109 research outputs found

    The Effects of Interactive Multimedia on English Language Pronunciation Performance of Pulils in the Nigerian Primary Schools

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    This paper presents a research carried out to x-ray the effects of using interactive multimedia on the English language pronunciation performance of pupils in the Nigerian primary School. The simple observation technique and a well-structured questionnaire were used coupled with class test to show whether the effect is negative or positive. Pupils from grade one to grade five were randomly selected and all the class teachers responded appropriately to the questionnaires administered to them. A well-structured formative test was also given to the pupils in order to ascertain the status of effect and the level of impact of interactive digital multimedia on English Language pronunciation performance of pupils.  This paper illustrates that adopting the interactive multimedia technology in education makes it possible to achieve effective teaching and training in multiple domains which was not possible in the traditional text based environment. Keywords: Interactive digital multimedia, English language pronunciation, performance

    Variable geographic distribution of Blastocystis subtypes and its potential implications.

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    Blastocystis is a common intestinal micro-eukaryote found in both humans and non-human hosts and known to be genetically very diverse. It has been divided into numerous subtypes (STs), nine of which have been identified in humans to date. Surveys of ST prevalence have started to emerge over the past few years but to date no data are available for any African country except Egypt and Tanzania. In this study, we determined the prevalence of Blastocystis STs in populations from Libya, Liberia and Nigeria, as well as expanding the dataset available for the UK. A total of 356 Blastocystis STs were identified in this study, 271 from the UK, 38 from Libya, 25 from Liberia and 22 from Nigeria. SSU rRNA gene sequences revealed the presence of eight of the nine STs known from humans but at varying frequencies between countries. ST1 was the most common ST in Libya and Nigeria whereas ST3 showed the highest frequency in the other two countries, as indeed is the case in most populations around the world. ST4 was absent in Libya and ST2 in Nigeria, while no ST5, ST6, ST8 or ST9 infections were detected in any of the three African populations. The picture emerging from this and other surveys suggests that there is significant variation in ST prevalence between populations. Some of the possible reasons for and implications of this diversity are discussed

    Novel Bispecific Antibody for Synovial-Specific Target Delivery of Anti-TNF Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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    Biologic drugs, especially anti-TNF, are considered as the gold standard therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. However, non-uniform efficacy, incidence of infections, and high costs are major concerns. Novel tissue-specific agents may overcome the current limitations of systemic administration, providing improved potency, and safety. We developed a bispecific antibody (BsAb), combining human arthritic joint targeting, via the synovial-specific single-chain variable fragment (scFv)-A7 antibody, and TNFα neutralization, via the scFv-anti-TNFα of adalimumab, with the binding/blocking capacity comparable to adalimumab -immunoglobulin G (IgG). Tissue-targeting capacity of the BsAb was confirmed on the human arthritic synovium in vitro and in a synovium xenograft Severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mouse model. Peak graft accumulation occurred at 48 h after injection with sustained levels over adalimumab-IgG for 7 days and increased therapeutic effect, efficiently decreasing tissue cellularity, and markers of inflammation with higher potency compared to the standard treatment. This study provides the first description of a BsAb capable of drug delivery, specifically to the disease tissue, and a strong evidence of improved therapeutic effect on the human arthritic synovium, with applications to other existing biologics

    Census politics in deeply divided societies

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    Population censuses in societies that are deeply divided along ethnic, religious or linguistic lines can be sensitive affairs – particularly where political settlements seek to maintain peace through the proportional sharing of power between groups. This brief sets out some key findings from a research project investigating the relationship between census politics and the design of political institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, Lebanon and Northern Ireland

    Socioeconomic dynamism and the growth of baby factories in Nigeria

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    Abstract: Illegally breeding babies for marketing purposes otherwise known as “infant commodification” is increasing in Nigeria. This menace is a vice that threatens the lives and wellbeing of babies, young girls, and women. This article investigates through an in-depth review of scholarly publication and media coverages the factors that have contributed to the emergence and growth of the illicit industry in Nigeria. It examines the role of cultural beliefs, social attitudes, and norms as well as the harsh economic conditions of the nation as factors playing pivotal roles in the continual growth of baby farming in Nigeria. Some of these sociocultural factors are social stigmatization of pregnancy outside wedlock, stigmatization of adopted children, and the importance attached to fertility and the demonization of childlessness. The article draws on Emile Durkheim anomie theory and Chambers dimensions of poverty to explain how breakdown within the nation’s socioeconomic structure has a concomitant impact in breading social vices. It concludes by recommending that there is a need to jettison stigmatizing sociocultural beliefs within the nation’s social fabrics. Responsive attitude toward family reproductive issues should be encouraged and finally the activities of health care providers, operators of nongovernmental organizations taking custody of babies and young girls be properly monitored. As well, stringent punishment be meted out to apprehended operators of these baby farms to serve as deterrent to others

    Haematological Changes in Patients with Lymphoid Malignancies on Chemotherapy in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

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    Chemotherapy continues to serve as the best option therapy in treating human malignancies that have undergone metastasis and cannot be managed solely by surgical removal or radiation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical important of haematological parameters in the management of lymphoid malignancy patients on chemotherapy to ascertain the impact of such chemotherapy on them.. This study was carried out in one secondary and one tertiary health institution in Edo State. It was divided into three groups: lymphoid malignancy on chemotherapy, novel lymphoid malignancy and apparently healthy individuals as controls. Using aseptic precaution, 5ml of blood is collected into K2EDTA container for full blood count analysis using KX-21NSysmex automated Haematology analyser 2004 model and data were analysed using student t test. The comparison between novel lymphoid malignant patient and controls indicate WBC, lymphocytes and platelet count increase significantly (P <0.05) while RBC, HGB, HCT decrease significantly (P <0.05) when compared with control. However, MCV, MCH, MCHC, monocytes and granulocytes were not significant (P>0.05). The comparison  between lymphoid malignant patient on chemotherapy and controls shows RBC, HGB, HCT decrease significantly when compared with control (P <0.05) while WBC, lymphocytes, platelet, MCV, MCH, MCHC, monocytes and granulocytes were not significant (P>0.05).When lymphoid malignant patient on chemotherapy and novel lymphoid malignant patient are compared, it shows RBC, HGB, HCT increase significantly when compared with novel lymphoid malignant patients (P <0.05) while WBC and MCHC decrease significantly (P <0.05). However, lymphocytes, platelet, MCV, MCH, monocytes and granulocytes were not significant (P>0.05). we can deduce that full blood count is highly clinically important for an effective management of lymphoid malignant patients on chemotherapy. DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/61-04 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Characterisation of a novel ACE2-based therapeutic with enhanced rather than reduced activity against SARS-CoV-2 variants

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    The human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 acts as the host cell receptor for SARS-CoV-2 and the other members of the Coronaviridae family SARS-CoV-1 and HCoV-NL63. Here we report the biophysical properties of the SARS-CoV-2 spike variants D614G, B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1 with affinities to the ACE2 receptor and infectivity capacity, revealing weaknesses in the developed neutralising antibody approaches. Furthermore, we report a pre-clinical characterisation package for a soluble receptor decoy engineered to be catalytically inactive and immunologically inert, with broad neutralisation capacity, that represents an attractive therapeutic alternative in light of the mutational landscape of COVID-19. This construct efficiently neutralised four SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. The decoy also displays antibody-like biophysical properties and manufacturability, strengthening its suitability as a first-line treatment option in prophylaxis or therapeutic regimens for COVID-19 and related viral infections. IMPORTANCE Mutational drift of SARS-CoV-2 risks rendering both therapeutics and vaccines less effective. Receptor decoy strategies utilising soluble human ACE2 may overcome the risk of viral mutational escape since mutations disrupting viral interaction with the ACE2 decoy will by necessity decrease virulence thereby preventing meaningful escape. The solution described here of a soluble ACE2 receptor decoy is significant for the following reasons: While previous ACE2-based therapeutics have been described, ours has novel features including (1) mutations within ACE2 to remove catalytical activity and systemic interference with the renin/angiotensin system; (2) abrogated FcÎłR engagement, reduced risk of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection and reduced risk of hyperinflammation, and (3) streamlined antibody-like purification process and scale-up manufacturability indicating that this receptor decoy could be produced quickly and easily at scale. Finally, we demonstrate that ACE2-based therapeutics confer a broad-spectrum neutralisation potency for ACE2-tropic viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in contrast to therapeutic mAb

    Lake drying and livelihood dynamics in Lake Chad: unravelling the mechanisms, contexts and responses

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    This article examines lake drying and livelihood dynamics in the context of multiple stressors through a case study of the ‘‘Small Lake Chad’’ in the Republic of Chad. Livelihoods research in regions experiencing persistent lake water fluctuations has largely focused on the wellbeing and security of lakeshore dwellers. Little is known about the mechanisms through which lake drying shapes livelihood drawbacks and opportunities, and whether locally evolved responses are enhancing livelihoods. Here we address these gaps using empirical, mixed-methods field research couched within the framework of livelihoods and human well-being contexts. The analysis demonstrates that limited opportunities outside agriculture, the influx of mixed ethnic migrants and the increasing spate of violence all enhance livelihood challenges. Livelihood opportunities centre on the renewal effects of seasonal flood pulses on lake waters and the learning opportunities triggered by past droughts. Although drying has spurred new adaptive behaviours predicated on seasonality, traditional predictive factors and the availability of assets, responses have remained largely reactive. The article points to where lake drying fits amongst changes in the wider socioeconomic landscape in which people live, and suggests that awareness of the particularities of the mechanisms that connect lake drying to livelihoods can offer insights into the ways local people might be assisted by governments and development actors
