46 research outputs found

    Influence of pre-fermentative addition of aqueous solution tannins extracted from oak wood (Quercus petraea) on the composition of Grillo wines

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    In this research, the chemical characterization of fxed and volatile compounds of two diferent tannins in aqueous solution (Pratiko® L-Harvest and L-Fruit) extracted from oak wood, has been studied. The infuence of the above tannins, at diferent concentrations, on the alcoholic fermentation kinetics and on the composition and sensorial characteristics of a white wine were then evaluated. The wines added tannins in aqueous solution compared to control wines showed signifcant diferences in fxed compounds (colloids, polyphenols and ellagitannins) and volatile compounds (phenolic aldehydes, volatile phenols, furanic and piranic compounds). The diferences of aqueous solution tannins extracted from oak wood were partly due to the drying/maturing and roasting methods used in barrel production. Alcoholic fermentation was partially facilitated by the addition of tannins in aqueous solution. The wines obtained showed a higher content of ethyl esters of medium-chain fatty acids (from 22 to 31%) and, in some cases, higher acetate alcohols (from 15 to 28%), relevant to the olfactory sensations provided to the wines. The tannins added to the must before fermentation also made it possible to obtain an additional supply of polyphenols (from 25 to 85%) able to induce more complex sensory profles in the wines, with increased persistent taste notes

    Tecnologie mobili e apprendimento. Alcune considerazioni sull’uso del sistema

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    In questo articolo si propone una riflessione critica sull'uso delle tecnologie mobili per l'apprendimento, il cosiddetto mobile learning. A partire da una lunga esperienza sul campo, si analizza un progetto di mobile learning, il progetto MoULe (Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning), dalla fase di progettazione alla sua concreta sperimentazione in contesti educativi reali. In questa analisi si cerca di rendere esplicite sia le suggestioni teoriche, esplicite e implicite, che hanno guidato la progettazione del sistema tecnologico, sia il reale impatto che il suo uso ha avuto sugli studenti e all'interno delle classi

    Influence of Different Dehydration Levels on Volatile Profiles, Phenolic Contents and Skin Hardness of Alkaline Pre-Treated Grapes cv Muscat of Alexandria (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    A dehydration experiment was carried out on Vitis vinifera L. cv Muscat of Alexandria (synonym Zibibbo) following the process for the production of renowned special dessert wines produced on Pantelleria island (Sicily, Italy). Harvested berries were pre-treated in a sodium hydroxide dipping solution (45 g/L, dipped for 185 s, 25 °C) to accelerate the drying process, rinsed, and dehydrated in simulated conditions (relative humidity 30%, 30 °C temperature, air speed 0.9 m/s). Three dehydration levels were achieved, corresponding to “Passolata”, “Bionda”, and “Malaga” stages (35%, 50%, and 65% of weight loss, respectively) of the Pantelleria denomination of origin (DOC). Grape skin mechanical properties, technological parameters, phenolics, and aroma profile varied considerably during dehydration. The most important aroma compounds for their olfactory impact, such as linalool, geraniol, nerol, and citronellol, especially in glycosylated forms, significantly increased in dried grapes compared to fresh ones, even if aroma profile modification occurred. A decrease in break skin force could have induced higher release of flavonoids. The findings showed relevant changes, allowing winemakers to better select the ratio of fresh and dehydrated grapes in the function of the final desired wine

    Prospective validation of the CLIP score: a new prognostic system for patient with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Prognosis of patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) depends on both residual liver function and tumor extension. The CLIP score includes Child-Pugh stage, tumor morphology and extension, serum alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, and portal vein thrombosis. We externally validated the CLIP score and compared its discriminatory ability and predictive power with that of the Okuda staging system in 196 patients with cirrhosis and HCC prospectively enrolled in a randomized trial. No significant associations were found between the CLIP score and the age, sex, and pattern of viral infection. There was a strong correlation between the CLIP score and the Okuda stage, As of June 1999, 150 patients (76.5%) had died. Median survival time was 11 months, overall, and it was 36, 22, 9, 7, and 3 months for CLIP categories 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 to 6, respectively. In multivariate analysis, the CLIP score had additional explanatory power above that of the Okuda stage. This was true for both patients treated with locoregional therapy or not. A quantitative estimation of 2-year survival predictive power showed that the CLIP score explained 37% of survival variability, compared with 21% explained by Okuda stage. In conclusion, the CLIP score, compared with the Okuda staging system, gives more accurate prognostic information, is statistically more efficient, and has a greater survival predictive power. It could be useful in treatment planning by improving baseline prognostic evaluation of patients with RCC, and could be used in prospective therapeutic trials as a stratification variable, reducing the variability of results owing to patient selection

    Laparoscopic approach for acute right iliac fossa pathology: Our experience

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    Laparoscopic approach in emergency theatre is an irreplaceable tool to manage patients with acute surgical pathology. We retrospectively reviewed surgical access records from the Emergency Department for acute right iliac fossa pathology. We considered 51 patients (16 male, 35 female, mean age 23.8 years) access for acute right iliac fossa pathology over the last year. 44 patients underwent laparoscopic approach (86%); 8 patients were treated with an open approach. Outcomes evaluation was based on data comparison from open appendicectomy over 4 year time period. Variables considered for data analyses were: role of laparoscopic surgery for gangrenous/perforated appendicitis, Conversion rate, Laparoscopy appendicectomy for elderly patients. Our study demonstrated that a laparoscopic approach at acute right iliac fossa pathology is feasible, safe and can offer a low incidence of infectious complications, less post-operative pain, rapid recovery, and represent a valid diagnostic tool in doubtful cases, at the expense of longer operating time than OA. We suggest that LA should be the initial choice for all patients with acute right iliac fossa pathology

    Ars adeo latet arte sua. Riflessioni sull'intertestualitĂ  ovidiana. II - Le Metamorfosi

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    Atti del seminario tenutosi a Palermo il 27 e 28 Gennaio 2003Proceedings of the conference held in Palermo, Italy on January 27 and 28, 200

    Influence of Variety and Maturity Stage on Sterolic Composition of Virgin Olive Oil from Central-Western Sicily

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    Olive oil is one of the most important food products throughout the Mediterranean Basin due to its high nutritional and dietetic value. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the sterols of olive oil for their health benefts and their importance to virgin olive oil quality regulation. The impact of sterols on the human health is proved by several studies, showing that a suffcient quantity of β-sitosterol inhibits the intestinal absorption of LDL-cholesterol. In olive oil the phytosterol concentration ranges from 800 to 2600 mg kg-1. Sterol esters evaluation has been proposed as useful parameter in studies related to varietal and geographical discrimination. Cultivar and maturity stage are considered among the main factors affecting sterolic composition. In this study, the sterol content of oils extracted from different Sicilian varieties growing in two different ambient of Sicily and during different stages of maturity, were analyzed. The total sterol contents results were similar to other Mediterranean varieties and Italian oils, however some samples showed a sterol content above the minimum limit (1000 mg/kg) established by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) for Virgin Olive Oil. All oils have a high quality, taking into account the main parameters required by the IOOC, including those with sterol values below the limit. Therefore, the results obtained suggested that the olive oils discriminated only for a sterol below legal limit should be re-evaluated, as these values were only caused by particular variety and environmental conditions

    Coordination behavior of L-aspartic acid: thermal, spectroscopic, magnetic and structural properties of aqua(L-aspartato)(2,2'-bipyridine)copper(II) trihydrate.

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    [Cu(L-asp)(H2O)(bpy)]x 3H2O crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212,21 with four formula units in a cell of dimensionsa = 21.978 (2) A, 6 = 1 1.275 (1) A, and c = 6.841 (1) A. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refinedby least-squares calculations to R = 0.037 for 1640 independent reflections. The structure consists of a monomeric[Cu(L-asp)(bpy)H2O] molecule with three water molecules in the lattice. The geometry around Cu(II) is five-coordinateddistorted square pyramidal. The organic ligands act as bidentate in the basal plane, with a water molecule occupying theapical position. Thermogravimetric analysis shows the complete loss of water molecules in the 335-400 K temperaturerange. Infrared and ligand field spectroscopic results and variable-temperature magnetic measurements are interpretedin the light of the known structure

    Compositions and Sensory Characterization of Olive Oils from CentralWestern Sicily

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    In Sicily, olive has been cultivated since ancient times and its germplasm is characterized by a wide genetic diversity that could be related to its domestication and spread in ancient times, and to some reproductive biological peculiarities as self-incompatibility. In this research, EVOO of Sicilian heritage such as Nocellara del Belice, Biancolilla, Biancolilla centinara and Passulunara, was been investigated. The assessment regards main chemical-physical parameters and sensory profles, based on the olfactory and gustatory characteristics. Samples were obtained from Bona Furtuna farm (Corleone, C-W Sicily), equipped with a continuous two and half phases cold extraction system. Results showed that the total polyphenols fraction were between 174 and 645 mg/kg: Nocellara del Belice EVOO showed higher values: ranging between 523 and 645 mg/kg: Passulunara and Biancolilla between 313 and 401 mg/kg and Biancolilla centinara between 174 and 268 mg/kg. Thus, twenty-one volatile compounds, belonging to the chemical class of acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, hydrocarbons, ketones and phenols, were identifed and quantifed in the Sicilian EVOO. The sensory profles were very different among the analyzed varieties. Nocellara del Belice had a higher content of aldehydes, responsible for the fruity, herbaceous and aromatic notes, showing a greater perception of fresh grass, tomato, almond and artichoke. Biancolilla centinara EVOO was characterized by a greater perception of descriptors of herbs, hay, bitter and astringency, compared to the Biancolilla EVOO. These results highlighted how the in-depth knowledge of the varietal characteristic could be important and useful in the production and promotion of typical EVOO in western Sicily, which has a great tradition in this production