2 research outputs found

    Phenol degradation in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor packed with low density support materials

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    The objective of this research was to study phenol degradation in anaerobic fluidized bed reactors (AFBR) packed with polymeric particulate supports (polystyrene - PS, polyethylene terephthalate - PET, and polyvinyl chloride - PVC). The reactors were operated with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 h. The influent phenol concentration in the AFBR varied from 100 to 400 mg L-1, resulting in phenol removal efficiencies of similar to 100%. The formation of extracellular polymeric substances yielded better results with the PVC particles; however, deformations in these particles proved detrimental to reactor operation. PS was found to be the best support for biomass attachment in an AFBR for phenol removal. The AFBR loaded with PS was operated to analyze the performance and stability for phenol removal at feed concentrations ranging from 50 to 500 mg L-1. The phenol removal efficiency ranged from 90-100%.FAPESPCAPESCNP

    Phenol removal an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor under denitrifying conditions.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral a caracterização de um sistema de tratamento biológico de remoção de fenol em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado utilizando o nitrato como aceptor final de elétrons. O reator foi construído em acrílico transparente, com dimensões equivalentes a 190 cm de altura e 5,3 cm de diâmetro interno, totalizando um volume de 4192 cm³, dos quais cerca de 44% (1831 cm³) foram ocupados pelo meio suporte, na situação de leito fixo. Para imobilização da biomassa foram utilizadas partículas de poliestireno, que foram previamente ativadas através de ataque ácido, com o intuito de aumentar a rugosidade e a porosidade da superfície do material, facilitando a aderência da biomassa ao meio suporte. O reator foi inoculado com lodo proveniente de reator UASB, responsável pelo tratamento de despejos de suinocultura. A realização do experimento foi dividida em cinco fases, que foram alteradas de acordo com o desempenho e a estabilidade do sistema diante do aumento das concentrações de fenol e nitrato. As concentrações médias de fenol afluente estudadas foram de 52, 107, 201, 335 e 518 mg/L, de maneira que não foi detectada presença de fenol no efluente para concentrações de até 335 mg/L. A eficiência de remoção reduziu-se para aproximadamente 70%, quando foi operado com concentrações de fenol afluente superiores a 500 mg/L. A relação entre carbono (proveniente exclusivamente do fenol) e N - \'NO IND. 3\' foi aproximadamente 1, portanto, as concentrações médias afluentes de N - \'NO IND. 3\' testadas foram equivalentes a 45, 79, 157, 260 e 362 mg/L, cujas eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio foram de 94%, 89%, 86%, 79% e 51%, respectivamente. O pH efluente variou entre 7,64 e 8,35, estando de acordo com sistemas que realizam o processo de desnitrificação. Em geral, cerca de 3,8 g DQO foi consumido por grama de N - \'NO IND. 3\' removido. Não foi observado acúmulo de nitrito no sistema, considerando que o valor médio da concentração efluente foi de 1,5 mg/L de N - \'NO IND. 2\' para todo período de operação. O experimento teve duração de 162 dias, nos quais o sistema mostrou resultados satisfatórios para redução de carbono e nitrogênio, mesmo quando operado com elevadas concentrações de fenol e nitrato.This work aimed the general characterization of a phenol removal biological treatment system in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor using nitrate as the final electron acceptor. The reactor was built in transparent acrylic, with equivalent dimensions of 190 cm height and 5.3 cm intern diameter, resulting in 4,192 cm³ volume, which 44% were occupied by the support medium in a fix bed situation. Polystyrene particles were used to immobilize biomass, these particles were previously activated through acid attack, in order to increase materials roughness and superficial porosity, facilitating biomass adherence to the support medium. The reactor was inoculated with sludge from UASB reactor, responsible for swine culture effluent treatment. The experiment was divided in five phases, which were modified according to system performance and stability under the increase of phenol and nitrate concentrations. The mean phenol affluent concentrations studied were: 52, 107, 201, 335 and 518 mg/L, so that no phenol was detected in effluent in concentrations bellow 335 mg/L. The removal efficiency decreased to about 70% for affluent phenol concentrations over 500 mg/L. Carbon (exclusively from phenol) and N -\'NO IND. 3\' ratio was nearly 1, therefore the N \'NO IND. 3\' mean affluent concentrations tested were equivalent to 45, 79, 157, 260 e 362 mg/L, whose nitrogen removal efficiency were 94%, 89%, 86%, 79% e 51%, respectively. Effluent pH varied between 7.64 and 8.35, in agreement with denitrification process systems. In general, around 3.8 g DQO were consumed per gram of removed N \'NO IND. 3\'. No nitrite accumulation was observed in the system, considering that the mean effluent concentration was 1.5 mg/L de N - \'NO IND. 2\' to all operation period. Experiment lasted 162 days, during this time the system showed satisfactory results for carbon and nitrogen reduction, even when operated with high phenol and nitrate concentrations