20 research outputs found

    Effects of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNA polymerase on Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth, rRNA transcription, and virulence

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    CarD is an essential RNA polymerase (RNAP) interacting protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis that stimulates formation of RNAP-promoter open complexes. CarD plays a complex role in M. tuberculosis growth and virulence that is not fully understood. Therefore, to gain further insight into the role of CarD in M. tuberculosis growth and virulence, we determined the effect of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP. Using site-directed mutagenesis guided by crystal structures of CarD bound to RNAP, we identified amino acid substitutions that increase the affinity of CarD for RNAP. Using these substitutions, we show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP increases the stability of the CarD protein in M. tuberculosis. In addition, we show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP increases the growth rate in M. tuberculosis without affecting 16S rRNA levels. We further show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP reduces M. tuberculosis virulence in a mouse model of infection despite the improved growth rate in vitro. Our findings suggest that the CarD-RNAP interaction protects CarD from proteolytic degradation in M. tuberculosis, establish that growth rate and rRNA levels can be uncoupled in M. tuberculosis and demonstrate that the strength of the CarD-RNAP interaction has been finely tuned to optimize virulence. IMPORTANCE Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, remains a major global health problem. In order to develop new strategies to battle this pathogen, we must gain a better understanding of the molecular processes involved in its survival and pathogenesis. We have previously identified CarD as an essential transcriptional regulator in mycobacteria. In this study, we detail the effects of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP on transcriptional regulation, CarD protein stability, and virulence. These studies expand our understanding of the global transcription regulator CarD, provide insight into how CarD activity is regulated, and broaden our understanding of prokaryotic transcription

    The CLEC-2–podoplanin axis controls fibroblastic reticular cell contractility and lymph node microarchitecture

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    In lymph nodes, fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) form a collagen-based reticular network that supports migratory dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells and transports lymph. A hallmark of FRCs is their propensity to contract collagen, yet this function is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that podoplanin (PDPN) regulated actomyosin contractility in FRCs. Under resting conditions, when FRCs are unlikely to encounter mature DCs expressing the PDPN receptor, CLEC-2, PDPN endowed FRCs with contractile function and exerted tension within the reticulum. Upon inflammation, CLEC-2 on mature DCs potently attenuated PDPN-mediated contractility, resulting in FRC relaxation and reduced tissue stiffness. Disrupting PDPN function altered the homeostasis and spacing of FRCs and T cells, resulting in an expanded reticular network and enhanced immunity

    Adenovirus vector vaccination reprograms pulmonary fibroblastic niches to support protective inflating memory CD8+ T cells.

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    Pathogens and vaccines that produce persisting antigens can generate expanded pools of effector memory CD8+ T cells, described as memory inflation. While properties of inflating memory CD8+ T cells have been characterized, the specific cell types and tissue factors responsible for their maintenance remain elusive. Here, we show that clinically applied adenovirus vectors preferentially target fibroblastic stromal cells in cultured human tissues. Moreover, we used cell-type-specific antigen targeting to define critical cells and molecules that sustain long-term antigen presentation and T cell activity after adenovirus vector immunization in mice. While antigen targeting to myeloid cells was insufficient to activate antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, genetic activation of antigen expression in Ccl19-cre-expressing fibroblastic stromal cells induced inflating CD8+ T cells. Local ablation of vector-targeted cells revealed that lung fibroblasts support the protective function and metabolic fitness of inflating memory CD8+ T cells in an interleukin (IL)-33-dependent manner. Collectively, these data define a critical fibroblastic niche that underpins robust protective immunity operating in a clinically important vaccine platform

    Lymph Node Mesenchymal and Endothelial Stromal Cells Cooperate via the RANK-RANKL Cytokine Axis to Shape the Sinusoidal Macrophage Niche

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    Tissue-resident macrophages are receptive to specific signals concentrated in cellular niches that direct their cell differentiation and maintenance genetic programs. Here, we found that deficiency of the cytokine RANKL in lymphoid tissue organizers and marginal reticular stromal cells of lymph nodes resulted in the loss of the CD169+ sinusoidal macrophages (SMs) comprising the subcapsular and the medullary subtypes. Subcapsular SM differentiation was impaired in mice with targeted RANK deficiency in SMs. Temporally controlled RANK removal in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) revealed that lymphatic RANK activation during embryogenesis and shortly after birth was required for the differentiation of both SM subtypes. Moreover, RANK expression by LECs was necessary for SM restoration after inflammation-induced cell loss. Thus, cooperation between mesenchymal cells and LECs shapes a niche environment that supports SM differentiation and reconstitution after inflammation

    Microbiota-derived peptide mimics drive lethal inflammatory cardiomyopathy

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    Myocarditis can develop into inflammatory cardiomyopathy through chronic stimulation of myosin heavy chain 6-specific T helper (TH_{H})1 and TH_{H}17 cells. However, mechanisms governing the cardiotoxicity programming of heart-specific T cells have remained elusive. Using a mouse model of spontaneous autoimmune myocarditis, we show that progression of myocarditis to lethal heart disease depends on cardiac myosin-specific TH_{H}17 cells imprinted in the intestine by a commensal Bacteroides species peptide mimic. Both the successful prevention of lethal disease in mice by antibiotic therapy and the significantly elevated Bacteroides-specific CD4+^{+} T cell and B cell responses observed in human myocarditis patients suggest that mimic peptides from commensal bacteria can promote inflammatory cardiomyopathy in genetically susceptible individuals. The ability to restrain cardiotoxic T cells through manipulation of the microbiome thereby transforms inflammatory cardiomyopathy into a targetable disease

    Fibroblastic reticular cells regulate intestinal inflammation via IL-15-mediated control of group 1 ILCs.

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    Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) of secondary lymphoid organs form distinct niches for interaction with hematopoietic cells. We found here that production of the cytokine IL-15 by FRCs was essential for the maintenance of group 1 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes. Moreover, FRC-specific ablation of the innate immunological sensing adaptor MyD88 unleashed IL-15 production by FRCs during infection with an enteropathogenic virus, which led to hyperactivation of group 1 ILCs and substantially altered the differentiation of helper T cells. Accelerated clearance of virus by group 1 ILCs precipitated severe intestinal inflammatory disease with commensal dysbiosis, loss of intestinal barrier function and diminished resistance to colonization. In sum, FRCs act as an 'on-demand' immunological 'rheostat' by restraining activation of group 1 ILCs and thereby preventing immunopathological damage in the intestine