54 research outputs found

    Uticaj rezidbe na hemijski sastav plodova sorti leske

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    Hazelnut fruit is diverse in respect of nutritious matters which makes its application important in human nutrition. In respect of chemical composition it is resource of a great number of very beneficial and irreplaceable compounds. Fruits are particularly important source of proteins and oils occurring there at high percentage. Determination of the effect of pruning on chemical composition of fruits in cvs Istrian long, Roman and Tonda Gentile delle Langhe was the objective of our study. Pruning induced no significant variation of moisture content in fruits of the evaluated hazelnut cultivars, differences ranging from 0.5 - 4.5%. Soluble solids content is the measure of fruit quality of a cultivar. As regards dry matter content, within the treatment, no substantial differences have been observed. In contrast to the previous treatments where pruning made no visible effect, soluble solids content was substantially influenced. Fruits of the pruned bushes contain 2- 16% more total sugars than those of the unpruned bushes of hazelnut cultivars. In cv Tonda Gentile delle Langhe two very important differences in respect of protein content have been displayed, whereas differences in other two cultivars were not remarkable. Very high oil content in kernel has been identified, above 60% in all three evaluated cultivars, which suggests that pruning influenced change in oil content, though not equally, in all evaluated cultivars.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja rezidbe na hemijski sastav jezgre sorti leske Istarski dugi, Rimski i Tonda Gentile delle Langhe. Od parametara su ispitivani sadržaj vlage, suve materije, ukupnih šećera, proteina, ulja kao i sastav metil-estara konstituentnih kiselina masnog ulja lešnika, gde su konstatovane određene razlike između tretmana što je statistički obrađeno analizom varijanse i LSD testom

    Uticaj rezidbe na morfološke karakteristike rodnih grančica sorti leske

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    The thriving of the filbert tree (Corylus sp) is provided for with the application of the agro technical measures, such as cultivation fertilization and irrigation, but full success in that production can only be achieved when these measures are combined with various measures by which the vegetative growth and the generative development are taken care of. In a series of these measures, pruning is the most significant one, which brings into accord the vegetative and the generative potential. This work deals with the impact of pruning on the productivity of the fruitful branches of the three hazel tree cultivars the Istarski dugi, the Roemische Zellernuss and the Tonda Gentile della Langhe. The achieved results point out to the existence of significant differences among the studied features, such as are the length of the fruitful branches, the number and distribution of the male and female blossoms on the branches, the fruit morphometty, the percentage participation of fruit meat in total fruit mass and the yield. The purpose of our research was to determine whether pruning has an effect, and if so how big on the growth and fruitfulness, all this in the aim of intensifying the hazel nut production.Primenom agrotehničkih mera kao što su obrada, đubrenje i navodnjavanje obezbeđuje se uspevanje leske, ali se pun uspeh u toj proizvodnji može ostvariti tek onda ako se sa ovim merama kombinuju i raznovrsne mere kojima se uglavnom regulišu vegetativno rastenje i generativni razvitak. U nizu tih mera najveći značaj ima rezidba, kojom se usklađuje vegetativni i generativni potencijal. U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj rezidbe na produktivnost rodnih grančica tri sorte leske: Istarski dugi, Rimski i Tonda Gentile delle Langhe. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između ispitivanih obeležja, kao što su dužina rodnih grančica, broj i raspored muških i ženskih cvasti na grančici, morfometrija ploda, randman i prinos. Ispitivanjima smo hteli da utvrdimo da li rezidba i u kojoj meri utiče na rast i rodnost sve u cilju intenziviranja proizvodnje lešnika

    Uticaj rezidbe na fizičke osobine plodova sorti leske

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    As hazelnut is very important in the food production full acquaintance with all physical properties of its fruits as well as with all measures contributing to the improvement of the properties is required. Average three-year results of evaluation of the effect of pruning on morphometrical indicators of fruits and kernel suggest the existence of very important differences in treatments in hazelnut cvs Roman and Tonda Gentile delle Langhe. Fruit shape index as well as kernel shape index have not presented any variations in either of the cultivars, although changes in the values of the indices have occurred. Fruit weight in pruned bushes of hazelnut cultivars is 10.03 - 18.46% higher than fruit weight in the unpruned ones. Kernel weight is in correlation with the fruit weight. In all three cultivars the unpruned bushes gave fruits with higher percentage of kernel compared to the pruned ones, difference ranging from 1.46 - 4.88%. Significant differences are displays in respect of fruit volume by treatments, and the ratios are as follows: 5.02 : 4.35 cm³, 4.91 : 4.31 cm³, and 3.52 :3.15 cm³. Number of fruits per kilogram ranges from 240 in pruned to 360 in unpruned bushes. Share of branchlets with greater number of fruits in pruned bushes increases along with their share in total yield.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja rezidbe na fizičke osobine plodova tri sorte leske: Istarski dugi, Rimski i Tonda Gentile delle Langhe. Plodovi orezivanih žbunova imaju statistički vrlo značajno veću dužinu, širinu i debljinu od plodova neorezivanih žbunova. Masa ploda i jezgre su sortne karakteristike, ali su pod uticajem rezidbe ispoljene znatne razlike, tako da plodovi orezivanih žbunova sorte Istarski dugi imaju za 18,46% veću masu od neorezivanih žbunova, kod sorte Rimski za 14% i sorte Tonda Gentile delle Langhe za 10,03%. Plodovi sve tri ispitivane sorte javljaju se kako pojedinačno tako i u račvicama od 1 - 8, ali je rezidba uticala na povećanje procenata račvica sa većim brojem plodova u njima

    Novi koncepti ishrane biljaka u proizvodnji sadnog materijala - proizvodnja sadnica leske

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    The paper presents the results of an experiment that involved evaluation of the effects of application of new types of fertilizers and employment of new ways of fertilization in the production of hazelnut planting material. The experiment was set up on Eutric Cambisol soil type ameliorated with 100 t/ha of manure. Fertilizer was not applied in the control variant, whereas the NPK (15:15:15) variant with 600t/ha was treated as the standard variant. Other variants included application of slow acting fertilizers (600 kg/ha dosage, of 4 - 6 months activity) and liquid fertilizers (11:44:11, by pouring them by 0.5% solution). All applied mineral fertilizers are combined with a new type of organic fertilizer, which actually includes processed poultry manure obtained by larvae of the domestic fly (Musca domestica L.). This fertilizer ("OFERT") contains a very high percentage of phosphorous (5.56%), substantial part of it being in accessible form (560 mg/100 g). Two methods were applied in the plant treatment, thus eight variants of the experiment involved all forms of fertilization within two variants: at planting and upon planting. Monitored agrochemical changes within the root system zone during vegetation cycle suggested that application of slow activity fertilizers, liquid and organic ("OFERT") fertilizers induced marked increase in content of phosphorous in the soil also within the zone of taking roots of mother bushes in the planting. The effect of treatment both with liquid fertilizers and the "OFERT" in the planting was displayed in the content of accessible nitrogen and potassium, whereas application of slow acting fertilizers did not have the effect. Combined application of the fertilizers was especially effective. Differences in phosphorous accumulation in leaves suggested that substantial increase in the phosphorous content in soil did not principally affect the level of phosphorous in plants. Fertilizing exhibited influence in the phosphorous content in leaves in the case of "OFERT" variant in the mother planting and at application of "OFERT" upon planting, but also at application of slow acting fertilizers, which corresponds with the increase of phosphorous in the soil. The influence of fertilizing on the rooting of hazelnut shoots was displayed in the increase of the total number of roots fertilized by NPK, slow acting fertilizers and "OFERT" combined both with NPK and slow acting fertilizers. The aforementioned reflected in the total length of roots in variants of slow acting fertilizers variants as well as in the abovementioned combined "OFERT" variants.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati ogleda u kome su ispitivani efekti primene novih vrsta đubriva i načina đubrenja u proizvodnji sadnog materijala leske. Ogled je postavljen na gajnjači đubrenoj pri meliorativnom đubrenju sa 100 t/ha stajnjaka. Kontrolna varijanta je bez primene mineralnih đubriva, dok je NPK (15:15:15) varijanta sa 600 kg/ha tretirana kao standardna varijanta. Druge varijante su vezane za primenu sporodelujućih đubriva (doza 600 kg/ha, delovanje 4 - 6 meseci) i tečnih đubriva (11:44:11, zalivanjem 0,5% rastvorom). Sva primenjena mineralna đubriva su kombinovana sa jednim novim tipom organskog đubriva, koje predstavlja prerađeni pileći stajnjak pomoću larvi domaće muve (Musca domestica L.). Ovo đubrivo ("OFERT") sadrži izrazito visok sadržaj fosfora (5,56%), od čega je značajan deo u pristupačnom obliku (560 mg/100 g). Tretiranje biljaka je bilo na dva načina, tako da su u osam varijanti ogleda kombinovani ovi oblici đubrenja u dve varijante: pri sadnji i posle sadnje. Svako ponavljanje zahvata dva dužna metra u redovima, gde su sađeni ožiljeni izdanci (20 izdanaka), a svaka varijanta ogleda ima ponavljanje u tri reda. Praćene su agrohemijske promene u zoni korenovog sistema u toku vegetacije, a i promene u mineralnom sastavu listova. Među tretmanima su utvrđene razlike prema sledećim parametrima: broj žila, dužina žila, broj razgranatih žila, broj nerazgranatih žila, dužina ožiljenog dela. Takođe je praćen i mineralni sastav lišća sadnica

    Uticaj rezidbe na dužinu rodnih grančica i formiranje resa, glomerula i vegetativnih pupoljaka važnijih sorti leske

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    The effect of pruning on length of the fruiting branches, distribution of male and female florescence as well as yield of three hazelnut cultivars (Istrian long, Roman and Tonda Gentile delle Langhe) have been studied. The experiment has been carried out at the experimental field 'Radmilovac', premises of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun. Pruning exhibited considerable effect on all evaluated parameters. Acquaintance with the zones of formation of male and female flowers is of major importance for adequate application of pruning. Zones in which both male and female flowers mostly occur largely coincide in the fruiting branches of the same length. Fruiting branches up to 10 cm length should never be cut, as by the removal of the terminal and the initial nodus 85% of the fully formed female flowers on respective branch would be eliminated. Differences in fruit weight between pruned and unpruned bushes ranged from 4.35% to 10.99%, whereas yield differences were about 20%.Primenom agrotehničkih mera kao što su obrada, đubrenje i navodnjavanje obezbeđuje se uspevanje leske, ali se pun uspeh u toj proizvodnji može ostvariti tek onda ako se sa ovim merama kombinuju i raznovrsne mere kojima se uglavnom regulišu vegetativno rastenje i generativni razvitak. U nizu tih mera najveći značaj ima rezidba, kojom se usklađuje vegetativni i generativni potencijal. U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj rezidbe na produktivnost rodnih grančica tri sorte leske: Istarski dugi, Rimski i Tonda Gentile delle Langhe. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između ispitivanih obeležja, kao što su dužina rodnih grančica, broj i raspored muških i ženskih cvasti na grančici, morfometrija ploda, randman i prinos. Ispitivanja su imale za cilj da utvrde da li i u kojoj meri rezidba utiče na rast i rodnost u cilju intenziviranja proizvodnje lešnika

    Uticaj oblika krune na rodnost i produktivnu efikasnost breskve

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    The paper presents monitoring of effect of the pal spindle, veronese spindle, veronese vase and open center crown shapes on cropping of peach cultivars with different ripening times: Redhaven, Creshaven and Sommerset. The applied spacing in all evaluated variants were 5 x 4 m. The highest yield per tree as well as by hectare were attained with the applied veronese vase crown shape, and the lowest with veronese spindle crown shape. High yield was recorded in cv Redhaven and Cresthaven, and very low yield was observed in cv Sommerset. Yield efficacy presented as yield height per unit of cross-sectional area of the trunk was somewhat higher with application of veronese vase and pal spindle compared with two other crown shapes. Yield efficacy presented in yield per unit of covered soil was very high in pal spindle and veronese vase crown shapes, which, in trees with these crown shapes, ensures more efficient exploitation of soil. Veronese vase also presented positive influence on high quality fruits, whereas the lowest results were achieved in pal spindle crown shape. The highest percentage of superior class fruits was recorded in cv Sommerset, and the lowest in cv Redhaven. In view of the fact that it induced positive effect on yield height, higher percentage of high quality fruits and growing at smaller spacing veronese vase may be applied instead of the standard open center crown.U radu je praćen uticaj oblika krune: pal špindel, veronsko vreteno, veronska vaza i kotlasta kruna na rodnost sorti breskve različitog vremena zrenja: Redheven, Krestheven i Samerset. Primenjeni razmak sadnje između svih varijanti ispitivanja bio je 5 x 4 m. Najviši prinosi kako po stablu tako i po hektaru postignuti su sa oblikom veronska vaza, a najniži sa oblikom veronsko vreteno. Visoke prinose postigle su sorte Redheven i Krestheven, a veoma niske sorta Samerset. Indeks produkcije po jedinici površine pokrivenog tla bio je veoma visok za stabla sa oblikom pal špindel i veronska vaza, što im omogućava efikasnije iskorišćavanje zemljišnog prostora. Takođe veronska vaza uslovila je veću zastupljenost plodova ekstra i I klase. Najveći procenat plodova ekstra i prve klase imala je sorta Redheven, a najniže sorta Samerset

    Uticaj intenziteta zimske rezidbe na rodnost i kvalitet ploda Oblačinske višnje

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    The paper presents evaluation of the effect of two intensities of winter pruning on cropping and fruit quality of sour cherry cv Oblačinska. With 4 x 2 spacing and pyramidal crown as training system, light pruning, including removal of suckers and vigorous and upright shoots, and severe pruning, including removal of vigorous branches and considerable thinning of bearing trees, were employed. It has been established that the increase of pruning intensity leads to increase in fruit size of sour cherry cv Oblačinska and its fruit ratio. Soluble solids content of the fruit is very high and remains the same after pruning, whereas the total acids content markedly increases in case of severe pruning. Severe pruning causes substantial yield reduction per unit of arable land and decrease in yield efficiency defined as relation between yield quantity and annual growth of trunk cross-sectional area. However, yield efficiency defined as yield quantity per unit of crown volume adequately increases with more intensive pruning. Intensity of pruning is not an important factor as regards regularity of fruit set.U radu je ispitivan uticaj dva intenziteta zimske rezidbe na rodnost i kvalitet ploda Obla- činske višnje. Razmak sadnje je 4 x 2 m, a oblik krune je uska piramida. Primenjena je slaba rezidba sa uklanjanjem vodopija, bujnih i uspravnih letorasta i jaka rezidba sa uklanjanjem bujnog prirasta i značajnim proređivanjem rodnog drveta. Sa povećanjem intenziteta rezidbe krupnoća ploda kao i randman mesa ploda se značajno povećavaju, ali se zato smanjuje visina prinosa koja se dobija po jedinici površine. Sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije je redovno visok i ne menja se pod uticajem različitog intenziteta rezidbe, kao i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina

    Vegetativni i generativni potencijal sorti jabuke kalemljenih na slabo bujnoj podlozi M9

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    Investigation of the influence of different types of fruit branches on the production and quality of Idared, Jonagold and Gloster apple cultivars performed wit him identical growth conditions and some vegetable rootstock. Idared cultivars prowdes the highest production on the short fruit branches, while the Jonagold cultivars achieves the high productivity on the short bat also on the long production branches. The Gloster cultivars achieves the high production on both the short and long fruit branches. The fruits quality of all tested cultivars was approximately equal on all types of fruit branches. This is an expected consequence of the suitably formed growing shape of the trees, and adequate 'cultivars cutting'.Obavljeno je ispitivanje uticaja različitih tipova rodnih grančica na rodnost i kvalitet jabuke ajdared, jonagold i gloster u identičnim uslovima gajenja i istoj vegetativnoj podlozi (M9). Sorta ajdared najveću rodnost obezbeđuje na kratkim rodnim grančicama, dok kod sorte jonagold pored kratkih, dosta visoko učešće obezbeđuju i duge rodne grančice. Sorta gloster podjednako obezbeđuje rodnost na dugim i kratkim rodnim grančicama. Kvalitet plodova svih ispitivanih sorti i na svim tipovima rodnih grančica dosta je ujednačen što je posledica pravilno formiranog uzgojnog oblika i odgovarajuće sortne rezidbe

    Uticaj intenziteta letnje rezidbe i oblika krune na rodnost i kvalitet ploda sorti jabuke Ajdared i Gloster

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    The paper presents the effect of spindle and irregular palmette crown shapes as well as the influence of intensity of pruning on cropping and fruit quality of apple cvs Idared and Gloster. At spindle crown shape spacing was 4 x 1.8 m with M 26 rootstock. Under the irregular palmette with angled branches the spacing was 4 x 4 m and the rootstock was MM 106. It has been established that the yield height presented in kg/tree changes considerably by cultivar and applied crown shape. Cv Gloster grown under the spindle system gave substantially higher yield per hectare than under irregular palmette. No such regularity may be observed in cv Idared. Yield height, both in kg/tree and t/ha, was not greatly influenced by different pruning intensities. In both cultivars double pruning had positive effect on increase of blush covered fruit area. Fruits of cv Gloster were also more colored compared to the fruits of cv Idared. Crown shape had no influence on fruit coloring. Intensity of blush was not markedly changed by the evaluated factors. Different pruning treatments and crown shapes did not exhibit considerable influence on soluble solids content and total acids content.U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitog intenziteta letnje rezidbe kod dva sistema gajenja (sistem vitkog vretena i nepravilne palmete) na rodnost i kvalitet ploda sorti jabuke Ajdared i Gloster. U sistemu vitkog vretena razmak sadnje je 4 x1,8 m, a podloga je M 26. Kod nepravilne palmete sa kosim granama razmak sadnje je 4 x 4 m, a podloga MM 106. Utvrđeno je da se visina prinosa izražena u kg/stablu značajno menja pod uticajem sorte i oblika krune. Sorta Gloster je na vitkom vretenu je dala značajno veće prinose po hektaru nego na nepravilnoj palmeti. Kod sorte Ajdared ne postoji takva pravilnost. Visina prinosa, kako kg/stablo, tako i t/ha se nije značajno menjala pod uticajem intenziteta rezidbe. Kod obe sorte dvostruka rezidba je ispoljila pozitivan uticaj na povećanje površine ploda prekrivene dopunskom bojom. Takođe, plodovi sorte Gloster su bili više obojeni od plodova sorte Ajdared. Oblik krune nije uticao na obojenost plodova. Intenzitet dopunske boje se nije značajnije menjao pod dejstvom ispitivanih faktora. Različiti tretmani rezidbe i oblici krune nisu ispoljili značajan uticaj na sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina

    Važnija biomorfološka, biofiziološka i biokemijska svojstva ranih sorti šljive u lokalitetu Radmilovca

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    Some important bio-morphological, biophysical and biochemical characteristics of early plum varieties (Rut geršteter, Californian blue) have investigated in the similar growing conditions and agro technology and pomotechnology. Very significant influence of different types of productive branches of the biophysical and biochemical characteristics of fruits, as on the total yield of productive trees have appointed. Toward better results it is important to modified and to suggest new appropriate of 'specific varietals prunings' for respective growing conditions. .U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja važnijih bio-morfoloških, bio-fizičkih i biohemijskih pokazatelja kod ranih sorti šljive u lokalitetu Radmilovca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na različita biološka i morfološka svojstva ispitivanih sorti u identičnim uslovima klime, zemljišta i agrotehnike. Obavljenim istraživanjima nastojali smo ukazati na potrebu specifične primene određenih agrotehničkih mera, usklađenih sa morfološkim karakteristikama ispitivanih sorti šljive