2 research outputs found

    Studi Biaya Dan Pendapatan Penangkaran Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis Raffles) Dengan Sistem Terbuka, Semi Terbuka Dan Tertutup (Expenses and Earnings Study of Breeding of Long Tail Macaque with Open, Semi Open, and Closed Systems)

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    The study was conducted to calculate the earning and expenses of three kinds breeding system of long tail macaque i.e open, semi-open and close breeding system, respectively in PT PRESTASI Farma Nusantara, CV New Inquitex Primates Division and CV Wahana Satwa Loka. Discounted cash now analysis for ten years period were used to determine the earning and expenses, using 18% of interest rate. According to NPV, IRR and BCR values for 1000 macaques in captive showed that the earning and expenses were difference between these breeding system, where closed system was higher than the others. Based on product grade, close system was better (level B) than semi-open (level C) and open system (level D)

    Kajian Tipe Dan Bentuk Hutan Kota Kawasan Danau Raja Kota Rengat, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Propinsi Riau (Study on Type and Shape of Urban Forest in Danau Raja Area, Rengat City, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province)

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    Based on on the space use general plan of Rengat City year of 2003-2012, one of areas allocated for an urban green space is Danau Raja area. The area can be developed as an urban forest. The urban forest can increase aesthetical value, quality of urban environment and lead to a good image in sustainable development. Urban forest developed in the area is recreation type with the shape of a dispersed thing