108 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Manpower Capacity Development among Agribusiness-Based Entrepreneurial Organizations in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the factors affecting manpower development among agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations in Abia state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 75 agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations from two local government areas within the two agribusiness zones of Abia State. The method of data collection was through a random sampling technique and the instruments of data collection were questionnaire and oral interviews. The data collected were analyzed were with descriptive statistics, chi-square and Ordinary Least Square multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that, majority of the firms (56.2percent) are well informed and experienced in agribusinesses management practices used by the firms; the agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations that produce primary agribusiness raw inputs have more manpower (80.36percent) than organizations that used the raw materials for further production. Working condition was observed to influence (100 percent) the operations of both entrepreneurial organizations producing primary agribusiness raw inputs and that of those using the raw materials respectively. A total of the firms (68.75percent) using primary agribusiness raw materials are facing constraints of low market patronage. A further analysis showed that there is a significant difference between manpower development and productivity. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that income, capital available for training and productivity were the major factors that positively and significantly affected manpower development. However, taxation signed negatively but significantly affected manpower development. The study recommends among others, that government and policy makers should come up with tax protection policies for agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations as it is found to be hampering the firms development especially manpower wise. Key words: Factors, Manpower development, Agribusiness-Based, Organization

    Profitability and viability analyses of small-holder cocoa production three management systems in Abia State Nigeria: A study for commercialization implications

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    The study examined the viability of small-holder cocoa production under three management systems in Abia State. The systems studied were owner-, lease and sharecrop management systems. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire. Using a random selection method 150 cocoa farmers were selected for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Benefit Cost Ratio and Net Present Value at 10% discount rate. Results show that cocoa production is profitable and viable in the study area. Also, the three management systems are efficient and practicable. The NPV for owner managed was highest showing that it is the most economically viable management system. It is recommended that ample amount of capital therefore should be invested into cocoa production to reinvigorate life in this dying and critically dwindling commercialized sector. Thus government and multinationals should assist the cocoa farmers with soft loans to encourage them help enhance production and break even. Moreso, group production should be encouraged in the study area for commercialization purposes considering the fact that cocoa production option is viable and profitable

    Evaluation of Earning Performance of Female Owned Leather-Based Enterprises in Aba Metropolis, Abia State, Nigeria

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    This study examined evaluation of earning performance of female owned leather-based enterprises in Aba Metroplis of Abia State. The study has become relevant considering the performance of women in the other fields of life endeavors. Firstly, through a purposive selection sampling method female owners of leather based enterprises were selected against the males. A random selection of sixty (60) female entrepreneurs involved in leather products preproduction activities such as sales of accessories for shoes, bags and belts, leather cleaning and drying activities, leather spraying and such like activities. Thirty female entrepreneurs were selected from Ariaria and Ahia markets respectively. Questionnaire and oral interview were the instruments for data collection. The tools for data analyses were descriptive statistics, income statement and an econometric model involving Ordinary Least Square regression analyses. The earning performance evaluation indicated that the enterprises have performed creditably considering the value of the gross margin analysis which is high and gross return per each capital invested which is also positively significant. The analyses of determinants of earning performance indicated the significant variables as interest rate on credit, distance to the nearest market, amount of credit available for investment and rent. It is recommended that female entrepreneurs owning leather enterprises should be empowered financially and that at a reduced rate of interest to enhance the enterprise performances

    Understanding the needs of carers of people with psychosis in primary care

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    The study examined the comparative analyses of modern and traditional bee keeping in Abia State, Nigeria. It considered as objectives the comparative analyses of costs and returns, technical and profit efficiencies and evaluation of the major constraints associated with both bee keeping practices. A sample size of 120 bee keepers comprising 80 modern and 40 traditional bee keepers were examined respectively in this study. The tools of data collection were structured questionnaire and oral interviews. Analytical tools used included Cobb Douglas production function, descriptive statistics and income statement analysis. The result shows that modern bee keeping generates more income than traditional bee farming despite its production cost. Investment in bee keeping, especially with respect to modern bee keeping approach increased tremendously with expanded access to cheap and flexible credit which is presently a limiting factor in traditional bee keeping. Further, man days of labour and quantity of baiting materials increased the production of modern bee keepers while expenses on labour and apiaries limited their profitability even among traditional bee keepers. Thus, it is recommended that the modern bee keepers should be encouraged with financial incentives that will help them boost number of labourers and local policies which will reduce labour cost and other inputs should also be encouraged. Key words: comparative, analyses, modern, traditional, bee-keepin

    Determinants of Self Employment and Income among Agribusiness Households in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the factors influencing self employment and income among one hundred100 agribusiness households in Abia State, Nigeria. In analyzing the factors influencing agribusiness household self employment and income, the level and the areas of self employment were also examined. Data for the analysis were collected using structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Descriptive statistics, probit regression and ordinary least square regression were used to analyze the data. Results from the analyses showed that self employment is common among the males. Education, age, gender, distances, landholding, size of household and value of livestock were significant variables that influenced self employment and income respectively. It was generally accepted that self employment is needful to alleviate the masses unemployment problem and to achieve food security goal of the nations especially Nigeria. It is therefore, recommended that the governmental and non governmental organizations, communities, individuals and corporate bodies should put in place policies that will make land and education available to the masses at a least cost to boost innovations and creativity development

    Determinants of Productivity among Firms Producing Agribusiness-Based Raw Materials and Those Using Them for Production in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study was designed to analyze the determinants of productivity among firms with specialization in producing and using agricultural products respectively in Abia State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured questionnaire from 72 randomly selected firms comprising firms using and producing agricultural products respectively. Data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, chi-square and multiple regression analyses models. Results show that majority (56.25%) of firms using agricultural products are experienced and acclimatized to the investment climate of the area, 68.75% and 71.42% of the firms using and producing agricultural products respectively never borrowed their start-up capital, 87.7% and 100% of the firms producing and using of agricultural products in the study area have asset worth of  N1-N10 million naira respectively and, there is a deep impression that marketing problems in conjunction with capital inadequacy (68.75%) have profoundly constrained the productivity of both firms. It further revealed that there is a significant difference between employee qualification and productivity and also a significant difference between on-job training and productivity of the firms. The multiple regression analysis showed that taxation and amount paid to employees was significant and negatively related to productivity whereas, amount invested in manpower and working condition of employees was significant and positively related to productivity. On the basis of the results, the study recommended among other factors, improved and good wages and salaries incentives to employees as a panacea for their continual stay with the firms. This will also boost their morale and enhance productivity. Keywords: productivity, firms, producing, agricultural products

    An Empirical Investigation into the Performance Management Practices of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Southern Nigeria

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    This paper seeks to assess whether current performance management practices yield effective results and compare performance management practices in Nigerian firms to best practices. Data were collected from nine hundred and ninety three (993) manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The Yamane’s statistical formula was employed for sample size determination. 285 copies of questionnaire were distributed to various managing directors of these firms who were strategically placed to provide data for a proper evaluation of performance management practices of the sampled organizations. Using frequency tables, Chi- square (X) statistic and Z-test one sample Kolmognov-Smirmov test, the study reveals that current performance management practices in Nigeria delivers effective results, but did not conform to best practices. Based on the findings, the paper submits that leaders and top management of these manufacturing firms should continue to apply performance management strategies including training and development programmes in a positive manner in order to enhance productivity amongst employees. Keywords: Empirical Investigation, Performance Management, Manufacturing Firms

    Examining the Effect of E-Commerce on Business Performance in A Business Environment

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    In this exercise, the effects tof electronic commerce in the light of business to business transaction are examined. Our assessments result in the development of four propositions regarding the impact of electronic commerce on business performance. Our propositions link the adoption of electronic commerce through information flow and speed of decision making to business performance. From these propositions, we have suggested a model of the impact of electronic commerce adoption on business performance, the benefit of the buyers, the suppliers and the customers. The model implies a mediated link between electronic commerce and business performance. It is our view that the adoption of this model will enhance business activity and its overall performance. Keywords: E-Commerce, Business Performance, Environmen
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