6 research outputs found

    Kidney Health for All – Bridging the gap to better kidney care in Africa

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    Introduction: The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Africa is generally higher than global averages. Moreover, the management of patients with CKD suffers huge disparities compared to the rest of the world. We reviewed the literature on the major challenges in the management of kidney disease in Africa and suggest ways to bridge the gap for better kidney care on the African continent. Results and recommendations: The prevalence of CKD in Africa is 15.8%. Kidney failure is associated with increased morbidity and mortality as a result of limited infrastructure and out-of-pocket payment for renal replacement therapy in most parts of the continent. The increasing prevalence of CKD results from  epidemiological transition with increasing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and established communicable diseases. Furthermore, Africa has unique risk factors and causes of kidney disease such as sickle cell disease, APOL1 risk alleles, and chronic infections such HIV, and hepatitis B and C. Challenges facing kidney care in Africa include poverty, weak health systems, inadequate primary health care, misplaced priorities by political leaders, a relatively low nephrology workforce, poor identification of acute kidney injury (AKI), low  transplantation rates as well as a lack of sustainable prevention policies and renal registries. To bridge the gap to better kidney care, there should be more community engagement, advocacy for increased government support into kidney care, comprehensive renal registries, training of a greater nephrology workforce, task shifting of nephrology services to non-nephrologists, expanded access to renal replacement therapy and promotion of organ donation. Conclusion: Africa needs greater investment in kidney health

    Childhood poisoning: a 10-year experience in a tertiary hospital in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    Childhood Poisoning is a common cause of emergency room presentation, more so in underdeveloped countries where it contributes to a high incidence of hospitalization with variability in morbidity and mortality. This study retrospectively assessed the sociodemographic profiles, poisoning agents, clinical features and management of cases of childhood poisoning admitted at Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Enugu. It was a 10-year retrospective study of all the cases of childhood poisoning admitted within the period of study at the Children’s Emergency Room of Enugu State University Teaching Hospital (ESUTH), Enugu. The prevalence of childhood poisoning in the study was 0.3%. Of all the subjects, 78.4% were ≤5 years and more than half were males and from lower socioeconomic classes. Accidental poisoning accounted for 70.3%; the predominant agents were kerosene and organophosphates. Palm oil was used by 67.6% of the participants as an intervention before presentation. Pneumonitis was the most common complication. Patients with peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) < 95% were 14 times more likely to have complications than those with SpO2 ≥ 95%. The duration of hospital stay was ≤3 in 59% of the cases and no mortality was recorded in this study.Childhood poisoning remains prevalent in our environment with kerosene being the commonest agent. Palm oil administration as a predominant pre-hospital intervention worsens outcomes. Duration of hospitalization depends on SpO2 at presentation, need for antibiotic therapy, and intention.

    Organ Donation and Transplantation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), occupying about 80% of the African continent is a heterogeneous region with estimated population of 1.1 billion people in 47 countries. Most belong to the low resource countries (LRCs). The high prevalence of end-organ diseases of kidney, liver, lung and heart makes provision of organ donation and transplantation necessary. Although kidney and heart transplantations were performed in South Africa in the 1960s, transplant activity in SSA lags behind the developed world. Peculiar challenges militating against successful development of transplant programmes include high cost of treatment, low GDP of most countries, inadequate infrastructural and institutional support, absence of subsidy, poor knowledge of the disease condition, poor accessibility to health-care facilities, religious and trado-cultural practices. Many people in the region patronize alternative healthcare as first choice. Opportunities that if harnessed may alter the unfavorable landscape are: implementation of the 2007 WHO Regional Consultation recommendations for establishment of national legal framework and self-sufficient organ donation/transplantation in each country and adoption of their 2020 proposed actions for organ/transplantation for member states, national registries with sharing of data with GODT, prevention of transplant commercialization and tourism. Additionally, adapting some aspects of proven successful models in LRCs will improve transplantation programmes in SSA

    Regional variation in hemoglobin distribution among individuals with chronic kidney disease: the ISN International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease (iNET-CKD) Cohorts

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    Introduction: Despite recognized geographic and sex-based differences in hemoglobin in the general population, these factors are typically ignored in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in whom a single therapeutic range for hemoglobin is recommended. We sought to compare the distribution of hemoglobin across international nondialysis CKD populations and evaluate predictors of hemoglobin.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, hemoglobin distribution was evaluated in each cohort overall and stratified by sex and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Relationships between candidate predictors and hemoglobin were assessed from linear regression models in each cohort. Estimates were subsequently pooled in a random effects model.Results: A total of 58,613 participants from 21 adult cohorts (median eGFR range of 17–49 ml/min) and 3 pediatric cohorts (median eGFR range of 26–45 ml/min) were included with broad geographic representation. Hemoglobin values varied substantially among the cohorts, overall and within eGFR categories, with particularly low mean hemoglobin observed in women from Asian and African cohorts. Across the eGFR range, women had a lower hemoglobin compared to men, even at an eGFR of 15 ml/min (mean difference 5.3 g/l, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.7–6.9). Lower eGFR, female sex, older age, lower body mass index, and diabetic kidney disease were all independent predictors of a lower hemoglobin value; however, this only explained a minority of variance (R2 7%–44% across cohorts).Conclusion: There are substantial regional differences in hemoglobin distribution among individuals with CKD, and the majority of variance is unexplained by demographics, eGFR, or comorbidities. These findings call for a renewed interest in improving our understanding of hemoglobin determinants in specific CKD populations.</p

    Regional Variation in Hemoglobin Distribution Among Individuals With CKD: the ISN International Network of CKD Cohorts

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    International audienceIntroduction: Despite recognized geographic and sex-based differences in hemoglobin in the general population, these factors are typically ignored in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in whom a single therapeutic range for hemoglobin is recommended. We sought to compare the distribution of hemoglobin across international nondialysis CKD populations and evaluate predictors of hemoglobin. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, hemoglobin distribution was evaluated in each cohort overall and stratified by sex and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Relationships between candidate predictors and hemoglobin were assessed from linear regression models in each cohort. Estimates were subsequently pooled in a random effects model. Results: A total of 58,613 participants from 21 adult cohorts (median eGFR range of 17–49 ml/min) and 3 pediatric cohorts (median eGFR range of 26–45 ml/min) were included with broad geographic representation. Hemoglobin values varied substantially among the cohorts, overall and within eGFR categories, with particularly low mean hemoglobin observed in women from Asian and African cohorts. Across the eGFR range, women had a lower hemoglobin compared to men, even at an eGFR of 15 ml/min (mean difference 5.3 g/l, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.7–6.9). Lower eGFR, female sex, older age, lower body mass index, and diabetic kidney disease were all independent predictors of a lower hemoglobin value; however, this only explained a minority of variance (R2 7%–44% across cohorts). Conclusion: There are substantial regional differences in hemoglobin distribution among individuals with CKD, and the majority of variance is unexplained by demographics, eGFR, or comorbidities. These findings call for a renewed interest in improving our understanding of hemoglobin determinants in specific CKD populations