7 research outputs found

    Response of broiler chickens fed diets containing single and combined levels of Mycofix® and Biotronic® SE

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    A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the response of Ross broiler chicks fed diets containing single and combined levels of Mycofix® and Biotronic ® SE. A total of 396 Ross day old broiler chicks were allotted to six (6) dietary treatments in a completely randomized design. Each treatment had three replicates of 22 chicks each. Treatment one was the positive control diet without Mycofix® and Biotronic® SE while treatments 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (negative control) consisted of 400g Mycofix®, 500g Biotronic® SE, 200gMycofix® + 200 Biotronic® SE, 400g Mycofix® + 400g Biotronic® SE and 100g Oxyteracycline / 100 kg feed respectively. Feed and water were given to the birds ad libitum for the seven weeks period of the trial. Performance parameters measured were final body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, carcass evaluation, nutrient digestibility and villi morphometrics. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance, while significant differences among treatment means were compared using Duncan test of significance. The results of the starter phase showed no significant (P>0.05) differences in most of the parameters measured. Birds on the negative control diet showed a significantly (P< 0.05) higher feed intake (1920.44g) compared to the other treatment groups. At the finisher phase, birds in the negative control treatment group had significantly (P<0.05) higher final weight (2999.0g), weight gain (1811.20 g), average daily weight gain (64.89 g), better feed conversion ratio (1.63) and least feed cost per kilogram gain (₦142.91). Nutrient digestibility in birds on single and combined levels of Mycofix® and Biotronic® SE had a significant (P<0.05) effect on dry matter digestibility. Results of villi morphometrics of sections of the jejunum showed that birds on combined 400g Mycofix® + 500g Biotronic® SE had significantly (P< 0.05) higher villi crypt. Villi roundness in the positive or negative control group was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than the other treatment groups. It can be concluded that the use of Mycofix® and Biotronic® SE either singly or in combination had no adverse effect on the growth parameters measured as well as improved the growth of broiler chickens, The birds performed comparable to those on antibiotic treatment in most of the parameters measured. It is recommended that the combined use of Mycofix® and Biotronic® SE at 400g/ 100kg feed can be employed as a replacement for antibiotics as growth promoters.Key words: Mycofix®, Biotronic® SE, growth performance, villi morphometric

    Utilisation of enzyme supplemented groundnut cake based diets by laying hens

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    A total of 300, twenty weeks old laying hens were used in a feeding trial to evaluate the utilisation of Peanut meal popularly called groundnut cake (GNC) based diets supplemented with enzymes by laying hens. Five dietary treatments were formulated to meet standard nutrient requirements of layers viz: 1. maize- soya beans meal (M-SBM) diet,2. maizegroundnut cake (M-GNC) diet without enzyme supplementation,3. M-GNC diet plus protease, 4. M-GNC diet plus G2G (an enzyme complex containing carbohydrases) and 5. M-GNC diet plus a combination of protease and G2G. The laying hens were distributed in a completely randomized design into the five dietary treatments, each having 3 replicates with 20 birds/replicate housed in deep litter pens. Hens were fed their allotted diet and water ad libitum for twelve weeks. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance NOVA and treatment means were separated using DMRT. Body weights of birds were better sustained by M-GNC diets supplemented with enzymes and particularly improved by the GNC diet supplemented with G2 G than the M-SBM diet. Feed consumption was not significantly (P >0.05) different for all the treatment groups. All GNC diets supplemented with enzymes had significantly (P < 0.05) lower feed cost than the SBM based control diet. Best results were obtained for the GNC diet supplemented with a combination of protease and G2G in terms of total egg number (54.5 eggs/hen), average egg weight (56.9 g/egg), egg mass (3101.1g/hen), income above feed cost (756.4 Naira/hen), Hen-day production (67.9 %) and Henhoused production (67.9 %) compared with the performance of birds fed the most expensive SBM diet with values of 50.4 eggs/hen, 56.6 g/egg, 2854.5 g/hen, 686.6 Naira/hen, 63.2% and 63.2% for the parameters respectively. Cost of producing a dozen eggs was highest for SBM diet (170.4 Naira/dozen eggs) than for GNC diets; supplemented with protease (153.2 Naira/dozen eggs), G2G (162.1 Naira/dozen eggs), and with a combination of protease and G2G (163.4 Naira/dozen eggs). Zero mortality was recorded for SBM, GNC plus protease and GNC plus protease and G2 G diets, while highest value of 7.9 % was recorded for GNC diet not supplemented with any enzyme. The utilization of the Groundnut cake can be optimally enhanced by the use of enzymes, particularly a combination of protease and G2G supplementation in layer diets. Production cost is lowered while income is increased by using GNC diets with enzyme supplementation than using SBM diet.Keywords: Soya bean meal, groundnut cake, laying hens, enzymes, performanc

    Evaluation of Four Commercial Sources of Synthetic Methionine on the Growth Performance, Carcass and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens

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    A total of 252 day old Ross broiler chicks was used in a feeding trial to evaluate the effect of four different commercial brands of synthetic methionine supplement on the performance of broiler chickens. The chicks were distributed into four dietary treatments each with three replicates and 21 chicks/replicate; in a Completely Randomized Design. Four diets were formulated to meet standard requirements at both starter and finisher phases in which the four commercial brands of synthetic methionine; CHL Rhodimet Analogue and DSM were supplemented in diets to represent treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Eight weeks period of the experiment. Data was collected on feed intake weight gain feed conversion protein efficiency and feed cost/Kg gain to evaluate growth performance. Blood samples were collected at the finisher phase over EDTA and analysed for heamatological parameters. Carcass study was conducted and meat quality evaluation of cut portions of breast muscles was carried out. All data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance and differences in means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Significant (P<0.05) differences were observed for final weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed cost/Kg gain and mortality rates but no significant (P>0.05) difference for feed consumption across the treatments at both starter and finisher phases. Birds fed with DSM Methionine has a significantly (p<0.05) higher performance in terms of weight gain and feed conversion ratio but consumed less feed and required least cost to produce a kg of broiler meat compared to other treatments. Blood quality parameters were similar for all treatments. DSM Methionine had better digestibility for all nutrients measured. There was significant (P<0.05) difference in dressed weights, dressing percentages, back, heart, liver, kidney and intestinal length but no significant (P>0.05) difference in their breast muscles, thigh, drumsticks, gizzard, lungs, abdominal fat and intestine weight. DSM Methionine showed the best dressed weight and dressing percentage. F Meat from birds fed DSM Methionine gave highest crude protein and lowest fat content. It was therefore concluded that DSM methionine is of highest quality above the other brands evaluated and is recommended for best performance and most economical broiler chicken production enterprise.Key words: Methionine, broiler chickens, performance, carcass and meat qualit