2,778 research outputs found

    Sintered silicon carbide molded body and method for its production

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    Sintered silicon carbide shapes are described. They are produced by using a composition containing an oxide of at least one element chosen from the group: Li, Be, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Nb, Mo, Ba, Tc, Ta, W and Th as a supplement to known sintering aids

    Pressure Drop Across Woven Screens Under Uniform and Nonuniform Flow Conditions

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    Tests were conducted to determine the experimental pressure drop and velocity data for water flowing through woven screens. The types of materials used are dutch twill and square weave fabrics. Pressure drop measures were made at four locations in a rectangular channel. The data are presented as change in pressure compared with the average entry velocity and the numerical relationship is determined by dividing the volumetric flow rate by the screen area open to flow. The equations of continuity and momentum are presented. A computer program listing an extension of a theoretical model and data from that computer program are included

    Process for the production of metal nitride sintered bodies and resultant silicon nitride and aluminum nitride sintered bodies

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    A process for the manufacture of metal nitride sintered bodies, in particular, a process in which a mixture of metal nitrite powders is shaped and heated together with a binding agent is described. Of the metal nitrides Si3N4 and AIN were used especially frequently because of their excellent properties at high temperatures. The goal is to produce a process for metal nitride sintered bodies with high strength, high corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance, thermal shock resistance, and avoidance of previously known faults

    Subalgebras with Converging Star Products in Deformation Quantization: An Algebraic Construction for \complex \mbox{\LARGE P}^n

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    Based on a closed formula for a star product of Wick type on \CP^n, which has been discovered in an earlier article of the authors, we explicitly construct a subalgebra of the formal star-algebra (with coefficients contained in the uniformly dense subspace of representative functions with respect to the canonical action of the unitary group) that consists of {\em converging} power series in the formal parameter, thereby giving an elementary algebraic proof of a convergence result already obtained by Cahen, Gutt, and Rawnsley. In this subalgebra the formal parameter can be substituted by a real number α\alpha: the resulting associative algebras are infinite-dimensional except for the case α=1/K\alpha=1/K, KK a positive integer, where they turn out to be isomorphic to the finite-dimensional algebra of linear operators in the KKth energy eigenspace of an isotropic harmonic oscillator with n+1n+1 degrees of freedom. Other examples like the 2n2n-torus and the Poincar\'e disk are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX with AMS Font

    Photon generation by laser-Compton scattering at the KEK-ATF

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    We performed a photon generation experiment by laser-Compton scattering at the KEK-ATF, aiming to develop a Compton based polarized positron source for linear colliders. In the experiment, laser pulses with a 357 MHz repetition rate were accumulated and their power was enhanced by up to 250 times in the Fabry-Perot optical resonant cavity. We succeeded in synchronizing the laser pulses and colliding them with the 1.3 GeV electron beam in the ATF ring while maintaining the laser pulse accumulation in the cavity. As a result, we observed 26.0 +/- 0.1 photons per electron-laser pulse crossing, which corresponds to a yield of 10^8 photons in a second.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, Preprint submitted to TIPP09 Proceedings in NIM

    Feedback-free optical cavity with self-resonating mechanism

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    We demonstrated the operation of a high finesse optical cavity without utilizing an active feedback system to stabilize the resonance. The effective finesse, which is a finesse including the overall system performance, of the cavity was measured to be 394,000±10,000394,000 \pm 10,000, and the laser power stored in the cavity was 2.52±0.132.52 \pm 0.13 kW, which is approximately 187,000 times greater than the incident power to the cavity. The stored power was stabilized with a fluctuation of 1.7%1.7 \%, and we confirmed continuous cavity operation for more than two hours. This result has the potential to trigger an innovative evolution for applications that use optical resonant cavities such as compact photon sources with laser-Compton scattering or cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Endogenous Versus Exogenous Shocks in Complex Networks: an Empirical Test Using Book Sale Ranking

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    Are large biological extinctions such as the Cretaceous/Tertiary KT boundary due to a meteorite, extreme volcanic activity or self-organized critical extinction cascades? Are commercial successes due to a progressive reputation cascade or the result of a well orchestrated advertisement? Determining the chain of causality for extreme events in complex systems requires disentangling interwoven exogenous and endogenous contributions with either no clear or too many signatures. Here, we study the precursory and recovery signatures accompanying shocks, that we test on a unique database of the Amazon sales ranking of books. We find clear distinguishing signatures classifying two types of sales peaks. Exogenous peaks occur abruptly and are followed by a power law relaxation, while endogenous sale peaks occur after a progressively accelerating power law growth followed by an approximately symmetrical power law relaxation which is slower than for exogenous peaks. These results are rationalized quantitatively by a simple model of epidemic propagation of interactions with long memory within a network of acquaintances. The slow relaxation of sales implies that the sales dynamics is dominated by cascades rather than by the direct effects of news or advertisements, indicating that the social network is close to critical.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figures final version published in Physical Review Letter

    Determination of Formation Rate Constant of Carrier-Free 111In(III) with EDTA

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of online popularity

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    Online popularity has enormous impact on opinions, culture, policy, and profits. We provide a quantitative, large scale, temporal analysis of the dynamics of online content popularity in two massive model systems, the Wikipedia and an entire country's Web space. We find that the dynamics of popularity are characterized by bursts, displaying characteristic features of critical systems such as fat-tailed distributions of magnitude and inter-event time. We propose a minimal model combining the classic preferential popularity increase mechanism with the occurrence of random popularity shifts due to exogenous factors. The model recovers the critical features observed in the empirical analysis of the systems analyzed here, highlighting the key factors needed in the description of popularity dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Modeling part detailed. Final version published in Physical Review Letter