5 research outputs found

    Polymorphism in the innate immune receptor SIRPα controls CD47 binding and autoimmunity in the nonobese diabetic mouse

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    The signal regulatory protein (SIRP) locus encodes a family of paired receptors that mediate both activating and inhibitory signals and is associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D) risk. The NOD mouse model recapitulates multiple features of human T1D and enables mechanistic analysis of the impact of genetic variations on disease. In this study, we identify Sirpa encoding an inhibitory receptor on myeloid cells as a gene in the insulin-dependent diabetes locus 13.2 (Idd13.2) that drives islet inflammation and T1D. Compared to T1D-resistant strains, the NOD variant of SIRPa displayed greater binding to its ligand CD47, as well as enhanced T cell proliferation and diabetogenic potency. Myeloid cell-restricted expression of a Sirpa transgene accelerated disease in a dosedependent manner and displayed genetic and functional interaction with the Idd5 locus to potentiate insulitis progression. Our study demonstrates that variations in both SIRPa sequence and expression level modulate T1D immunopathogenesis. Thus, we identify Sirpa as a T1D risk gene and provide insight into the complex mechanisms by which disease-associated variants act in concert to drive defined stages in disease progressio

    Genome-wide end-sequenced BAC resources for the NOD/MrkTac☆ and NOD/ShiLtJ☆☆ mouse genomes

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    Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice spontaneously develop type 1 diabetes (T1D) due to the progressive loss of insulin-secreting β-cells by an autoimmune driven process. NOD mice represent a valuable tool for studying the genetics of T1D and for evaluating therapeutic interventions. Here we describe the development and characterization by end-sequencing of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries derived from NOD/MrkTac (DIL NOD) and NOD/ShiLtJ (CHORI-29), two commonly used NOD substrains. The DIL NOD library is composed of 196,032 BACs and the CHORI-29 library is composed of 110,976 BACs. The average depth of genome coverage of the DIL NOD library, estimated from mapping the BAC end-sequences to the reference mouse genome sequence, was 7.1-fold across the autosomes and 6.6-fold across the X chromosome. Clones from this library have an average insert size of 150 kb and map to over 95.6% of the reference mouse genome assembly (NCBIm37), covering 98.8% of Ensembl mouse genes. By the same metric, the CHORI-29 library has an average depth over the autosomes of 5.0-fold and 2.8-fold coverage of the X chromosome, the reduced X chromosome coverage being due to the use of a male donor for this library. Clones from this library have an average insert size of 205 kb and map to 93.9% of the reference mouse genome assembly, covering 95.7% of Ensembl genes. We have identified and validated 191,841 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for DIL NOD and 114,380 SNPs for CHORI-29. In total we generated 229,736,133 bp of sequence for the DIL NOD and 121,963,211 bp for the CHORI-29. These BAC libraries represent a powerful resource for functional studies, such as gene targeting in NOD embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, and for sequencing and mapping experiments