2 research outputs found

    Assessment of Thyroid Function in Infertile Iraqi Females

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    Infertility is one of the medical, social and psychological burdens in Iraqi society. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to menstrual disturbance, anovulatory cycle and decreased fertility. The study was designed to evaluate the role of thyroid disorders in infertility with emphasis on autoimmunity by Measuring T3, T4, TSH, & anti Thyroid peroxidase antibody in infertile females comparing the results with matching fertile controls. The study was conducted during the period from March 2015 to September 2015 at Karbala Maternity Hospital, infertility unit, and some private clinics. This study included a total number of 143 women in the reproductive age; ranging between (15- 43) years; divided into: The patients group included 92 infertile females; while controls were 51fertile females. The following parameters were measured for all study groups: T3, T4, TSH, &anti-TPO using ELISA device. The results showed that there were 60.8% of patients with primary infertility (n =56) while 38.2% were with secondary infertility (n= 36). There was a significant difference in T3, and Anti-TPO between patients and controls being higher in patients; (p-value <0.05). In addition; Anti-TPO level was significantly higher in secondary infertile patients compared to primary infertile patients. In conclusion; Thyroid disorders are closely related to infertility in Iraqi females; and Anti-TPO may be used as a biochemical indicator of subclinical thyroid disorders and may help in assessment of thyroid function as a cause of infertility whether primary or secondary. Keywords: Infertility, Thyroid disease, T3, T4, Anti-TP

    Evaluation of the oocyte quality versus ICSI outcomes in sub fertile Iraqi women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine condition, occurs in about 5% to 10% of women and is thought to be caused by a hypothalamic disorder, In some women with PCOS especially obese one has hyper secretion of insulin with insulin resistance, the aim of study: To determine oocyte number and quality and ICSI outcome in infertile patient with PCOS. All patient fit with diagnostic criteria of PCOS where undergoes stimulation by antagonistic protocol and ICSI procedure is done under a control condition. The result of pickup (number and quality of oocyte) and result of ICSI (number of 2 pronclea), was compared with result of oocyte pick up and ICSI of tubal factor.  Result and Discussion: In this study characteristic clinical feature of PCOS like acne, hirsuitism, irregular cycle not found in tubal factor group. Also some hormones like LH, Testosterone and prolactin levels in PCOS higher than tubal factors group with normal ovaries As a result of ovarian stimulation and ICSI procedure shows There is good number of oocytes and good quality (M2), with higher fertilization rate in patient with PCOS undergoes ICSI than patient with normal ovaries