23 research outputs found

    Long-Term Management of Hepatitis C-Seropositive Subjects with AntiOxidant Biofactor (AOB®), a Fermented Food Supplement

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    The efficacy of AntiOxidant Biofactor (AOB(R)) for the management of apparently healthy subjects with chronic hepatitis C infection was investigated. A total of 60 subjects (35 males, 25 females) participated in the trial. AOB was given orally in 2 packs (3g per pack) 3 times per day. 17 subjects had taken AOB for 3 years, 31 subjects up to 2 years, and 41 subjects up to one year. The initial mean (SD) serum alamine aminotransferase (ALT) level was 46.3+/-35.4IU/L, and significant (p0.05, paired t-test) reductions in the mean serum ALT levels were observed at 6 months (38.6+/-21.5IU/L), 18 months (31.9+/-18.1IU/L), 2 years (31.2+/-14.6IU/L), and 3 years (28.0+/-15.9IU/L). Those presenting with high serum ALT levels (30 subjects) demonstrated significant levels (p0.05, paired t-test) of reduction in the mean serum ALT levels at 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of treatment. No side effects were observed and the AOB treatment was well tolerated by all subjects

    Rare Influenza A (H3N2) Variants with Reduced Sensitivity to Antiviral Drugs

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    In 2007 and 2008 in Myanmar, we detected influenza viruses A (H3N2) that exhibited reduced sensitivity to both zanamivir and amantadine. These rare and naturally occurring viruses harbored a novel Q136K mutation in neuraminidase and S31N mutation in M2

    Bioactive compounds screening, antimicrobial activities of leave extract from two palatable plants: Piper betle and Murraya koenigii (Curry leaves)

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    Introduction: Piper betle Linn is one of the most commonly used compounding plants for ethno-medical purposes, with its extract generally used in modern products to enrich their functional efficacy. The extraction methods always lead to differences in the antimicrobial efficacy of methanol extracts of bioactive compounds. Purpose: The study was conducted to screen for bioactive compounds and determine their antimicrobial efficacy in a methanol extract of Piper betle and Murraya koenigi leaves from five different regions. Methodology: The phytochemical screening done according to the procedure that is implied in from Patil, et.al, with minor modifications by the researchers of the current study. Antimicrobial activity was determined; efficacy was measured by disc diffusion analysis. Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of saponin, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids in the extracts. The methanolic extract of betel leaves from all the selected regions except from Bau exhibited antimicrobial activities. Among them, extract from Kuching and Simunjan have no effect on E. coli. The methanolic extract of curry leaves from Kuching, Balai ringai and Bau have antimicrobial activities against Staph aureus and those from Balai ringai is also active against E.coli. Conclusion: Although there were previous reports of phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities from the extract of these plants, there were still lack of research conducted on the specimens especially from our local community (Sarawak). The outcome of this study will help us to identify the bioactive compounds of the local samples and give us some pictures of their activities on how to ensure these plants can be brought forward based on the origin of the sample. KEYWORDS: Bioactive Compounds Screening, Antimicrobial Activities of Leave Extract, Palatable Plants, Piper betle and Murraya koenigii

    Bioactive compounds screening, antimicrobial activities of leave extract from two palatable plants : Piper betle and Murraya koenigii (Curry leaves)

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    Introduction: Piper betle Linn is one of the most commonly used compounding plants for ethno-medical purposes, with its extract generally used in modern products to enrich their functional efficacy. The extraction methods always lead to differences in the antimicrobial efficacy of methanol extracts of bioactive compounds. Purpose: The study was conducted to screen for bioactive compounds and determine their antimicrobial efficacy in a methanol extract of Piper betle and Murraya koenigi leaves from five different regions. Methodology: The phytochemical screening done according to the procedure that is implied in from Patil, et.al, with minor modifications by the researchers of the current study. Antimicrobial activity was determined; efficacy was measured by disc diffusion analysis. Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of saponin, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids in the extracts. The methanolic extract of betel leaves from all the selected regions except from Bau exhibited antimicrobial activities. Among them, extract from Kuching and Simunjan have no effect on E. coli. The methanolic extract of curry leaves from Kuching, Balai ringai and Bau have antimicrobial activities against Staph aureus and those from Balai ringai is also active against E.coli. Conclusion: Although there were previous reports of phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities from the extract of these plants, there were still lack of research conducted on the specimens especially from our local community (Sarawak). The outcome of this study will help us to identify the bioactive compounds of the local samples and give us some pictures of their activities on how to ensure these plants can be brought forward based on the origin of the sample

    Medical Students’ Perception of Learning Environment in New Campus of University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS): Measured by DREEM

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    Background: The ultimate goal of the medical education is to produce the competent and qualified medical professionals. One essential component of medical education is to provide a good learning environment. The assessment of learning environment has been determined as a key instrument for the delivery of high quality and effective education and curriculum. Objective of this study: It is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of learning environment in new campus of medical faculty in Kotasamarahan. Methods: It was a cross-sectional, questionnaire based study and ninety year-two medical students were recruited for the study. Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was used to collect the data. Results: The total score of DREEM was 124.05 / 200 and scores of all subdomains indicate ‘More positive than negative’ however there are items, 3,4,9,14,17,25,27 and 48 scored <2 which need improvements to be made to further enhance the quality of learning environment in new medical faculty of UNIMAS. Conclusion: This study can be used as a pivoting point to help produce more competent medical graduates in the future with the implementation of an efficient learning environmen