30 research outputs found

    ICT and Gender Specific Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

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    The accepted “gender” generalization in the Nigerian society expects a female to be dominantly a homemaker and not engaged in stressful, high-risk business activities, generalized as entrepreneurial activities. This has hindered many Nigerian female entrepreneurs from starting, running and growing successful business enterprises, as they face many political, economic and social obstacles in the society as highlighted by the feminist theory. Following the resource-based theory; this study highlights the importance of a nation to fully utilize all its resources including women who constitute 49% of Nigeria’s population. Through case study research of two successful female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, this study established that ICT does have a positive influence in tackling the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs, as the two successful female entrepreneurs studied, highlighted in their interviews how they gained advantage in the business world by the use of various ICT tools. From the case study analysis, a framework was created to serve as a yardstick for measurement of successful female entrepreneurship. It is anticipated that the insights developed in this study will be beneficial both by female entrepreneurs across developing countries and the world at large, and in effective program development by policy designers

    Airbag related ocular injuries: a short case series

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    Airbags are designed to protect occupants of motor vehicles from injuries in the event of a crash but have been implicated in some serious ocular injuries after road traffic accidents (RTAs). Diagnosis of airbag related ocular injuries requires a high index of suspicion. Using a retrospective hospital‑based, noninterventional study design, we evaluated the frequency and severity of airbag‑related ocular injuries in patients presenting with ocular trauma to the eye clinic over a 4 years period. The case notes of patients managed for varying degrees of ocular injuries over a 4 years period in an eye clinic were reviewed. Patient demographics, the cause of injury, type of vehicle, speed, specific ocular structures injured, visual morbidity, and visual outcome were assessed. An 150 cases were identified and enrolled in the study. Only 8 (5.3%) of them were victims of RTAs. Airbag deployment was the mechanism of injury in 2 (1.33%) patients. Details of these two patients are reported. There was bilateral involvement in the two patients that had airbag‑related ocular injuries. Each of the patients sustained a ruptured globe in one eye, and one of them became bilaterally blind from airbag‑related ocular injuries. Airbag‑related ocular injuries can be very severe, and this mechanism of injury should be considered during the assessment of victims of RTAs with ocular injuries.Keywords: Airbag injuries, ocular trauma, road traffic accident

    Mammograms and breast arterial calcifications: looking beyond breast cancer: a preliminary report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To find out the prevalence, clinical and biochemical correlates of Breast Artery Calcification (BAC) in the Nigerian women.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>This is a cross sectional study involving 54 consecutive adult female subjects sent to the Radiology Department of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria for screening and diagnostic mammography. The study was carried out for a period of five months.</p> <p>The prevalence of BAC was 20%. Ageing was found to be related to BAC. Cardiovascular risk factors including diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, obesity, alcohol ingestion, use of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, were not significantly related to the presence of BAC in this study.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study showed that though the presence of BAC in a mammogram is related to age, it may not predict or serve as a significant marker for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in women in our environment.</p

    Data on empirical investigation of direct and indirect effect of personality traits on entrepreneurs’ commitment of SMEs

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    This data article presented the effect of the Big Five Personality traits on entrepreneurs’ commitment. 400 copies of questionnaire were administered to practicing entrepreneurs whom were members of a business guild in their annual end of year meeting and award day. 369 copies were duly filled and returned for use. Using statistic package for social science (SPSS 20) and Amos 22, correlation and regression analysis were used to find out the relationship between the two constructs and the strength of the relationship respectively. The Amos path diagram revealed the standardized estimates of the regression coefficien

    Dataset on ethical leadership and corporate reputation – Nigerian deposit money banks'perspective

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    Banking institutions play a critical role in any economy,and their stability is crucial to the economic development of a nation. The wave of corporate scandals that rocked the industry left the public with alossofconfidence. Effortshavesincebeenchanneledby bankstowardsdevelopingtheircorporategovernancemechan- isms, exceptthattheaspectofethicalleadershipandhowit translatestoabank'scorporatereputationhasnotreceivedsufficient attention.Thedatasetpresentedtheperceptionofemployees in selecteddepositmoneybanksinNigeria.Amultistagesampling techniquewasusedtoelicitdatafromtheemployees.Inferential statistics suchascorrelation,andregressionanalysiswereadop- ted. Thedatacollectedfocusedontheimpactofethicalleadership on corporatereputation.Italsoprovidedinformationonthesig- nificant factorsaffectingethicalleadershipaswellasthemeasures of corporatereputation.Thesurveydatawhenanalysedcanbea pointer indeterminingtheuniqueethicalleadershippredictors that couldenhanceabank'sreputation

    Data on modeling of nexus between entrepreneurs'commitment and business performance in a developing country

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    This article presents data that examined the modeling of nexus between entrepreneurs'commitment and business performance in a developing country. 315 copies of questionnaire were retrieved from 400copiesthatwereadministeredtoNigerianAssociationof Small ScaleIndustrialists(NASSI)Southwestchapterswhich comprised ofsixstates.Inadditiontodescriptiveanalysisofpartof the data,correlationandregressionanalysiswereusedtopresent the datathroughstructuralequationmodel(SEM).TheSEMpath analysisshowstheestimatesoftheinterconnectednessofthe majorconstructsinthedat

    Comparative Evaluation of Oculokinetic Perimetry and Henson CFS 2000 in Detecting Glaucomatous Field Detects.

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    OculoKinetic perimetry (OKP) is a visual field test developed for use in situations where conventional perimetry is not convenient or readily available. The test is inexpensive fully portable and simple to perform and can therefore supplement conventional perimeter in non-ophthalmic clinics, the community, by the bedsides and in the patient's home. OKP uses controlled movements of the patient's eye to position a static test stimulus in the visual field. The test chart consists of a white tangent screen with 26 numbered fixation points located eccentrically at strategic points in relation to a central black spot, which is the test stimulus. As the patient looks at each number in turn, the central stimulus automatically moves through corresponding points in the visual field. Defects are recorded on a miniature chart by crossing out the numbers that are associated with the disappearance of the test stimulus. In this study we have shown that in 80 eyes of 43 glaucomatous patients, the test is efficient and reliable when compared with Henson CFS2000 field test. The results were comparable in 88.75% of the eyes and the specificity relatively high at 95%. OKP appears to be a useful tool for glaucoma screening in the community. KEYWORDS: Oculokinetic Perimetry, Glaucoma, Screening, Henson CFS2002, Visual field. [Nig. J. Ophthalmology Vol.10(1): 10-15

    Visual functions of commercial drivers in relation to road accidents in Nigeria

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    Objective : To determine the effects of the visual functions on the occurrence of road traffic accidents (RTA) amongst commercial drivers in Ife central local government area (LGA) of Osun state of Nigeria. Design : A cross-sectional study. Settings : Four major motor parks located at Ife Central LGA. Materials and Methods : Of the estimated 270 commercial drivers in the four major parks of the LGA, 215 consecutive drivers were interviewed and had their eyes examined. Structured questionnaires were administered by an ophthalmologist. Results: The prevalence of visual impairment (visual acuity < 6/18) in the better eye without correction was 3.3% ± 2.4 and there was a significant association between uncorrected visual acuity impairment in the better eye and RTA ( P = 0.0152). Refractive error was seen in 8.4% of the drivers, but none of these wear corrective glasses. Visual field defect, abnormal stereopsis and color vision impairment did not have any significant association with RTA. Conclusion : Poor visual acuity is strongly associated with RTA amongst Nigerian commercial drivers as opposed to visual field defect, abnormal color vision and stereopsis. A significant proportion of visual impairment was due to uncorrected refractive errors

    Comparative Chromatographic Analysis and Pharmacodynamic Activities of Garcinia Kola Nut Extracts

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    Objectives: To compare the pharmacodynamic activities of Garcinia Kola nut (GK) extract with known antiglaucoma medication using the movements and sites of separation on thin layer chromatography. Study Design: Experimental Study Materials and Methods: Garcinia kolanuts were obtained from Ogun state. Drugs in comparison were 0.5% Betaxolol, 0.5% Timotol maleate and 2% Pilocarpine. Extraction of Garcinia Kolanuts was carried out at the Pharmaceutical chemistry laboratory of the CMUL. The antiglaucoma drugs were basified in ammonium hydroxide to extract the active ingredients. The other half of water extract served as control. Comparative Thin layer Chromatography (TLC) studies were done both at the College of Medicine Lagos and Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun State, using the 3 known antiglaucoma drugs. Garcinia kolanuts were also sent to Alcon Laboratories in Texas, USA for analysis of its active ingredients. Main Outcome Measure: Extent of movement and corresponding spots at sites of separation of all the antiglaucoma drugs and GK extracts on TLC. Results: Thin layer Chromatography (TLC) showed comparative corresponding separating spots of the extracts with those of the antiglaucoma drugs, and the same extent of movements. The laboratory analysis of the Garcinia Kolanuts extracts showed receptors inhibition of Beta adrenergic sites, adenosine, melatonin, opiate, purine, calcium channel L-type and 5HT5A. Conclusion: Garcinia kolanut extract exhibits a combined effects of all the known antiglaucoma drugs used in comparison. NQJHM Vol. 15 (1) 2005: pp. 30-3

    Pattern Of Ocular Emergencies Seen At L.U.T.H. Over A Period of 1 year

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    Aim: To determine the commonest type of ocular emergencies seen at L.U.T.H. over a period of one year. Methodology: Data of all consecutive patients seen as emergencies within the designated period was taken. These included age, sex, symptoms, signs, agents of injury, duration and the complications. Results : A total of 304 patients were seen. 207 (68.0%) of them were males, while 97(32.0%) of them were females giving a ratio of 2.1:1. Out of the total number, 159(52.3%) had non-injurious emergencies. Of the 145 (47.7%) injurious emergencies, blunt trauma was the commonest with 77 patients (25.3%). Penetrating trauma was next in frequency with 37 patients (12.2%) as compared to blunt injury with 77 patients. Foreign body injuries were seen in 18 patients (5.9%), followed by chemical injuries which constituted the least with 13 patients (4.3%). Conclusion : Majority of the ocular emergencies seen were due to non-injurious type, while blunt trauma was the commonest of the injurious type. Recommendation : Health education and awareness creation should be intensified on the various causes of the ocular emergencies, more importantly on the non-injurious causes to prevent the resultant ocular morbidity. Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol. 17 (2) 2007: pp. 90-9