842 research outputs found

    Seed Magnetic Fields Generated by Primordial Supernova Explosions

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    The origin of the magnetic field in galaxies is an open question in astrophysics. Several mechanisms have been proposed related, in general, with the generation of small seed fields amplified by a dynamo mechanism. In general, these mechanisms have difficulty in satisfying both the requirements of a sufficiently high strength for the magnetic field and the necessary large coherent scales. We show that the formation of dense and turbulent shells of matter, in the multiple explosion scenario of Miranda and Opher (1996, 1997) for the formation of the large-scale structures of the Universe, can naturally act as a seed for the generation of a magnetic field. During the collapse and explosion of Population III objects, a temperature gradient not parallel to a density gradient can naturally be established, producing a seed magnetic field through the Biermann battery mechanism. We show that seed magnetic fields 10121014G\sim 10^{-12}-10^{-14}G can be produced in this multiple explosion scenario on scales of the order of clusters of galaxies (with coherence length L1.8MpcL\sim 1.8Mpc) and up to 4.5×1010G\sim 4.5\times 10^{-10}G on scales of galaxies (L100kpcL\sim 100 kpc).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 5 pages (MN plain TeX macros v1.6 file). Also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~oswaldo (click "OPTIONS" and then "ARTICLES"

    Dependence of the MHD shock thickness on the finite electrical conductivity

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    The results of MHD plane shock waves with infinite electrical conductivity are generalized for a plasma with a finite conductivity. We derive the adiabatic curves that describe the evolution of the shocked gas as well as the change in the entropy density. For a parallel shock (i.e., in which the magnetic field is parallel to the normal to the shock front) we find an expression for the shock thickness which is a function of the ambient magnetic field and of the finite electrical conductivity of the plasma. We give numerical estimates of the physical parameters for which the shock thickness is of the order of, or greater than, the mean free path of the plasma particles in a strongly magnetized plasma.Comment: 8 pages, uses standard revtex, to appear in Journal of Plasma Physic

    The Vector Direction of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Outside the Heliosphere

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    We propose that magnetic reconnection at the heliopause only occurs where the interstellar magnetic field points nearly anti-parallel to the heliospheric field. By using large-scale magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the heliosphere to provide the initial conditions for kinetic simulations of heliopause (HP) reconnection we show that the energetic pickup ions downstream from the solar wind termination shock induce large diamagnetic drifts in the reconnecting plasma and stabilize non-anti-parallel reconnection. With this constraint the MHD simulations can show where HP reconnection most likely occurs. We also suggest that reconnection triggers the 2-3 kHz radio bursts that emanate from near the HP. Requiring the burst locations to coincide with the loci of anti-parallel reconnection allows us to determine, for the first time, the vector direction of the local interstellar magnetic field. We find it to be oriented towards the southern solar magnetic pole.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; incorporates minor referee-suggested revision

    A new inflaton model beginning near the Planck epoch

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    The Starobinsky model predicts a primordial inflation period without the presence of an inflaton field. The modified version of this model predicts a simple time dependence for the Hubble parameter H(t)H(t), which decreases slowly between the Planck epoch and the end of the inflation, H(t)=MPlβMPl2tH(t)=M_{\rm Pl}-\beta M_{\rm Pl}^2 t, where β\beta is a dimensionless constant to be adjusted from observations. We investigate an inflaton model which has the same time dependence for H(t)H(t). A reverse engineered inflaton potential for the time dependence of HH is derived. Normalization of the derived inflaton potential is determined by the condition that the observed density fluctuations, δρ/ρ105\delta\rho/\rho\approx 10^{-5}, are created at 60e\sim 60 e-folds before the end of inflation. The derived potential indicates an energy (mass) scale, Mend1013GeVM_{\rm end}\sim 10^{13} {\rm GeV}, at the end of inflation. Using the slow roll parameters, which are obtained from this potential, we calculate the spectral index for the scalar modes nSn_S and the relative amplitude of the tensor to scalar modes rr. A tensor contribution, r0.13r\simeq 0.13, and an approximately Harrison-Zeldovich density perturbation spectrum, nS0.95n_S \simeq 0.95, are predicted.Comment: 7 pages, minor changes, improved discussion. To appear in Braz.J.Phy