36 research outputs found

    Exploring the Knowledge Sharing Practices among Medical Doctors in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Medical doctors constitute a vital component of the health sector’s workforce. One major factor that aids their efficiency is knowledge of practice and what they do with it. Literature is replete with knowledge-sharing cases among other professionals but less visible concerning physicians, especially in Nigeria. This study investigates the knowledge-sharing practices among doctors in Ibadan, one of the country’s major cities. The descriptive survey research design was adopted, and data collected through interviews with sixteen doctors selected through convenience sampling. Findings show that the doctors shared knowledge regularly through social media, formal discussions, and informal deliberations. The findings also indicated that the doctors derive benefits from exchanging information, while the knowledgesharing process challenges stem from adverse social factors. This study is useful to medical practitioners, medical associations, and policymakers who need data for staff development and how that impacts the health sector

    The Effect Of Job Enrichment Schemes On Selected Construction Workers In Nigeria

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    There is a need to ascertain the effect of job enrichment schemes on workers in construction industry in Nigeria in order to justify its continuous use as tools for motivation. This study was designed to determine the relative performance of job enrichment schemes used by selected construction firms in Lagos, Nigeria and the effects of the schemes on the workers in these firms. The study was conducted with data from questionnaire retrieved from forty two project sites. The project managers and craftsmen on these sites were required to evaluate the performance of the job enrichment schemes they had used previously and the effect of those schemes on the workers. Ranking of the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) vectors used for performance evaluation revealed that high performing job enrichment schemes were increased decision making ability, total quality management and training programmes. Factor analysis was further used to extract the following factors as the major effects of the job enrichment schemes on the construction workers; core job enrichment effects, workers self actualization effects, peer surveillance effects, workers dissatisfaction effects, workers behavioural effects and positive time effects. The ascertained effects justify continuous use of job enrichment schemes

    Rodenticidni učinak indometacina: patogeneza i patologija.

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    The pathogenesis and pathology of the rodenticidal action of indomethacin, a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug, were investigated. Sixteen Norway rats and 16 albino mice, aged 10-12 weeks with mean mass of 99.6 g and 28.4 g, respectively were divided into eight groups of 4 rats (R1, R2, R3 and R4) and 4 mice (M1, M2, M3 and M4). Rodents in R1 and M1 were controls (0 mg/kg indomethacin), while those in R2, R3, R4, and M2, M3, M4 were each given 83 mg/kg, 166 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg body mass of indomethacin orally, respectively. Clinical signs, symptoms and mortalities were monitored, while detailed postmortem examination was carried out. Indomethacin caused anorexia, dehydration and weakness, which became progressively worse with time; and there was 100% mortality within 36 and 82 hours in mice and rats, respectively. Seven rats (43.8%) were diarrheic, and had bilateral medial canthi haemorrhages. Gross lesions in all the rodents include congested and haemorrhagic stomach and intestinal mucosae, with focal areas of ulcerations, and focal pale areas on the liver. Histopathological changes in various organs were similar, irrespective of the animal species and dose of indomethacin, and include widespread congestion and haemorrhage, thrombi in arterioles and capillaries of the kidney, heart, lungs, brain, testes and splenic fat. There was widespread glandular degeneration and necrosis, erosions, ulcerations in the stomach and small intestines, renal glomerular and tubular degeneration, hepatocellular necrosis, myocardiac necrosis, testicular and neuronal degeneration. Indomethacin appears to cause widespread endothelial and mucosal damage, haemorrhage and vascular thrombosis, leading to ischaemic necrosis, with subsequent multiple organ failure and death. The mechanisms of action and implications of the use of indomethacin as a rodenticide to domestic pets are discussed.Istražena je patogeneza i patologija rodenticidnoga učinka nesteroidnoga protuupalnoga lijeka indometacina. Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 smeđih štakora prosječne tjelesne mase od 99,6 g i 16 albino miševa prosječne tjelesne mase od 28,4 g u dobi od 10 do 12 tjedana. Životinje su bile podijeljene u osam skupina. U svaku skupinu uvrštena su četiri štakora (R1, R2, R3, R4) odnosno četiri miša (M1, M2, M3, M4). Životinje pod oznakom R1 i M1 bile su kontrolne i nisu dobivale indometacin. Štakorima skupina R2, R3, R4 te miševima skupina M2, M3, M4 oralnim je putem apliciran indometacin u dozama od 83 mg/kg, 166 mg/kg i 250 mg/kg. Promatrani su klinički znakovi i uginuća. Uginule životinje bile su razuđene. Indometacin je uzrokovao anoreksiju, dehidraciju i slabost te100%-tnu smrtnost tijekom 36 sati nakon primjene u miševa i 82 sata nakon primjene u štakora. U sedam štakora (43,8%) zabilježen je proljev te krvarenje po sluznici medijalnih očnih kutova. U svih je glodavaca dokazana punokrvnost, krvarenja po sluzici želuca i crijeva sa žarišnim ulceracijama te mjestimično bljedilo jetre. Patohistološke promjene u različitim organima bile su slične bez obzira na vrstu životinje i dozu. Najčešće je ustanovljena kongestija organa i krvarenja te trombi u arteriolama i kapilarama bubrega, srca, pluća, mozga, sjemenika i slezene. Zabilježena je i žljezdana degeneracija kao i nekroze, erozije, ulceracija želuca i tankog crijeva, glomerulotubularna degeneracija bubrega, hepatocelularna nekroza, nekroza miokarda te degeneracija sjemenika i živčanih stanica. Čini se da indometacin uzrokuje značajno oštećenje endotela i sluznice, krvarenje i vaskularnu trombozu koja prelazi u ishemičnu nekrozu s posljedičnim zatajenjem mnogih organa i uginućem. Detaljno su obrazloženi mehanizmi djelovanja indometacina kao rodenticida

    Application of Exponentially Fitted Collocation Algorithm for Solving nth-Order Fredholm Integrodifferential Equations

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    In this paper, we seek to build and apply an exponentially fitted collocation algorithm (EFCA) for the solutions of nth-order Fredholm type integrodifferential equations. For this purpose, an EFCA was formulated and applied to solve four examples from the literature. Numerical experiment was performed and the results were compared with the exact solutions, and some existing methods. From the four examples considered, the results obtained showed that the proposed algorithm is fast, efficient, and reliable.

    The Effect Of Job Enrichment Schemes On Selected Construction Workers In Nigeria

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    There is a need to ascertain the effect of job enrichment schemes on workers in construction industry in Nigeria in order to justify its continuous use as tools for motivation. This study was designed to determine the relative performance of job enrichment schemes used by selected construction firms in Lagos, Nigeria and the effects of the schemes on the workers in these firms. The study was conducted with data from questionnaire retrieved from forty two project sites. The project managers and craftsmen on these sites were required to evaluate the performance of the job enrichment schemes they had used previously and the effect of those schemes on the workers. Ranking of the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) vectors used for performance evaluation revealed that high performing job enrichment schemes were increased decision making ability, total quality management and training programmes. Factor analysis was further used to extract the following factors as the major effects of the job enrichment schemes on the construction workers; core job enrichment effects, workers self actualization effects, peer surveillance effects, workers dissatisfaction effects, workers behavioural effects and positive time effects. The ascertained effects justify continuous use of job enrichment schemes

    Models in the construction of female identity in Nigerian postcolonial literature

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    Gendered identity in Africa has for centuries been a hotbed of ideological and narrative contestations. While colonial constructions of the African female were generally essentialist and negative in character, early postcolonial African literature also ironically deployed essentialisms and rigid gender binaries to portray African womanhood, thus prompting a challenge of both by female African writers of the first generation. However, in a significant twist, second generation Nigerian women writers were to restore the related tropes of wifehood and motherhood to the front burner. This article examines the corresponding models of representation of gendered identity and the inherent, and complex, negotiation of gendered power relations over time in Nigerian postcolonial literature. These models, which we describe here as “essentialism entrenched”, “essentialism challenged” and “essentialism negotiated” are examined against the background of gender theory and African womanist discourse. The essay observes that the resurgence of motherhood, albeit in mediated/transformative forms in Nigerian women writing, underscores the continuing challenge of culture in the formation of African gendered identities and in relation to societal development. The work of Akachi Ezeigbo, a leading Nigerian female writer of the second generation, is used in the article to illustrate this resurgence and its interface with womanist theorizing

    Rodenticidni učinak indometacina: patogeneza i patologija.

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    The pathogenesis and pathology of the rodenticidal action of indomethacin, a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug, were investigated. Sixteen Norway rats and 16 albino mice, aged 10-12 weeks with mean mass of 99.6 g and 28.4 g, respectively were divided into eight groups of 4 rats (R1, R2, R3 and R4) and 4 mice (M1, M2, M3 and M4). Rodents in R1 and M1 were controls (0 mg/kg indomethacin), while those in R2, R3, R4, and M2, M3, M4 were each given 83 mg/kg, 166 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg body mass of indomethacin orally, respectively. Clinical signs, symptoms and mortalities were monitored, while detailed postmortem examination was carried out. Indomethacin caused anorexia, dehydration and weakness, which became progressively worse with time; and there was 100% mortality within 36 and 82 hours in mice and rats, respectively. Seven rats (43.8%) were diarrheic, and had bilateral medial canthi haemorrhages. Gross lesions in all the rodents include congested and haemorrhagic stomach and intestinal mucosae, with focal areas of ulcerations, and focal pale areas on the liver. Histopathological changes in various organs were similar, irrespective of the animal species and dose of indomethacin, and include widespread congestion and haemorrhage, thrombi in arterioles and capillaries of the kidney, heart, lungs, brain, testes and splenic fat. There was widespread glandular degeneration and necrosis, erosions, ulcerations in the stomach and small intestines, renal glomerular and tubular degeneration, hepatocellular necrosis, myocardiac necrosis, testicular and neuronal degeneration. Indomethacin appears to cause widespread endothelial and mucosal damage, haemorrhage and vascular thrombosis, leading to ischaemic necrosis, with subsequent multiple organ failure and death. The mechanisms of action and implications of the use of indomethacin as a rodenticide to domestic pets are discussed.Istražena je patogeneza i patologija rodenticidnoga učinka nesteroidnoga protuupalnoga lijeka indometacina. Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 smeđih štakora prosječne tjelesne mase od 99,6 g i 16 albino miševa prosječne tjelesne mase od 28,4 g u dobi od 10 do 12 tjedana. Životinje su bile podijeljene u osam skupina. U svaku skupinu uvrštena su četiri štakora (R1, R2, R3, R4) odnosno četiri miša (M1, M2, M3, M4). Životinje pod oznakom R1 i M1 bile su kontrolne i nisu dobivale indometacin. Štakorima skupina R2, R3, R4 te miševima skupina M2, M3, M4 oralnim je putem apliciran indometacin u dozama od 83 mg/kg, 166 mg/kg i 250 mg/kg. Promatrani su klinički znakovi i uginuća. Uginule životinje bile su razuđene. Indometacin je uzrokovao anoreksiju, dehidraciju i slabost te100%-tnu smrtnost tijekom 36 sati nakon primjene u miševa i 82 sata nakon primjene u štakora. U sedam štakora (43,8%) zabilježen je proljev te krvarenje po sluznici medijalnih očnih kutova. U svih je glodavaca dokazana punokrvnost, krvarenja po sluzici želuca i crijeva sa žarišnim ulceracijama te mjestimično bljedilo jetre. Patohistološke promjene u različitim organima bile su slične bez obzira na vrstu životinje i dozu. Najčešće je ustanovljena kongestija organa i krvarenja te trombi u arteriolama i kapilarama bubrega, srca, pluća, mozga, sjemenika i slezene. Zabilježena je i žljezdana degeneracija kao i nekroze, erozije, ulceracija želuca i tankog crijeva, glomerulotubularna degeneracija bubrega, hepatocelularna nekroza, nekroza miokarda te degeneracija sjemenika i živčanih stanica. Čini se da indometacin uzrokuje značajno oštećenje endotela i sluznice, krvarenje i vaskularnu trombozu koja prelazi u ishemičnu nekrozu s posljedičnim zatajenjem mnogih organa i uginućem. Detaljno su obrazloženi mehanizmi djelovanja indometacina kao rodenticida

    HPLC quantification of phenolic content and assessment of methanolic extract of Antiaris africana for toxicological study

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    The study was aimed at evaluating the toxicological and antioxidant activities of Antiaris africana Engl. (family Moraceae), that is used in Nigeria and other West Africa countries as a panacea for the treatment of several ailments. The methanolic extract of A. africana (MEA) obtained was analysed for antioxidant activities in vitro and screened for various phytochemicals present. Phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined followed with high performance liquid chromatography -diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) fingerprinting of phenolic content. Furthermore, the sub-acute toxicity of MEA was determined via oral administration of varying doses for 14 consecutive days (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) in rats. After oral administration for 14 consecutive days in male rats, the toxicity effect was assayed by determining aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) for hepatic function; urea and creatinine for renal function; creatinine kinase (CK) for cardiac function; and lipid profile. HPLC results showed that the major phenolics present are quercetin, rutin, caffeic acid, garlic acid and quercetin. MEA was able to scavenge diphenyl picryl hydrazyl, hydroxyl and nitric oxide radicals and prevent lipid peroxidation induced by ferrous sulphate at all concentration tested. The toxicology investigation showed that at low doses, A. africana is non-toxic, while at high doses; it is moderately toxic to the animals. In conclusion, A. Africana is generally non-toxic; however, care must be taken in administration at higher doses.Keywords: Toxicology, HPLC, phytochemicals, Antiaris african


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    The roadmap of 5G and 6G networks represents a significant leap forward in the evolution of mobile communication technology. As the future evolves, the potential of 6G technology to further revolutionize wireless connectivity is an exciting prospect that will continue to drive innovation and research in the field of telecommunications. The vision for 6G networks represents a paradigm shift in wireless communication, aiming to address the evolving demands of the digital era. This paper presents a review of the evolution of the 5G to 6G networks. The review explores the envisioned features, technological advancements, challenges, and future directions of 6G networks. Building upon the foundations of 5G networks, 6G networks are expected to deliver unprecedented data rates, ultra-low latency, seamless connectivity, and intelligent communication. Key technologies shaping the landscape of 6G include terahertz communication, AI-driven networks, quantum communication, and holographic beamforming. However, the deployment of 6G networks is accompanied by various challenges such as spectrum allocation, security, standardization, and regulatory frameworks. By synthesizing current research and industry trends, this review provides insights into the potential trajectory of 6G networks, paving the way for a connected future. Keywords: 6G, 5G, wireless communication, mobile networks, AI-driven networks, MIMO DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/15-1-06 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Characterization of methicillin-susceptible and -resistant staphylococci in the clinical setting: a multicentre study in Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: The staphylococci are implicated in a variety of human infections; however, many clinical microbiology laboratories in Nigeria do not identify staphylococci (in particular coagulase negative staphylococci - CNS) to the species level. Moreover, data from multi-centre assessment on antibiotic resistance and epidemiology of the staphylococci are not available in Nigeria. This study investigated 91 non-duplicate staphylococcal isolates obtained from the microbiology laboratories of eight hospitals in Nigeria during the period January to April 2010. METHODS: Identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the VITEK 2 system, detection of resistance genes by PCR, and molecular characterization was determined by SCCmec typing, spa and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). RESULTS: All the isolates were susceptible to mupirocin, tigecycline, vancomycin and linezolid, but 72.5% of CNS and 82.3% of Staphylococcus aureus were resistant to cotrimoxazole, while multiresistance was observed in 37 of the 40 CNS isolates. Untypeable SCCmec types (ccrC/Class A mec and ccr-negative/Class C2 mec gene complex) in two methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) were identified. Additionally, ccr-negative/Class A mec and ccr type 4/Class C2 mec gene complex was detected in one isolate each of S. sciuri and S. haemolyticus, respectively. The S. aureus isolates were classified into 21 spa types including two new types (t8987, t9008) among the methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) isolates. Two (CC8-SCCmecnon-typeable and CC88-SCCmec IV) and four (CC8-SCCmec III/IV/V; CC30-SCCmec II/III; CC88-SCCmec IV; and ST152-SCCmecnon-typeable) MRSA clones were identified in Maiduguri (North-East Nigeria) and South-West Nigeria, respectively. The proportion of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive MSSA was high (44.4%) and 56.3% of these strains were associated with sequence type (ST) 152. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of multiresistant mecA positive S. haemolyticus and S. sciuri from clinical samples indicates that characterization of CNS is important in providing information on their diversity and importance in Nigeria. There is the need to develop new SCCmec classification methods for non-typeable methicillin-resistant staphylococci, and to curtail the spread and establishment of the S. aureus ST152 clone in Nigeria. The study presents the first report of a PVL-positive ST152-SCCmecnontypeable MRSA and SCCmec typing of methicillin-resistant CNS in Nigeria