31 research outputs found

    Another Look at the Impact of Nigeria’s Growing Population on the Country’s Development

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    This paper is a contribution to the debate about the impact of Nigeria’s growing population on the country’s development. With a population that already exceeds 130 million people and growing at roughly 3 per cent annually, a considerable proportion of the nation’s resources are consumed instead of accumulated for development purposes. In effect, the paper empirically tests the association between population growth and economic development in Nigeria between 1980 and 2003 and found that growth in population outweighs that of output and this has hindered the capacity of successive governments to efficiently provide social services to the people, thereby negatively affecting development. Our contention, therefore, is that curbs on population growth through appropriate policies that would integrate the country’s population programmers into the mainstream development efforts are necessary. That way, higher per capita consumption of social services by the citizens would be facilitated and which ultimately would boost their access to the benefits of development

    The Patterns of Acquisition of Syntactic Regularities in Pre-Secondary School Second Language Learners of English

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    The learning of complex syntactic structures of English by L2 learners have not been systematically dealt with in the available literature. This study investigated this problem, with the aim of replicating some works done in the L1, in order to determine their feasibility in the L2 perspective. Limited to a small sample, the study examined the developmental stages in the acquisition of English syntactic structures in 7 to 10-year-old children learning English as a second language. Six test constructs were used to examine linguistic competence over a wide range of surface structures, and statistical analysis provided the basis for interpretation of the general pattern of acquisition. The findings of the study show that the process of acquisition of syntactic structures continues actively during and after the primary school years among L2 learners, and they have implication not only for syntactic acquisition, but for language theory in general and L2 theory in particular

    Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) and some Cations (Na+, Ca+ and Mg2+) in a Crude Oil Polluted Soil and possible Phytoremediation by Cynodon dactylon L (Bermuda grass)

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    Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and some cations (Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) in a crude oil polluted soil and possible phytoremediation by Cynodon dactylon L. (Bermuda grass) was studied. The soil samples (A, B, C and D), each weighing 5kg were collected. Samples B, C and D were polluted with crude oil at different concentration (B: 30ml/kg, C: 50ml/kg and D: 100ml/kg). Sample A was unpolluted. Total petroleum hydrocarbon and some cations were determined after seven days of pollution and after two months of phytoremediation by Cynodon dactylon L. and the results were compared. The result showed that mean TPH concentration decreased after remediation. Mean TPH concentration in the soil samples before remediation were (477.0mg/kg, 887.4mg/kg, 1156.17mg/kg and 2105.0mg/kg), while values after remediation were (67.7mg/kg, 383.6mg/kg, 357.6mg/kg and 291.0mg/kg)  with  percentage decrease of 85.8, 56.7, 66.8 and 86.2 in A,B,C and D respectively. The result showed that cynodon dactylon L. has the ability to clean-up crude oil polluted soil. Analysis of the plant stems for TPH concentration between the unpolluted sample A. and the most polluted sample D., showed that sample D. has mean TPH concentration of 785.19mg/kg and A. 82.58mg/kg, with percentage increase of 89.4. This significant increase (p>0.05) in TPH concentration after remediation in sample D. than A., clearly indicates that cynodon dactylon L. is responsible for the decrease in TPH concentration after remediation. The result of cation analysis after pollution showed that Mg2+ and Ca2+ had no significant difference in the soil samples irrespective of the level of pollution (p<0.05). Na+ concentration increases with increase in the level of pollution. Key words: Total petroleum hydrocarbon, Phytoremediatio

    An Appraisal of Vertical Marketing System of Medical Drugs Distribution in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study attempts to assess the channel performance of the vertical marketing system of drugs distribution in Abia State of Nigeria and the extent channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage can facilitate co-operation among members. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Two hypotheses were formulated for testing. A sample of 300 respondents, comprising 30 licensed drug manufacturers/ importers, 49 wholesalers, 74 Retailers, and 147 Customers was selected from a population of 1200 respondents. Questionnaires were administered and completely retrieved. Interviews were held with some licensed distribution channel members. Data were analyzed using Z-test at 0.05 level of significance and 4 degrees of freedom. Findings revealed low performance of the vertical marketing system of drugs distribution and the statistical insignificance of the channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage in relation to facilitating co-operation among members. The manufactuturers should provide assistance to other channel members in training / retraining of personnel to enable them understand the total channel concept. They should extend credits provisions to other channel members while the wealthy distributors should make substantial financial deposits available to manufacturers to enable them attain economies of scale in production. These recommendations, among others, would enhance channel performance, improve channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage and induce the cooperation of members. Keywords:  Vertical Marketing System, Channel Performance, Channel Members’ Satisfaction, Dysfunctional Conflict, Metrics and Brand Equity

    A Research-Based Evidence of the Effect of Graphic Organizers on the Understanding of Prose Fiction in ESL Classroom

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    Graphic organizers (GOs) are fast becoming acceptable standard instructional tools across subjects in the education arena globally. However, this visual representation of information is yet to be recognized and integrated into the teaching methods in Nigerian schools. This study, therefore, presents a research-based investigation of the usefulness of GOs in the appreciation of prose literature in Nigeria, with a view to foregrounding their use in Nigerian schools. Specifically, the study seeks to find out whether senior secondary students in prose literature-in-English in Nigeria who are taught with GOs perform better in prose and comprehension assessments. Four project secondary schools with total of 100 students were purposively selected for the study. The schools were grouped into two: graphic-based schools (GBS) and non-graphic-based schools (NGBS). Whereas the GBS was exposed to instruction via eight graphic organizers, the NGBS served as control. Subjected to descriptive statistics and one-sample t test analysis, the investigation reveals that graphic organizers make students take charge of the learning process in prose literature classes, and it concludes that these visual instructional elements guarantee student understanding and achievement. The study, thus, recommends the incorporation of graphic organizers in the teaching and learning processes across subjects in Nigerian school

    Empirical Analysis of Vertical Imbalance of Revenue Distribution in Nigeria between: 1985-2010.

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    In contemporary society, the surviving economy depends on the volume of tax response of her citizenry as it helps in frastructural development which in turns contributes to economic development in the country. Against this background, the paper examined the empirical analysis of vertical imbalance of revenue distribution in Nigeria between the periods of 1985 to 2010. Data sourced from the CBN and NBS Statistical Bulletin were subjected to empirical analysis and result showed that the findings confirmed an evidence of negative and inversely relationship between VIMBs and UNED while VIMBf  indicated direct and positive relationship with UNED in Nigeria. This is suggestively true because federal has very wide coverage of revenue generation than the state government. In term of predicative capability of cases within the years of study, the state can predict 84 percent 21 out of 25 cases while the federal predict only 80 percent 20 out of 25 cases of UNED. However, VIMBs is not statistically significance while VIMBf is significant based in the overall parameter comparison with the UNED. Although both VIMBs and VIMBf are respectively significance in terms of the model estimates result. The VIMBf is fund to have the highest strength of explaining the variation in UNED by 7.7 percent than the VIMBs of only 1.7 per cent.  It is therefore wise to recommended that effort should be made by the National Economic Commission, National Planning Commission and Policy Makers to regulate and restructure the Federal character commission policy of development to reflect true implementation and federalism in governance. Keywords: Vertical Imbalance, Revenue, Gretl, Policy, Uneven Development, Dummy variables

    Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge of Immediate Management of Permanent Tooth Avulsion

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    Background: This study assessed primary school teachers’ knowledge of immediate management of tooth avulsion in Enugu, Nigeria. Methods: This was a cross‑sectional study of 135 primary school teachers in Enugu metropolis of Enugu State, Nigeria. Data on sex, age, academic qualification, school type, years of service, and the knowledge of immediate management of avulsed tooth among primary school teachers were collected using a self‑administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 18. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: The age of study participants ranged from 20 to 58 years. Many teachers in public schools 73 (54.1%) and those with bachelor degree in education 69 (51.1%) participated in the study, They were mostly females 123 (91.1%). The year of service of the teachers ranged from 1 year to 35 years. Only 25 (18.5%) of the teachers had good knowledge of the immediate management of avulsed teeth. Six (4.4%) knew that re‑implantation was the immediate treatment for an avulsed permanent tooth. However, there was a significant association between sex (P < 0.001) and having good knowledge of the management of avulsion, but there was no significant association between age (P = 0.42), school type (P = 0.27) qualification (P = 0.09), year of service (P = 0.42), and having good knowledge of the management of avulsion. Conclusion: Few primary school teachers had good knowledge of immediate management of avulsed tooth indicating the need for increased oral health awareness among teachers in the study area. Keywords: First aid, immediate management, knowledge, permanent tooth avulsion, school teachers, transport medi

    Versifying History and National Trauma in Tanure Ojaide’s The Endless Song

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    The symbiotic relationship between literature and history is most visible in the writer’s deployment of his or her art to document experiences of the past and their impacts on the feelings and well-being of his or her people in the periods represented in the work(s). This article explores the historical content and significance of Tanure Ojaide’s The Endless Song from a new historical perspective. Most studies on Ojaide’s poetry often focus on his critique of bad leadership and his denunciation of exploitation and pillaging of Nigeria’s Niger Delta region with little attention paid to his poems as history in verse form. This article therefore contributes to criticism on the interface between literature and history. This study further highlights significant motifs in Nigeria’s history in the periods documented in The Endless Song and analyses the traumatic impacts of the events on the well-being of Nigeria and her people. These are aimed at showing that Ojaide’s The Endless Song is more than an outcry against the plundering of the Niger Delta region; it represents the spatiotemporal record of Nigeria’s turbulent history


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    In a typical patriarchal African setting, women are usually relegated to the background. They are seen, not heard in a man’s world. In the religious circle, for instance, women are not expected to preside over men; they are not expected to be ordained as Priests, Pastors, etc. in most church denominations. Politics in Nigeria has always been a turbulent terrain. There is the usual male chauvinism that the male counterparts don’t yield an inch to the opposite sex. The general age-long belief and practice is that men must always lead and the position of the female invariably is in the kitchen. Could that be as a result of the fact that a woman was created out of a man, which smacks of superiority and inferiority syndrome, a weaker vessel as opposed to a stronger vessel? Undoubtedly, as a result of man’s dominance in the political space of our national life, in Nigeria, men have been able, for some-time, to garner economic power which they use to fight or bargain for political power. This paper identifies and focuses on prominent Nigerian women who have blazed the trail in spite of the hurdles placed on women’s way by the policies and structures of their male-counterparts. The objective of the study is to sensitize the women-folk on the need for leadership positions in the political arena. The main sources of data are the newspapers, journal articles, the internet, the library, interviews and questionnaires from the public