1,617 research outputs found

    Complex regulation of neutrophil-derived MMP-9 secretion in central nervous system tuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Central nervous system tuberculosis (CNS-TB) may be fatal even with treatment. Neutrophils are the key mediators of TB immunopathology, and raised CSF matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) which correlates to neutrophil count in CNS-TB is associated with neurological deficit and death. The mechanisms by which neutrophils drive TB-associated CNS matrix destruction are not clearly defined. METHODS: Human brain biopsies with histologically proven CNS-TB were stained for neutrophils, neutrophil elastase, and MMP-9. Neutrophil MMP-9 secretion and gene expression were analyzed using Luminex and real-time PCR. Type IV collagen degradation was evaluated using confocal microscopy and quantitative fluorescent assays. Intracellular signaling pathways were investigated by immunoblotting and chemical inhibitors. RESULTS: MMP-9-expressing neutrophils were present in tuberculous granulomas in CNS-TB and neutrophil-derived MMP-9 secretion was upregulated by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). Concurrent direct stimulation by M.tb and activation via monocyte-dependent networks had an additive effect on neutrophil MMP-9 secretion. Destruction of type IV collagen, a key component of the blood-brain barrier, was inhibited by neutralizing neutrophil MMP-9. Monocyte-neutrophil networks driving MMP-9 secretion in TB were regulated by MAP-kinase and Akt-PI3 kinase pathways and the transcription factor NF-kB. TNFα neutralization suppressed MMP-9 secretion to baseline while dexamethasone did not. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple signaling paths regulate neutrophil-derived MMP-9 secretion, which is increased in CNS-TB. These paths may be better targets for host-directed therapies than steroids currently used in CNS-TB

    In vitro susceptibility of recent Chlamydia trachomatis clinical isolates to the CtHtrA inhibitor JO146

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    © 2015 Institut Pasteur. The present study aimed to establish if a previously identified Chlamydia trachomatis HtrA (CtHtrA) inhibitor, JO146, is effective against currently circulating clinical isolates to validate if CtHtrA is a clinically relevant target for future therapeutic development. Inhibition of CtHtrA during the middle of the chlamydial replicative cycle until the completion of the cycle resulted in loss of infectious progeny for six unique clinical isolates representing different serovars. This supports the potential for CtHtrA to be a clinically relevant target for development of new therapeutics and suggests the importance of further investigation of JO146 as a lead compound

    A comparison of magnetic resonance, X-ray and positron emission particle tracking measurements of a single jet of gas entering a bed of particles

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    Measurements of the lengths of a single jet of gas entering a packed bed were made using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) and X-ray radiography and the results compared. The experiments were performed using a Perspex bed (50 mm i.d.) of poppy seeds: air at 298 K was admitted to the base of the bed through a single, central orifice, 2 mm in diameter. Poppy seeds (Geldart Group B, measured minimum fluidisation velocity with air at 298 K and 1 atm of 0.13 m/s and particle density ~1060 kg/m3) were used because of their high content of oil, which contains mobile protons and hence is suitable for MRI examination. The lengths of jet measured using the three techniques were in agreement between 50 m/s < Uo < 100 m/s, where Uo is the superficial velocity through the orifice. Below Uo = 50 m/s, X-ray measurements of jet lengths were shorter than those measured using MRI. This was attributed to the minimum diameter of void, found to be 5 mm, detectable in a 50 mm bed using ultra-fast X-ray measurements. PEPT is most commonly used to calculate particle velocities, whilst jet lengths are usually calculated from determinations of voidage. However, the particle locations determined in this work by PEPT were used to calculate a fractional occupancy count, from which a jet length could be inferred.RCUK, OtherThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2014.09.02

    Emergency ambulance service involvement with residential care homes in the support of older people with dementia : an observational study

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    © 2014 Amador et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.BACKGROUND: Older people resident in care homes have a limited life expectancy and approximately two-thirds have limited mental capacity. Despite initiatives to reduce unplanned hospital admissions for this population, little is known about the involvement of emergency services in supporting residents in these settings.METHODS: This paper reports on a longitudinal study that tracked the involvement of emergency ambulance personnel in the support of older people with dementia, resident in care homes with no on-site nursing providing personal care only. 133 residents with dementia across 6 care homes in the East of England were tracked for a year. The paper examines the frequency and reasons for emergency ambulance call-outs, outcomes and factors associated with emergency ambulance service use. RESULTS: 56% of residents used ambulance services. Less than half (43%) of all call-outs resulted in an unscheduled admission to hospital. In addition to trauma following a following a fall in the home, results suggest that at least a reasonable proportion of ambulance contacts are for ambulatory care sensitive conditions. An emergency ambulance is not likely to be called for older rather than younger residents or for women more than men. Length of residence does not influence use of emergency ambulance services among older people with dementia. Contact with primary care services and admission route into the care home were both significantly associated with emergency ambulance service use. The odds of using emergency ambulance services for residents admitted from a relative's home were 90% lower than the odds of using emergency ambulance services for residents admitted from their own home. CONCLUSIONS: Emergency service involvement with this vulnerable population merits further examination. Future research on emergency ambulance service use by older people with dementia in care homes, should account for important contextual factors, namely, presence or absence of on-site nursing, GP involvement, and access to residents' family, alongside resident health characteristics.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Associations of stunting in early childhood with cardiometabolic risk factors in adulthood

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    Abstract Early life stunting may have long-term effects on body composition, resulting in obesity-related comorbidities. We tested the hypothesis that individuals stunted in early childhood may be at higher cardiometabolic risk later in adulthood. 1753 men and 1781 women participating in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study had measurements of anthropometry, body composition, lipids, glucose, blood pressure, and other cardiometabolic traits at age 30 years. Early stunting was defined as height-for-age Z-score at age 2 years below -2 against the World Health Organization growth standards. Linear regression models were performed controlling for sex, maternal race/ethnicity, family income at birth, and birthweight. Analyses were stratified by sex when p-interaction<0.05. Stunted individuals were shorter (β=-0.71 s.d.; 95% CI: -0.78 to -0.64), had lower BMI (β=-0.14 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.25 to -0.03), fat mass (β=-0.28 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.38 to -0.17), SAFT (β=-0.16 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.26 to -0.06), systolic (β=-0.12 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.21 to -0.02) and diastolic blood pressure (β=-0.11 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.22 to -0.01), and higher VFT/SAFT ratio (β=0.15 s.d.; 95%CI: 0.06 to 0.24), in comparison with non-stunted individuals. In addition, early stunting was associated with lower fat free mass in both men (β=-0.39 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.47 to -0.31) and women (β=-0.37 s.d.; 95%CI: -0.46 to -0.29) after adjustment for potential confounders. Our results suggest that early stunting has implications on attained height, body composition and blood pressure. The apparent tendency of stunted individuals to accumulate less fat-free mass and subcutaneous fat might predispose them towards increased metabolic risks in later life.The last phase of the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Fundação de Aparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil (Edital 04/2012 – PQG; Processo 12/2185-9). Earlier phases were funded by the International Development Research Centre (Canada), the WHO (Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development and Human Reproduction Programme) to BLH, the Overseas Development Administration (currently the Department for International Development, United Kingdom), the European Union, the United Nations Development Fund for Women, the National Program for Centres of Excellence, the Pastorate of the Child (Brazil), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; Brazil), and the Ministry of Health (Brazil). GVAF was supported by the Brazilian Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (scholarship process BEX 5077/13-3). EDLR and KKO are supported by the Medical Research Council [Unit Programme number MC_UU_12015/2]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Cadmium-induced oxidative cellular damage in human fetal lung fibroblasts (MRC-5 cells).

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    Epidemiological evidence suggests that cadmium (Cd) exposure causes pulmonary damage such as emphysema and lung cancer. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms involved in Cd pulmonary toxicity. In the present study, the effects of Cd exposure on human fetal lung fibroblasts (MRC-5 cells) were evaluated by determination of lipid peroxidation, intra-cellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and changes of mitochondrial membrane potential. A time- and dose-dependent increase of both lactate dehydrogenase leakage and malondialdehyde formation was observed in Cd-treated cells. A close correlation between these two events suggests that lipid peroxidation may be one of the main pathways causing its cytotoxicity. It was also noted that Cd-induced cell injury and lipid peroxidation were inhibited by catalase and superoxide dismutase, two antioxidant enzymes. By using the fluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate, a significant increase of ROS production in Cd-treated MRC-5 cells was detected. The inhibition of dichlorofluorescein fluorescence by catalase, not superoxide dismutase, suggests that hydrogen peroxide is the main ROS involved. Moreover, the significant dose-dependent changes of mitochondrial membrane potential in Cd-treated MRC-5 cells, demonstrated by increased fluorescence of rhodamine 123 examined using a laser-scanning confocal microscope, also indicate the involvement of mitochondrial damage in Cd cytotoxicity. These findings provide in vitro evidence that Cd causes oxidative cellular damage in human fetal lung fibroblasts, which may be closely associated with the pulmonary toxicity of Cd

    Strain-dependent host transcriptional responses to toxoplasma infection are largely conserved in mammalian and avian hosts

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    Toxoplasma gondii has a remarkable ability to infect an enormous variety of mammalian and avian species. Given this, it is surprising that three strains (Types I/II/III) account for the majority of isolates from Europe/North America. The selective pressures that have driven the emergence of these particular strains, however, remain enigmatic. We hypothesized that strain selection might be partially driven by adaptation of strains for mammalian versus avian hosts. To test this, we examine in vitro, strain-dependent host responses in fibroblasts of a representative avian host, the chicken (Gallus gallus). Using gene expression profiling of infected chicken embryonic fibroblasts and pathway analysis to assess host response, we show here that chicken cells respond with distinct transcriptional profiles upon infection with Type II versus III strains that are reminiscent of profiles observed in mammalian cells. To identify the parasite drivers of these differences, chicken fibroblasts were infected with individual F1 progeny of a Type II x III cross and host gene expression was assessed for each by microarray. QTL mapping of transcriptional differences suggested, and deletion strains confirmed, that, as in mammalian cells, the polymorphic rhoptry kinase ROP16 is the major driver of strain-specific responses. We originally hypothesized that comparing avian versus mammalian host response might reveal an inversion in parasite strain-dependent phenotypes; specifically, for polymorphic effectors like ROP16, we hypothesized that the allele with most activity in mammalian cells might be less active in avian cells. Instead, we found that activity of ROP16 alleles appears to be conserved across host species; moreover, additional parasite loci that were previously mapped for strain-specific effects on mammalian response showed similar strain-specific effects in chicken cells. These results indicate that if different hosts select for different parasite genotypes, the selection operates downstream of the signaling occurring during the beginning of the host's immune response. © 2011 Ong et al

    Randomized trial of iReadMore word reading training and brain stimulation in central alexia

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    Central alexia is an acquired reading disorder co-occurring with a generalized language deficit (aphasia). We tested the impact of a novel training app, ‘iReadMore’, and anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the left inferior frontal gyrus, on word reading ability in central alexia. The trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02062619). Twenty-one chronic stroke patients with central alexia participated. A baseline-controlled, repeated-measures, crossover design was used. Participants completed two 4-week blocks of iReadMore training, one with anodal stimulation and one with sham stimulation (order counterbalanced between participants). Each block comprised 34 h of iReadMore training and 11 stimulation sessions. Outcome measures were assessed before, between and after the two blocks. The primary outcome measures were reading ability for trained and untrained words. Secondary outcome measures included semantic word matching, sentence reading, text reading and a self-report measure. iReadMore training resulted in an 8.7% improvement in reading accuracy for trained words (95% confidence interval 6.0 to 11.4; Cohen’s d = 1.38) but did not generalize to untrained words. Reaction times also improved. Reading accuracy gains were still significant (but reduced) 3 months after training cessation. Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (compared to sham), delivered concurrently with iReadMore, resulted in a 2.6% (95% confidence interval −0.1 to 5.3; d = 0.41) facilitation for reading accuracy, both for trained and untrained words. iReadMore also improved performance on the semantic word-matching test. There was a non-significant trend towards improved self-reported reading ability. However, no significant changes were seen at the sentence or text reading level. In summary, iReadMore training in post-stroke central alexia improved reading ability for trained words, with good maintenance of the therapy effect. Anodal stimulation resulted in a small facilitation (d = 0.41) of learning and also generalized to untrained items

    Cyclic Tetrapyrrolic Photosensitisers from the leaves of Phaeanthus ophthalmicus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Twenty-seven extracts from 26 plants were identified as photo-cytotoxic in the course of our bioassay guided screening program for photosensitisers from 128 extracts prepared from 64 terrestrial plants in two different collection sites in Malaysia - Royal Belum Forest Reserve in the State of Perak and Gunung Nuang in the State of Selangor. One of the photo-cytotoxic extracts from the leaves of <it>Phaeanthus ophtalmicus </it>was further investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ethanolic extract of the leaves from <it>Phaeanthus ophtalmicus </it>was able to reduce the <it>in vitro </it>viability of leukaemic HL60 cells to < 50% when exposed to 9.6 J/cm<sup>2 </sup>of a broad spectrum light at a concentration of 20 μg/mL. Dereplication of the photo-cytotoxic fractions from <it>P. ophthalmicus </it>extracts based on TLC R<sub>f </sub>values and HPLC co-injection of reference tetrapyrrolic compounds enabled quick identification of known photosensitisers, pheophorbide-<it>a</it>, pheophorbide-<it>a </it>methyl ester, 13<sup>2</sup>-hydroxypheophorbide-<it>a </it>methyl ester, pheophytin-<it>a </it>and 15<sup>1</sup>-hydroxypurpurin 7-lactone dimethyl ester. In addition, compound <b>1 </b>which was not previously isolated as a natural product was also identified as 7-formyl-15<sup>1</sup>-hydroxypurpurin-7-lactone methyl ester using standard spectroscopic techniques.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that the main photosensitisers in plants are based on the cyclic tetrapyrrole structure and photosensitisers with other structures, if present, are present in very minor amounts or are not as active as those with the cyclic tetrapyrrole structure.</p