18 research outputs found

    Influence of natural convection on gold nanorods-assisted photothermal treatment of bladder cancer in mice

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    Background: The thermally-induced urine flow can generate cooling that may alter the treatment outcome during hyperthermic treatments of bladder cancer. This paper investigates the effects of natural convection inside the bladder and at skin surface during gold nanorods (GNR) - assisted photothermal therapy (PTT) of bladder cancer in mice. Methods: 3D models of mouse bladder at orientations corresponding to the mouse positioned on its back, its side and its abdomen were examined. Numerical simulations were carried out for GNR volume fractions of 0.001, 0.005 and 0.01% and laser power of 0.2 and 0.3 W. Results: The obtained results showed that cooling due to natural convection inside the bladder and above the skin depends on the mouse orientation. For a mouse positioned on its back, on its side or on its abdomen, the maximum temperature achieved inside the tumour at 0.001% GNR volume fraction and 0.2 W laser power was 55.2°C, 50.0°C and 52.2°C, respectively compared to 56.8°C when natural convection was not considered. The average thermal gradients when natural convection was considered were also lower, suggesting a more homogenous temperature distribution. Conclusions: Natural convection inside the bladder can be beneficial but also detrimental to GNR-assisted PTT depending on the level of heating. At low levels of heating due to low GNR volume fraction and/or laser power, flow inside the bladder may dissipate heat from the targeted tissue; making the treatment ineffective. At high levels of heating due to high GNR volume fraction and/or laser power, cooling may prevent excessive thermal damage to surrounding tissues

    Unidirectional ablation minimizes unwanted thermal damage and promotes better thermal ablation efficacy in time-based switching bipolar radiofrequency ablation

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    Switching bipolar radiofrequency ablation (bRFA) is a thermal treatment modality used for liver cancer treatment that is capable of producing larger, more confluent and more regular thermal coagulation. When implemented in the no-touch mode, switching bRFA can prevent tumour track seeding; a medical phenomenon defined by the deposition of cancer cells along the insertion track. Nevertheless, the no-touch mode was found to yield significant unwanted thermal damage as a result of the electrodes’ position outside the tumour. It is postulated that the unwanted thermal damage can be minimized if ablation can be directed such that it focuses only within the tumour domain. As it turns out, this can be achieved by partially insulating the active tip of the RF electrodes such that electric current flows in and out of the tissue only through the non-insulated section of the electrode. This concept is known as unidirectional ablation and has been shown to produce the desired effect in monopolar RFA. In this paper, computational models based on a well-established mathematical framework for modelling RFA was developed to investigate if unidirectional ablation can minimize unwanted thermal damage during time-based switching bRFA. From the numerical results, unidirectional ablation was shown to produce treatment efficacy of nearly 100%, while at the same time, minimizing the amount of unwanted thermal damage. Nevertheless, this effect was observed only when the switch interval of the time-based protocol was set to 50 s. An extended switch interval negated the benefits of unidirectional ablation. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    How does saline backflow affect the treatment of saline-infused radiofrequency ablation?

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    Background and objective: Saline infusion is applied together with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) to enlarge the ablation zone. However, one of the issues with saline-infused RFA is backflow, which spreads saline along the insertion track. This raises the concern of not only thermally ablating the tissue within the backflow region, but also the loss of saline from the targeted tissue, which may affect the treatment efficacy. Methods: In the present study, 2D axisymmetric models were developed to investigate how saline backflow influence saline-infused RFA and whether the aforementioned concerns are warranted. Saline-infused RFA was described using the dual porosity-Joule heating model. The hydrodynamics of backflow was described using Poiseuille law by assuming the flow to be similar to that in a thin annulus. Backflow lengths of 3, 4.5, 6 and 9 cm were considered. Results: Results showed that there is no concern of thermally ablating the tissue in the backflow region. This is due to the Joule heating being inversely proportional to distance from the electrode to the fourth power. Results also indicated that larger backflow lengths led to larger growth of thermal damage along the backflow region and greater decrease in coagulation volume. Hence, backflow needs to be controlled to ensure an effective treatment of saline-infused RFA. Conclusions: There is no risk of ablating tissues around the needle insertion track due to backflow. Instead, the risk of underablation as a result of the loss of saline due to backflow was found to be of greater concern. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    A computational framework to simulate the thermochemical process during thermochemical ablation of biological tissues

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    Thermochemical ablation (TCA) is a thermal ablation therapy that utilises heat released from acid-base neutralisation reaction to destroy tumours. This procedure is a promising low-cost solution to existing thermal ablation treatments such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and microwave ablation (MWA). Studies have demonstrated that TCA can produce thermal damage that is on par with RFA and MWA when employed properly. Nevertheless, TCA remains a concept that is tested only in a few animal trials due to the risks involved as the result of uncontrolled infusion and incomplete acid-base reaction. In this study, a computational framework that simulates the thermochemical process of TCA is developed. The proposed framework consists of three physics, namely chemical flow, neutralisation reaction and heat transfer. An important parameter in the TCA framework is the neutralisation reaction rate constant, which has values in the order of 108 m3/(mo

    Enlarging the thermal coagulation volume during thermochemical ablation with alternating acid-base injection by shortening the injection interval:a computational study

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    Background and objectives: Thermochemical ablation (TCA) is a cancer treatment that utilises the heat released from the neutralisation of acid and base to raise tissue temperature to levels sufficient to induce thermal coagulation. Computational studies have demonstrated that the coagulation volume produced by sequential injection is smaller than that with simultaneous injection. By injecting the reagents in an ensuing manner, the region of contact between acid and base is limited to a thin contact layer sandwiched between the distribution of acid and base. It is hypothesised that increasing the frequency of acid-base injections into the tissue by shortening the injection interval for each reagent can increase the effective area of contact between acid and base, thereby intensifying neutralisation and the exothermic heat released into the tissue. Methods: To verify this hypothesis, a computational model was developed to simulate the thermochemical processes involved during TCA with sequential injection. Four major processes that take place during TCA were considered, i.e., the flow of acid and base, their neutralisation, the release of exothermic heat and the formation of thermal damage inside the tissue. Equimolar acid and base at 7.5 M was injected into the tissue intermittently. Six injection intervals, namely 3, 6, 15, 20, 30 and 60 s were investigated. Results: Shortening of the injection interval led to the enlargement of coagulation volume. If one considers only the coagulation volume as the determining factor, then a 15 s injection interval was found to be optimum. Conversely, if one places priority on safety, then a 3 s injection interval would result in the lowest amount of reagent residue inside the tissue after treatment. With a 3 s injection interval, the coagulation volume was found to be larger than that of simultaneous injection with the same treatment parameters. Not only that, the volume also surpassed that of radiofrequency ablation (RFA); a conventional thermal ablation technique commonly used for liver cancer treatment. Conclusion: The numerical results verified the hypothesis that shortening the injection interval will lead to the formation of larger thermal coagulation zone during TCA with sequential injection. More importantly, a 3 s injection interval was found to be optimum for both efficacy (large coagulation volume) and safety (least amount of reagent residue).</p

    A polygon scaled boundary finite element formulation for transient coupled thermoelastic fracture problems

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    The scaled boundary finite element method is developed for transient thermoelastic fracture analysis. To enable this, a set of novel shape functions are derived considering thermoelastic equilibrium. The salient features of the proposed framework are: (a) can be formulated on polygons with an arbitrary number of sides leading to flexible mesh generation and (b) facilitates an accurate and direct evaluation of the stress intensity factors from their definition without resorting to any post-processing techniques using relatively coarse meshes. Several numerical benchmark problems demonstrate the aforementioned features of the technique. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Development of the scaled boundary finite element method for crack propagation modeling of elastic solids subjected to coupled thermo-mechanical loads

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    This study presents the development of the scaled boundary finite element method to model discrete crack propagation induced by thermal loads. The SBFEM excels in modeling stress singularities at sharp crack tips with high accuracy. Polygon meshes are used so that a robust local re-meshing algorithm can be utilized to propagate the crack. The scaled boundary finite element formulation for steady-state thermal stress analysis is presented. Following a scaled boundary finite element analysis of a given thermal problem, the effect of initial strains due to temperature is taken into account semi-analytically in a subsequent stress analysis. Several numerical examples are presented to validate the technique and illustrate its salient features. © 202