25 research outputs found

    Role of the domestic dog as a reservoir host of Leishmania donovani in eastern Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study aims to determine the role of domestic dogs in transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Sudan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 10 villages along the River Rahad in eastern Sudan to elucidate the role of domestic dogs (<it>Canis familiaris</it>, Linnaeus, 1758) as a reservoir host of <it>Leishmania donovani</it>. In this study, 87 dogs were screened for infection by <it>Leishmania donovani</it>. Blood and lymph node samples were taken from 87 and 33 dogs respectively and subsequently screened by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Direct Agglutination Test (DAT) test. Additional lymph node smears were processed for microscopy and parasite culture. Host preference of the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) vector in the area, <it>Phlebotomus orientalis</it>, and other sandflies for the Nile rat (<it>Arvicanthis niloticus</it>, É. Geoffrey, 1803), the genet (<it>Genetta genetta</it>, Linnaeus, 1758), the mongoose (<it>Herpeistes ichneumon</it>, Linnaeus, 1758), and the domestic dog were determined by counting numbers of sand flies attracted to CDC traps that were baited by these animals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DAT on blood samples detected anti-<it>Leishmania </it>antibodies in 6 samples (6.9%). Two out of 87 (2.3%) blood samples tested were PCR positive, giving an amplification product of 560 bp. The two positive samples by PCR were also positive by DAT. However, none of the 33 lymph nodes aspirates were <it>Leishmania </it>positive when screened by microscopy, culture and genus-specific PCR. The dog-baited trap significantly attracted the highest number of <it>P. orientalis </it>and sand fly species (P < 0.001). This was followed by the Egyptian mongoose baited trap and less frequently by the genet baited trap.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is concluded that the results obtained from host attraction studies indicate that dog is more attractive for <it>P. orientalis </it>than Egyptian mongoose, common genet and Nile rat.</p

    Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying (ODRS), a new approach for the control of the exophilic vectors of human visceral Leishmaniasis : phlebotomus orientalis in East Africa

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    Background. Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) due to Leishmania donovani is a neglected protozoan parasitic disease in humans, which is usually fatal if untreated. Phlebotomus orientalis, the predominant VL vector in East Africa, is a highly exophilic/exophagic species that poses a major challenge to current Integrated Vector Management (IVM). Here we report results of pilot studies conducted in rural villages in Gedarif state, Sudan, to evaluate outdoor residual spraying of 20mg active ingredient (a.i.) /m2 deltamethrin insecticide applied to the characteristic household compound boundary reed fence and to the outside of household buildings (Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying, ODRS), and as an alternative, spraying restricted to the boundary fence only (Restricted Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying, RODRS). Methods. Four to six clusters of 20 households were assigned to insecticide treatments or control in three experiments. Changes in sand fly numbers were monitored over 2,033 trap-nights over 43-76 days follow-up in four sentinel houses per cluster relative to unsprayed control clusters. Sand fly numbers were monitored by sticky traps placed on the ground on the inside (“outdoor”) and the outside (“peridomestic”) of the boundary fence, and by CDC light traps suspended outdoors in the household compound. The effects of ODRS on sand fly numbers inside sleeping huts were monitored by insecticide knockdown. Results. After a single application, ODRS reduced P. orientalis abundance by 83%-99% in outdoor and peridomestic trap locations. ODRS also reduced numbers of P. orientalis found resting inside sleeping huts. RODRS reduced outdoor and peridomestic P. orientalis by 60%- 88%. By direct comparison, RODRS was 58%-100% as effective as ODRS depending on the trapping method. These impacts were immediate on intervention and persisted during follow-up, representing a large fraction of the P. orientalis activity season. Relative costs of ODRS and RODRS delivery were 5.76and5.76 and 3.48 per household, respectively. Conclusions. The study demonstrates the feasibility and high entomological efficacy of ODRS and RODRS, and the expected low costs relative to current IVM practises. These methods represent novel sand fly vector control tools against predominantly exophilic/exophagic sand fly vectors, aimed to lower VL burdens in Sudan, with potential application in other endemic regions in East Africa

    Diagnostic Accuracy of the Leishmania OligoC-TesT and NASBA-Oligochromatography for Diagnosis of Leishmaniasis in Sudan

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    The leishmaniases are a group of vector-borne diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. The parasites are transmitted by phlebotomine sand flies and can cause, depending on the infecting species, three clinical manifestations of leishmaniasis: visceral leishmaniasis (VL), post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) and cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) including the mucocutaneous form. VL, PKDL as well as CL are endemic in several parts of Sudan, and VL especially represents a major health problem in this country. Molecular tests such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or nucleic acid sequence based assay (NASBA) are powerful techniques for accurate detection of the parasite in clinical specimens, but broad use is hampered by their complexity and lack of standardisation. Recently, the Leishmania OligoC-TesT and NASBA-Oligochromatography were developed as simplified and standardised PCR and NASBA formats. In this study, both tests were phase II evaluated for diagnosis of VL, PKDL and CL in Sudan

    A possible role for Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) rodhaini (Parrot, 1930) in transmission of Leishmania donovani

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Visceral leishmaniasis (VL, kala azar), caused by <it>Leishmania donovani </it>is a major health problem in Sudan and other East African countries. In this region the only proven vectors of <it>L. donovani </it>are <it>Phlebotomus orientalis </it>in eastern Sudan, Ethiopia and Upper Nile areas of Southern Sudan and <it>Phlebotomus martini </it>in Ethiopia, Kenya and Southern Sudan. In this report, we present the first evidence that <it>Phlebotomus rodhaini </it>may also play a role in maintaining transmission of <it>L. donovani </it>between animal reservoir hosts in eastern Sudan. The study was conducted in a zoonotic focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Dinder National Park, eastern Sudan, where previous work showed high infection rates of <it>L. donovani </it>in <it>P. orientalis</it>. Sand flies, captured by CDC traps were dissected and examined for infection with <it>Leishmania </it>parasites. Parasite isolates were subjected to <it>L. donovani </it>specific PCR. Field experiments were also carried out to compare efficiency of rodent baited and un-baited CDC traps in collection of <it>P. rodhaini </it>and determine its man-biting rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three female <it>P. rodhain</it>i were found infected with <it>Leishmania </it>parasites in an astonishingly small number of flies captured in three separate field trips. Two of these isolates were typed by molecular methods as <it>L. donovani</it>, while the third isolate was inoculated into a hamster that was subsequently lost. Although <it>P. rodhaini is </it>generally considered a rare species, results obtained in this study indicate that it can readily be captured by rodent-baited traps. Results of human landing collection showed that it rarely bites humans in the area.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is concluded that <it>P. rodhaini </it>is a possible vector of <it>L. donovani </it>between animal reservoir hosts but is not responsible for infecting humans. It is suggested that the role of <it>P</it>. <it>rodhaini </it>in transmission of <it>L. donovani </it>in other zoonotic foci of visceral leishmaniasis in Africa should be re-examined.</p

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Use of PCR for Diagnosis of Post-Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis

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    Microscopy and PCR were compared for use in the diagnosis of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) in 63 patients. Aspirates of lymph nodes (samples from 52 patients), skin (23 samples), and bone marrow (18 samples) were used. For 11 patients lymph node aspiration could be repeated 6 months after they recovered from PKDL. During active PKDL, PCR was positive for 42 of 52 (80.8%) lymph node aspirates and 19 of 23 (82.7%) skin aspirates, whereas microscopy was positive for only 9 of 52 (17.3%) lymph node aspirates and 7 of 23 (30.4%) skin aspirates. PCR was always positive when parasites were seen by microscopy. When the results obtained with lymph node and skin aspirates from the same patient (n = 16) were compared, there was complete agreement. Bone marrow samples were negative by microscopy and PCR for 16 patients and positive by both methods for 1 patient; for one sample only the PCR was positive. PCR confirmed the co-occurrence of visceral leishmaniasis and PKDL in one patient and confirmed the suspicion of this co-occurrence in the other patient. After recovery, no parasites were found by microscopy, but 2 of 11 (18.2%) samples were still positive by PCR. Thirty negative controls were all found to be PCR negative, and 15 positive controls were all PCR positive. Cross-reactions with Mycobacterium leprae could be ruled out. In conclusion, PCR with inguinal lymph node or skin aspirates is suitable for confirming the clinical diagnosis of PKDL. In some patients, lymph node aspirates are probably preferred because aspiration of material from the skin may leave scars

    Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying (ODRS), a New Approach for the Control of the Exophilic Vectors of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis: Phlebotomus orientalis in East Africa.

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    Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) due to Leishmania donovani is a neglected protozoan parasitic disease in humans, which is usually fatal if untreated. Phlebotomus orientalis, the predominant VL vector in East Africa, is a highly exophilic/exophagic species that poses a major challenge to current Integrated Vector Management (IVM). Here we report results of pilot studies conducted in rural villages in Gedarif state, Sudan, to evaluate outdoor residual spraying of 20mg active ingredient (a.i.) /m2 deltamethrin insecticide applied to the characteristic household compound boundary reed fence and to the outside of household buildings (Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying, ODRS), and as an alternative, spraying restricted to the boundary fence only (Restricted Outdoor Residual Insecticide Spraying, RODRS). Four to six clusters of 20 households were assigned to insecticide treatments or control in three experiments. Changes in sand fly numbers were monitored over 2,033 trap-nights over 43-76 days follow-up in four sentinel houses per cluster relative to unsprayed control clusters. Sand fly numbers were monitored by sticky traps placed on the ground on the inside ("outdoor") and the outside ("peridomestic") of the boundary fence, and by CDC light traps suspended outdoors in the household compound. The effects of ODRS on sand fly numbers inside sleeping huts were monitored by insecticide knockdown. After a single application, ODRS reduced P. orientalis abundance by 83%-99% in outdoor and peridomestic trap locations. ODRS also reduced numbers of P. orientalis found resting inside sleeping huts. RODRS reduced outdoor and peridomestic P. orientalis by 60%-88%. By direct comparison, RODRS was 58%-100% as effective as ODRS depending on the trapping method. These impacts were immediate on intervention and persisted during follow-up, representing a large fraction of the P. orientalis activity season. Relative costs of ODRS and RODRS delivery were 5.76and5.76 and 3.48 per household, respectively. The study demonstrates the feasibility and high entomological efficacy of ODRS and RODRS, and the expected low costs relative to current IVM practises. These methods represent novel sand fly vector control tools against predominantly exophilic/exophagic sand fly vectors, aimed to lower VL burdens in Sudan, with potential application in other endemic regions in East Africa