41 research outputs found


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    An optimal measure of performance is the one that lead to maximization of average error rate or probability of misclassification. This paper aimed to compare between the maximum likelihood rule and logistic discriminant analysis in the classification of mixture of discrete and continuous variables. The efficiency of the methods was tested using simulated and real dataset. The result obtained showed that the maximum likelihood rule performed better than the logistic discriminant analyses, in maximizing the average error rate in both experiment conducted. Keyword: Maximum likelihood rule, Logistic discriminants, error rate, Likelihood ratio, Discriminant analysis


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    The best classification rule is the one that leads to the smallest probability of misclassification which is called the error rate. This work focused on three classification rules for mixture of discrete and continuous variables with the aim to evaluate the performance of these rules to in classification of individuals into several categories. Applications were done using simulated data and real life data. The result obtained revealed that the location model achieved better result than the other two rules in minimizing the average error rate in both datasets. Keyword: Location Model, Linear Discriminant Models, Quadratic, Discriminant Model, Error Rate

    Exponentiated Inverse Power Pranav distribution: Properties and Application

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    In this article, we proposed a new distribution known as the Exponentiated Inverse Power Pranav distribution for modeling lifetime data sets with monotone and non-monotone shapes in their hazard rates. Along with some of the basic properties, we however, studied the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the proposed distribution. The model was subjected to life application with a dataset and compared to other sub-models. The new distribution was found to have a best fit more than the competing sub-models. Keywords: Pranav distribution, Inverse Power Pranav distribution, Exponentiated distributions, Maximum Likelihood estimation, Exponentiated Inverse Power Pranav distributio

    Effect of Piper guineensees on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of watermelon (Citrulus lanatus) juice stored in refrigerator and ambient

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    Extracted juice from watermelon containing 0.01gPiper guineensesstored in refrigerator (6±2 oC) and on the shelf (28±1oC) usingpolyethylene bottles was evaluated for physicochemical and organoleptic changes. pH, total soluble sugars, titratable acidity and organolepticevaluation of the juice was carried out till deterioration sets in. Results showed that the sample stored in therefrigerator kept for 7 days while the sample on the shelf lasted for 3 days. pH value decreased from 5.40 to 4.80 and 5.70 for the samplestored in the refrigerator and on the shelf respectively while TSS increased from 0.064%Brix to 0.435% Brix and 0.578%Brix for sample stored in refrigerator and shelf respectively. Titratable acidity decreased from 2.90 % to 0.20% and 0.50% for samples for the juice stored in the refrigerator and on shelf respectively.All these changes were statistically significant (p<0.05).The sample stored on the shelf lost its organoleptic qualities on the third day with an average value less than 2 for taste, smell and colour. However, the juice stored in the fridge lost its organoleptic qualities at the 7th day with an average value of 3.0, 2.90 and 2.80 for taste, smell andcolour respectively.  From the results, juice extracted from water meloncannot be kept at ambient temperature beyond 3 days without proper refrigeration and an additive. This calls for alternative way of extending its shelf life in the absence of electricity supply using local spice like P. guineenses and to make it available during off season

    Evaluation of blood reservation and use for caesarean sections in a tertiary maternity unit in south western Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Haemorrhage from obstetric causes is the most common cause of maternal mortality in the developing world. Prevention of mortality from haemorrhage will necessarily involve prompt blood transfusions among other life saving measures. There are however limited stocks of fresh or stored blood in many health care facilities in Sub Saharan Africa. Caesarean section has been identified as a common indication for blood transfusion in obstetrics practice and its performance is often delayed by non availability of blood in our centre. An evaluation of blood reservation and use at caesarean sections in a tertiary maternity unit in Lagos, south western Nigeria should therefore assist in formulating the most rational blood transfusion policies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Case records of 327 patients who had elective and emergency caesarian sections at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital between 1<sup>st </sup>October and 31<sup>st </sup>December 2007 were reviewed. Data pertaining to age, parity, booking status, type and indication for Caesarean section, pre- and post-operative packed cell volume, blood loss at surgery, units of blood reserved in the blood bank, unit(s) of blood transfused and duration of hospital stay was extracted and the data analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 1056 deliveries out of which 327 (31%) were by Caesarean section. During the study period, a total of 654 units of blood were reserved in the blood bank and subsequently made available in theatre. Out of this number, only 89 (13.6%) were transfused to 41 patients. Amongst those transfused, twenty-six (54%) were booked and 31 (75.6%) had primary caesarian section. About 81% of those transfused had emergency caesarean section. The most common indication for surgery among those transfused were placenta praevia (9 patients with 21 units of blood) and cephalo-pelvic disproportion (8 patients with 13 units).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Even though a large number of units of blood was reserved and made available in the theatre at the time of operation, majority of the patients operated did not need blood transfusion. Provision of a mini- blood bank within the obstetric unit and careful patient categorization will ensure timely availability of blood for surgery without necessarily tying down stock in the central blood bank.</p

    Refining the value of secretory phospholipase A2 as a predictor of acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease: results of a feasibility study (PROACTIVE)

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    Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is defined as fever, respiratory symptoms and a new pulmonary infiltrate in an individual with sickle cell disease (SCD). Nearly half of ACS episodes occur in SCD patients already hospitalized, potentially permitting pre-emptive therapy in high-risk patients. Simple transfusion of red blood cells may abort ACS if given to patients hospitalized for pain who develop fever and elevated levels of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2). In a feasibility study (PROACTIVE; ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00951808), patients hospitalized for pain who developed fever and elevated sPLA2 were eligible for randomization to transfusion or observation; all others were enrolled in an observational arm. Of 237 enrolled, only 10 were randomized; one of the four to receive transfusion had delayed treatment. Of 233 subjects receiving standard care, 22 developed ACS. A threshold level of sPLA2 ≥ 48 ng/ml gave optimal sensitivity (73%), specificity (71%) and accuracy (71%), but a positive predictive value of only 24%. The predictive value of sPLA2 was improved in adults and patients with chest or back pain, lower haemoglobin concentration and higher white blood cell counts; and those receiving less than two-thirds maintenance fluids. The hurdles identified in PROACTIVE should facilitate design of a larger, definitive, phase 3 randomized controlled trial

    Helicobacter pylori strains from a Nigerian cohort show divergent antibiotic resistance rates and a uniform pathogenicity profile

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    Antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori is a factor preventing its successful eradication. Particularly in developing countries, resistance against commonly used antibiotics is widespread. Here, we present an epidemiological study from Nigeria with 111 isolates. We analyzed the associated disease outcome, and performed a detailed characterization of these isolated strains with respect to their antibiotic susceptibility and their virulence characteristics. Furthermore, statistical analysis was performed on microbiological data as well as patient information and the results of the gastroenterological examination. We found that the variability concerning the production of virulence factors between strains was minimal, with 96.4% of isolates being CagA-positive and 92.8% producing detectable VacA levels. In addition, high frequency of bacterial resistance was observed for metronidazole (99.1%), followed by amoxicillin (33.3%), clarithromycin (14.4%) and tetracycline (4.5%). In conclusion, this study indicated that the infection rate of H. pylori infection within the cohort in the present study was surprisingly low (36.6%). Furthermore, an average gastric pathology was observed by histological grading and bacterial isolates showed a uniform pathogenicity profile while indicating divergent antibiotic resistance rates