23 research outputs found

    Ongoing Rapid Evolution of a Post-Y Region Revealed by Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly of a Hexaploid Monoecious Persimmon (Diospyros kaki)

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    Plants have evolved sex chromosomes independently in many lineages, and loss of separate sexes can also occur. In this study, we assembled a monoecious recently hexaploidized persimmon (Diospyros kaki), in which the Y chromosome has lost the maleness-determining function. Comparative genomic analysis of D. kaki and its dioecious relatives uncovered the evolutionary process by which the nonfunctional Y chromosome (or Y-monoecy) was derived, which involved silencing of the sex-determining gene, OGI, approximately 2 million years ago. Analyses of the entire X and Y-monoecy chromosomes suggested that D. kaki's nonfunctional male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY), which we call a post-MSY, has conserved some characteristics of the original functional MSY. Specifically, comparing the functional MSY in Diospyros lotus and the nonfunctional "post-MSY" in D. kaki indicated that both have been rapidly rearranged, mainly via ongoing transposable element bursts, resembling structural changes often detected in Y-linked regions, some of which can enlarge the nonrecombining regions. The recent evolution of the post-MSY (and possibly also MSYs in dioecious Diospyros species) therefore probably reflects these regions' ancestral location in a pericentromeric region, rather than the presence of male-determining genes and/or genes controlling sexually dimorphic traits

    Genetic basis of lineage-specific evolution of fruit traits in hexaploid persimmon

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    Frequent polyploidization events in plants have led to the establishment of many lineage-specific traits representing each species. Little is known about the genetic bases for these specific traits in polyploids, presumably due to plant genomic complexity and their difficulties in applying genetic approaches. Hexaploid Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki) has evolved specific fruit characteristics, including wide variations in fruit shapes and astringency. In this study, using whole-genome diploidized/quantitative genotypes from ddRAD-Seq data of 173 persimmon cultivars, we examined their population structures and potential correlations between their structural transitions and variations in nine fruit traits. The population structures of persimmon cultivars were highly randomized and not substantially correlated with the representative fruit traits focused on in this study, except for fruit astringency. With genome-wide association analytic tools considering polyploid alleles, we identified the loci associated with the nine fruit traits; we mainly focused on fruit-shape variations, which have been numerically characterized by principal component analysis of elliptic Fourier descriptors. The genomic regions that putatively underwent selective sweep exhibited no overlap with the loci associated with these persimmon-specific fruit traits. These insights will contribute to understanding the genetic mechanisms by which fruit traits are independently established, possibly due to polyploidization events

    Genome-wide study on the polysomic genetic factors conferring plasticity of flower sexuality in hexaploid persimmon

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    Sexuality is one of the fundamental mechanisms that work towards maintaining genetic diversity within a species. In diploid persimmons (Diospyros spp.), separated sexuality, the presence of separate male and female individuals (dioecy), is controlled by the Y chromosome-encoded small-RNA gene, OGI. On the other hand, sexuality in hexaploid Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is more plastic, with OGI-bearing genetically male individuals, able to produce both male and female flowers (monoecy). This is thought to be linked to the partial inactivation of OGI by a retrotransposon insertion, resulting in DNA methylation of the OGI promoter region. To identify the genetic factors regulating branch sexual conversion, genome-wide correlation/association analyses were conducted using ddRAD-Seq data from an F-1 segregating population, and using both quantitative and diploidized genotypes, respectively. We found that allelic ratio at the Y-chromosomal region, including OGI, was correlated with male conversion based on quantitative genotypes, suggesting that OGI can be activated in cis in a dosage-dependent manner. Genome-wide association analysis based on diploidized genotypes, normalized for the effect of OGI allele dosage, detected three fundamental loci associated with male conversion. These loci underlie candidate genes, which could potentially act epigenetically for the activation of OGI expression

    S-Adenosyl-l-methionine Induces Compaction of Nascent Peptide Chain inside the Ribosomal Exit Tunnel upon Translation Arrest in the Arabidopsis CGS1 Gene*♦

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    Expression of the Arabidopsis CGS1 gene, encoding the first committed enzyme of methionine biosynthesis, is feedback-regulated in response to S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) at the mRNA level. This regulation is first preceded by temporal arrest of CGS1 translation elongation at the Ser-94 codon. AdoMet is specifically required for this translation arrest, although the mechanism by which AdoMet acts with the CGS1 nascent peptide remained elusive. We report here that the nascent peptide of CGS1 is induced to form a compact conformation within the exit tunnel of the arrested ribosome in an AdoMet-dependent manner. Cysteine residues introduced into CGS1 nascent peptide showed reduced ability to react with polyethyleneglycol maleimide in the presence of AdoMet, consistent with a shift into the ribosomal exit tunnel. Methylation protection and UV cross-link assays of 28 S rRNA revealed that induced compaction of nascent peptide is associated with specific changes in methylation protection and UV cross-link patterns in the exit tunnel wall. A 14-residue stretch of amino acid sequence, termed the MTO1 region, has been shown to act in cis for CGS1 translation arrest and mRNA degradation. This regulation is lost in the presence of mto1 mutations, which cause single amino acid alterations within MTO1. In this study, both the induced peptide compaction and exit tunnel change were found to be disrupted by mto1 mutations. These results suggest that the MTO1 region participates in the AdoMet-induced arrest of CGS1 translation by mediating changes of the nascent peptide and the exit tunnel wall

    Genome-wide study on the polysomic genetic factors conferring plasticity of flower sexuality in hexaploid persimmon

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    Sexuality is one of the fundamental mechanisms that work towards maintaining genetic diversity within a species. In diploid persimmons (Diospyros spp.), separated sexuality, the presence of separate male and female individuals (dioecy), is controlled by the Y chromosome-encoded small-RNA gene, OGI. On the other hand, sexuality in hexaploid Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is more plastic, with OGI-bearing genetically male individuals, able to produce both male and female flowers (monoecy). This is thought to be linked to the partial inactivation of OGI by a retrotransposon insertion, resulting in DNA methylation of the OGI promoter region. To identify the genetic factors regulating branch sexual conversion, genome-wide correlation/association analyses were conducted using ddRAD-Seq data from an F-1 segregating population, and using both quantitative and diploidized genotypes, respectively. We found that allelic ratio at the Y-chromosomal region, including OGI, was correlated with male conversion based on quantitative genotypes, suggesting that OGI can be activated in cis in a dosage-dependent manner. Genome-wide association analysis based on diploidized genotypes, normalized for the effect of OGI allele dosage, detected three fundamental loci associated with male conversion. These loci underlie candidate genes, which could potentially act epigenetically for the activation of OGI expression

    CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in grape

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    <div><p>RNA-guided genome editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas9 (CRISPR-associated protein 9) system has been applied successfully in several plant species. However, to date, there are few reports on the use of any of the current genome editing approaches in grape—an important fruit crop with a large market not only for table grapes but also for wine. Here, we report successful targeted mutagenesis in grape (<i>Vitis vinifera</i> L., cv. Neo Muscat) using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. When a Cas9 expression construct was transformed to embryonic calli along with a synthetic sgRNA expression construct targeting the <i>Vitis vinifera</i> phytoene desaturase (VvPDS) gene, regenerated plants with albino leaves were obtained. DNA sequencing confirmed that the VvPDS gene was mutated at the target site in regenerated grape plants. Interestingly, the ratio of mutated cells was higher in lower, older, leaves compared to that in newly appearing upper leaves. This result might suggest either that the proportion of targeted mutagenized cells is higher in older leaves due to the repeated induction of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), or that the efficiency of precise DSBs repair in cells of old grape leaves is decreased.</p></div

    Detection of mutations in PDS-t2 target locus in regenerated plant.

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    <p>(a) Chlorophyll-deficient variegated plant due to mutation in the PDS-t2 target locus. (b) Representative sequences of PDS-t2 target locus in leaves. The wild type sequence is shown at the top, with the PAM sequence highlighted in cyan, and the target sequence in red. Dashes, deleted bases. The net change in length is noted to the right of each sequence (+, insertion;—deletion). The number of clones representing each mutant allele is shown in the column on the right.</p

    Detection of Cas9 expression in regenerated plants.

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    <p>Immunological detection of Cas9. PDS-t2-1<sup>st</sup>-#1–2 and PDS-t2-1<sup>st</sup>-#1–3 are regenerated plants obtained from same transgenic line.</p