7 research outputs found

    ICT and Gender Specific Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

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    The accepted “gender” generalization in the Nigerian society expects a female to be dominantly a homemaker and not engaged in stressful, high-risk business activities, generalized as entrepreneurial activities. This has hindered many Nigerian female entrepreneurs from starting, running and growing successful business enterprises, as they face many political, economic and social obstacles in the society as highlighted by the feminist theory. Following the resource-based theory; this study highlights the importance of a nation to fully utilize all its resources including women who constitute 49% of Nigeria’s population. Through case study research of two successful female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, this study established that ICT does have a positive influence in tackling the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs, as the two successful female entrepreneurs studied, highlighted in their interviews how they gained advantage in the business world by the use of various ICT tools. From the case study analysis, a framework was created to serve as a yardstick for measurement of successful female entrepreneurship. It is anticipated that the insights developed in this study will be beneficial both by female entrepreneurs across developing countries and the world at large, and in effective program development by policy designers

    Effect of System Factors on Whistleblowing Attitude of Nigerian Banks Employees: A Conceptual Perspective

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    Whistleblowing provides a self-correcting mechanism for an organization to prevent unethical practices. Lessons from collapsed businesses around the world show that organisations do not just collapse, but rather it is a gradual process resulting from a series of inappropriate acts left unaddressed. This paper is based on a conceptual perspective. Past studies on whistleblowing were reviewed, gaps and weaknesses identified to develop a conceptual framework on whistleblowing reporting attitude of bank employees in Nigeria. The conceptual framework is anchored on the Resource Dependence (RD) and Planned Behaviour (PB) theories. The paper provides important lessons for promoting ethical practices in organisations and the society at large. Based on the gaps in literature, this paper recommends among others a performance review system that is tied to rewarding whistleblowing; ways to protect whistleblowers and the need to strengthen organizational support structures for whistleblowing. Keywords—component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words

    Awareness Level and Adoption of Modular Construction for Affordable Housing in Nigeria: Architects’ Perspective

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    Modular construction is a construction method where pre-designed building units are constructed off-site, conveyed to site as components and assembled to form a building or structure. The construction method is adjudged to significantly reduce building time and offers good economic value which are some of its key benefits over traditional construction methods. This study evaluated architects’ awareness level and adoption of modular construction method in Nigeria, in order to ascertain its application level towards providing prompt affordable housing projects delivery in the country. The study is a survey research that engaged a pragmatic research approach. Both qualitative and quantitative inquiry methods were employed to carry out the research. Qualitative inquiry method was employed to gather relevant data used to develop a structured questionnaire that was used to collect quantitative data. The questionnaire was distributed to a hundred architects who were randomly selected from a hundred architectural firms registered to practice in Lagos State, the most populous state in Nigeria. A total of seventy-one participants provided data for the study. The data were analysed with statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software, version 21. The result depicts that majority (87%) of the respondents are aware of modular construction as an approach used in building construction, but just few (32%) of the respondents have adopted modular construction in the delivery of affordable housing scheme in the study area. In addition, it was found that modular construction for affordable housing projects is mostly adopted for its waste reduction, construction time reduction and cost saving benefits. The study concludes that though architects’ awareness level of modular construction method and its benefits is high in Nigeria, its adoption by the architects for prompt delivery of affordable housing projects in the study area is low. Hence, appropriate measures were recommended to enhance the adoption of modular construction method by architects to combat housing challenges experienced in Nigeria

    Data on empirical investigation of direct and indirect effect of personality traits on entrepreneurs’ commitment of SMEs

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    This data article presented the effect of the Big Five Personality traits on entrepreneurs’ commitment. 400 copies of questionnaire were administered to practicing entrepreneurs whom were members of a business guild in their annual end of year meeting and award day. 369 copies were duly filled and returned for use. Using statistic package for social science (SPSS 20) and Amos 22, correlation and regression analysis were used to find out the relationship between the two constructs and the strength of the relationship respectively. The Amos path diagram revealed the standardized estimates of the regression coefficien

    Dataset on ethical leadership and corporate reputation – Nigerian deposit money banks'perspective

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    Banking institutions play a critical role in any economy,and their stability is crucial to the economic development of a nation. The wave of corporate scandals that rocked the industry left the public with alossofconfidence. Effortshavesincebeenchanneledby bankstowardsdevelopingtheircorporategovernancemechan- isms, exceptthattheaspectofethicalleadershipandhowit translatestoabank'scorporatereputationhasnotreceivedsufficient attention.Thedatasetpresentedtheperceptionofemployees in selecteddepositmoneybanksinNigeria.Amultistagesampling techniquewasusedtoelicitdatafromtheemployees.Inferential statistics suchascorrelation,andregressionanalysiswereadop- ted. Thedatacollectedfocusedontheimpactofethicalleadership on corporatereputation.Italsoprovidedinformationonthesig- nificant factorsaffectingethicalleadershipaswellasthemeasures of corporatereputation.Thesurveydatawhenanalysedcanbea pointer indeterminingtheuniqueethicalleadershippredictors that couldenhanceabank'sreputation

    Dataset on managerial incentives and bank performance: Evidence from Nigerian deposit money banks

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    This studypresentsadata-setontheinfluence ofmanagerial incentivesonbankperformanceinselectedDepositMoneyBanks (DMB) inNigeria.Theuseofmanagerialincentivestoaligninter- ests oftheprincipalandagentisadvocatedbyagencytheorists, but thepeculiarityofthebankingindustryintermsoftheroleof regulation, capitalstructure,opacityandcomplexityofitstrans- actions amongotherspresentsadifferentpropositionincorporate governanceresearch.Thedatacollectedoveralongitudinalperiod between 2006and2016,provideinformationonspecific man- agerial incentivesand financial performancemeasures.Descriptive and inferentialstatisticssuchascorrelation,andpanelregression analysisestimatesarepresented.Whenanalysed,thedatacanbea pointer indeterminingtheuniquemanagerialincentivespre- dictors thatcouldenhanceabank'sperformance

    Data on modeling of nexus between entrepreneurs'commitment and business performance in a developing country

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    This article presents data that examined the modeling of nexus between entrepreneurs'commitment and business performance in a developing country. 315 copies of questionnaire were retrieved from 400copiesthatwereadministeredtoNigerianAssociationof Small ScaleIndustrialists(NASSI)Southwestchapterswhich comprised ofsixstates.Inadditiontodescriptiveanalysisofpartof the data,correlationandregressionanalysiswereusedtopresent the datathroughstructuralequationmodel(SEM).TheSEMpath analysisshowstheestimatesoftheinterconnectednessofthe majorconstructsinthedat