839 research outputs found

    Ultracold atomic Fermi-Bose mixtures in bichromatic optical dipole traps: a novel route to study fermion superfluidity

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    The study of low density, ultracold atomic Fermi gases is a promising avenue to understand fermion superfluidity from first principles. One technique currently used to bring Fermi gases in the degenerate regime is sympathetic cooling through a reservoir made of an ultracold Bose gas. We discuss a proposal for trapping and cooling of two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures into optical dipole traps made from combinations of laser beams having two different wavelengths. In these bichromatic traps it is possible, by a proper choice of the relative laser powers, to selectively trap the two species in such a way that fermions experience a stronger confinement than bosons. As a consequence, a deep Fermi degeneracy can be reached having at the same time a softer degenerate regime for the Bose gas. This leads to an increase in the sympathetic cooling efficiency and allows for higher precision thermometry of the Fermi-Bose mixture

    On the treatment of ℓ\ell-changing proton-hydrogen Rydberg atom collisions

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    Energy-conserving, angular momentum-changing collisions between protons and highly excited Rydberg hydrogen atoms are important for precise understanding of atomic recombination at the photon decoupling era, and the elemental abundance after primordial nucleosynthesis. Early approaches to ℓ\ell-changing collisions used perturbation theory for only dipole-allowed (Δℓ=±1\Delta \ell=\pm 1) transitions. An exact non-perturbative quantum mechanical treatment is possible, but it comes at computational cost for highly excited Rydberg states. In this note we show how to obtain a semi-classical limit that is accurate and simple, and develop further physical insights afforded by the non-perturbative quantum mechanical treatment

    On the use of the proximity force approximation for deriving limits to short-range gravitational-like interactions from sphere-plane Casimir force experiments

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    We discuss the role of the proximity force approximation in deriving limits to the existence of Yukawian forces - predicted in the submillimeter range by many unification models - from Casimir force experiments using the sphere-plane geometry. Two forms of this approximation are discussed, the first used in most analyses of the residuals from the Casimir force experiments performed so far, and the second recently discussed in this context in R. Decca et al. [Phys. Rev. D 79, 124021 (2009)]. We show that the former form of the proximity force approximation overestimates the expected Yukawa force and that the relative deviation from the exact Yukawa force is of the same order of magnitude, in the realistic experimental settings, as the relative deviation expected between the exact Casimir force and the Casimir force evaluated in the proximity force approximation. This implies both a systematic shift making the actual limits to the Yukawa force weaker than claimed so far, and a degree of uncertainty in the alpha-lambda plane related to the handling of the various approximations used in the theory for both the Casimir and the Yukawa forces. We further argue that the recently discussed form for the proximity force approximation is equivalent, for a geometry made of a generic object interacting with an infinite planar slab, to the usual exact integration of any additive two-body interaction, without any need to invoke approximation schemes. If the planar slab is of finite size, an additional source of systematic error arises due to the breaking of the planar translational invariance of the system, and we finally discuss to what extent this may affect limits obtained on power-law and Yukawa forces.Comment: 11 page, 5 figure

    Ehrenfest Dynamics and Frictionless Cooling Methods

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    Recently introduced methods which result in shortcuts to adiabaticity, particularly in the context of frictionless cooling, are rederived and discussed in the framework of an approach based on Ehrenfest dynamics. This construction provides physical insights into the emergence of the Ermakov equation, the choice of its boundary conditions, and the use of minimum uncertainty states as indicators of the efficiency of the procedure. Additionally, it facilitates the extension of frictionless cooling to more general situations of physical relevance, such as optical dipole trapping schemes. In this context, we discuss frictionless cooling in the short-time limit, a complementary case to the one considered in the literature, making explicit the limitations intrinsic to the technique when the full three-dimensional case is analyzed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, v2: To appear in Physical Review A. (some minor typos corrected and some references added

    Squeezing and robustness of frictionless cooling strategies

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    Quantum control strategies that provide shortcuts to adiabaticity are increasingly considered in various contexts including atomic cooling. Recent studies have emphasized practical issues in order to reduce the gap between the idealized models and actual ongoing implementations. We rephrase here the cooling features in terms of a peculiar squeezing effect, and use it to parametrize the robustness of frictionless cooling techniques with respect to noise-induced deviations from the ideal time-dependent trajectory for the trapping frequency. We finally discuss qualitative issues for the experimental implementation of this scheme using bichromatic optical traps and lattices, which seem especially suitable for cooling Fermi-Bose mixtures and for investigating equilibration of negative temperature states, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; To appear in Physical Review

    Comprehensive rate coefficients for electron collision induced transitions in hydrogen

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    Energy-changing electron-hydrogen atom collisions are crucial to regulating the energy balance in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas and relevant to the formation of stellar atmospheres, recombination in H-II clouds, primordial recombination, three-body recombination and heating in ultracold and fusion plasmas. Computational modeling of electron-hydrogen collision has been attempted through quantum mechanical scattering state-to-state calculations of transitions involving low-lying energy levels in hydrogen (with principal quantum number n < 7) and at large principal quantum numbers using classical trajectory techniques. Analytical expressions are proposed which interpolates the current quantum mechanical and classical trajectory results for electron-hydrogen scattering in the entire range of energy levels, for nearly all temperature range of interest in astrophysical environments. An asymptotic expression for the Born cross-section is interpolated with a modified expression derived previously for electron-hydrogen scattering in the Rydberg regime using classical trajectory Monte Carlo simulations. The derived formula is compared to existing numerical data for transitions involving low principal quantum numbers, and the dependence of the deviations upon temperature is discussed.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Continuous quantum measurement of a Bose-Einstein condensate: a stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    We analyze the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate undergoing a continuous dispersive imaging by using a Lindblad operator formalism. Continuous strong measurements drive the condensate out of the coherent state description assumed within the Gross-Pitaevskii mean-field approach. Continuous weak measurements allow instead to replace, for timescales short enough, the exact problem with its mean-field approximation through a stochastic analogue of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The latter is used to show the unwinding of a dark soliton undergoing a continuous imaging.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Development of a high sensitivity torsional balance for the study of the Casimir force in the 1-10 micrometer range

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    We discuss a proposal to measure the Casimir force in the parallel plate configuration in the 1−10ÎŒ1-10\mum range via a high-sensitivity torsional balance. This will allow to measure the thermal contribution to the Casimir force therefore discriminating between the various approaches discussed so far. The accurate control of the Casimir force in this range of distances is also required to improve the limits to the existence of non-Newtonian forces in the micrometer range predicted by unification models of fundamental interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Modelling thermionic emission by using a two-level mechanical system (A pedagogical approach to the Boltzmann factor)

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    The Boltzmann factor is at the basis of a great amount of thermodynamic and statistical physics, both classical and quantum. It describes the behaviour of natural systems that exchange energy with the environment. However, why does the expression have that specific form? The Feynman Lectures on Physics justifies it heuristically by referencing to the “exponential atmosphere” example. Thermodynamics textbooks usually give a more or less complete explanation that mainly involves a mathematical analysis, where it is hard to see the logic flow. Moreover, the necessary mathematics is not at the level of high school or college students’ preparation. Here we present an experiment and a simulation aimed at deriving the Boltzmann factor expression and illustrating the fundamental concepts and principles of statistical mechanics. Experiments and simulations are used in order to visualise the mechanisms involved; the experiments use easily available laboratory equipment, and simulations are developed in NetLogo, a software environment that, besides having a really friendly interface, allows the user to easily interact with the algorithm, as well as to modify it

    Black hole production at lepton colliders

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    Production of black holes has been discussed in a variety of extensions of the Standard Model, and related bounds have been established from data taken at the Large Hadron Collider. We show that, if the Higgs particle has a fully gravitational content via the equivalence principle, enhanced cross-sections of black holes at colliders should be expected within the Standard Model itself. The case of black hole production by precision measurements at electron colliders is discussed. The Coulomb repulsion strongly suppresses the related cross-section with respect to the one based on the hoop conjecture, making the possible production of black holes still unfeasible with current beam technology. At the same time, this suggests the reanalysis of the bounds, based on the hoop conjecture, already determined in hadronic collisions for extra-dimensional models.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
