performance in the field of phosphoproteomics. Here, we employed the recently introduced quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometer for quantitative signaling analysis to a depth of more than 15 000 phosphorylation sites. In parallel to the commonly used SILAC approach, we evaluated the nonisobaric chemical labeling reagent mTRAQ as an alternative quantification technique. Both enabled high phosphoproteome coverage in H3122 lung cancer cells. Replicate quantifications by mTRAQ identified almost as many significant phosphorylation changes upon treatment with ALK kinase inhibitor crizotinib as found by SILAC quantification. Overall, mTRAQ was slightly less precise than SILAC as evident from a somewhat higher variance of replicate phosphosite ratios. Direct comparison of SILAC- and mTRAQ-quantified phosphosites revealed that the majority of changes were detected by either quantification techniques, but also highlighted the aspect of false negative identifications in quantitative proteomics applications. Further inspection of crizotinib-regulated phosphorylation changes unveiled interference with multiple antioncogenic mechanisms downstream of ALK fusion kinase in H3122 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a strong analytical performance of the Q Exactive in global phosphoproteomics, and establish mTRAQ quantification as a useful alternative to metabolic isotope labeling