6 research outputs found

    Suivi de la qualité physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux des cours d’eau de Ngaoundéré, au Cameroun

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    Dans le souci d’évaluer l’influence possible des activités anthropiques sur les eaux de surface à Ngaoundéré, des analyses des paramètres physico-chimiques et bactériologiques indicateurs de pollution ont été effectuées sur dix sept (17) points d’échantillonnage retenus en fonction de leur sollicitation par les populations et leur exposition aux sources probables de pollution. Les paramètres physico-chimiques (température, pH, conductivité, turbidité, matière organique en suspension, oxydabilité au permanganate de potassium, fer, bicarbonates, nitrates, phosphates et ammonium) et bactériologiques (streptocoques fécaux et vibrions) ont été analysés et comparés aux normes internationales. Les résultats montrent des fortes concentrations en matière organique (9,30 à 10,56 mgO<sub>2</sub>/L), Fer (1,69 à 5,57 mg/L), Phosphates (1,73 à 3,09 mg/L), ammonium (1,78 à 2,19 mg/L) et une de turbidité 63,32 à 64,05 NTU dans ces eaux. En plus ces eaux hébergent d’importantes communautés microbiennes parmi lesquelles les streptocoques fécaux et les vibrions. Les teneurs de ces polluants diffèrent d’un point à un autre et selon la période de prélèvement. Une approche statistique multi-variée des résultats montre que l’activité anthropique reste la source majeure des rejets polluants dans les eaux.Mots-clés: pollution, physico-chimie, bactériologie, eaux de surface, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun. Survey of physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of water along the Ngaoundere stream (Cameroon)To evaluate the possible influence of human activities and nature on Ngaoundere stream, some physicochemical and bacteriological pollution indicators were analyses carried out on 17 sites selected on the basis of their probable exposure to pollution. Physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, suspended matter, organic matter, iron, bicarbonates, nitrogen, phosphates and ammonium) and bacteriological parameters (fecal streptococcus and vibrio) were determined and compared to international standards.  Results obtained showed a high concentration in organic matter (9.30 to 10.56 mgO<sub>2</sub>/L), iron (1.69 to 5.57 mg/L), phosphates (1.73 to 3.09 mg/L), ammonium (1.78 to 2.19 mg/L) and turbidity of 63.32 to 64.05 NTU. The presence of high quantities of test micro-organisms was noted in these water samples, that is fecal streptococcus and vibrio. The levels of these pollutants in the different water samples varied from one site to another and with sampling period. A multivariate statistical approach demonstrated that human activities remained the major sources of pollutants in surface water.Keywords: pollution, physicochemical, bacteriological, surface water, Ngaoundere, Cameroon

    Contribution à l\'étude de l\'influence des activités humaines sur les écoulements des cours d\'eau dans le Sud Cameroun: cas de la déforestation.

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    L\'influence des modifications de l\'état de surface par l\'homme, sur les écoulements et les ressources en eau est un fait réel dans la zone tropicale. Dans cette étude, nous allons nous intéresser à la partie Sud Cameroun, où l\'on observe une déforestation intense depuis plusieurs décennies. La méthodologie adoptée pour étudier les tendances de l\'influence de la déforestation sur le comportement hydrologique des bassins versants est la méthode de la modélisation stochastique, pouvant prendre en compte à la fois les composantes dynamiques et le caractère aléatoire de l\'évolution des processus hydrologiques. De ce modèle, il ressort que la lame d\'eau écoulée varie de –19 % à 6 % et le coefficient de variation entre – 7 % à 6 %. Une étude comparative avec la prévision de l\'impact de l\'augmentation démographique révèle que les variations sont plus remarquables avec une diminution de lame d\'eau écoulée jusqu\'à près de –45 % et une augmentation du coefficient de variation de –12 % à 26 %.It is known fact that man\'s influence on the surface of the earth has modified not only the drainage patterns, but also the water resources of the tropical region. In this survey, we were more interested, in the Southern part of Cameroon, where an intense deforestation is being going on for several decades. The methodology adopted to study the tendencies of influence of deforestation on drainage basin is the stochastic modelling method, which takes into account the dynamic components and the uncertain character of the hydrologic evolutionary processes. Of this model, it is revealed that the runoff varies from -19 % to 6 % and the coefficient of variation ranges from - 7 % to 6 %. A comparative survey with the forecasting of the impact of demographic growth reveals that variations are more remarkable with a reduction of the runoff up to about - 45 % and an increase in the coefficient of variation ranging from -12 % to 26 %. Keywords: Hydrologie, déforestation, ressources en eau, modèle stochastique, prévisions hydrologiques.Hydrology, deforestation, water resources, stochastic model, hydrological forecasting. Journal des Sciences Pour l\'Ingénieur. Vol. 8 2007: pp. 45-5

    Cuidados consigo mesma, sexualidade e erotismo na Província de Tete, Moçambique Care with herself, sexuality and eroticism in Tete Province, Mozambique

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    Este artigo analisa as noções de estética e erotismo, e como estas moldam a maneira de as mulheres na província de Tete, em Moçambique, prepararem seu corpo. Grupos focais e entrevistas individuais permitiram constatar que as mulheres utilizam diferentes produtos naturais e sintéticos, tradicionais e modernos, por inserção na vagina ou por ingestão, para modificar a maneira de sentir seu corpo e se preparar para o ato sexual. Em adição, a maioria das mulheres alonga os lábia minora (pequenos lábios vaginais) desde a infância, modificando seu corpo de acordo com critérios estéticos, noções de feminilidade e de prazer sexual. Essas intervenções se inserem num processo de socialização cuja educação integra componentes de estética, sexualidade, reprodução e sobre a vida em geral. O artigo procura mostrar a importância das metáforas e das noções de fechado/aberto, seco/úmido, quente/frio, pesado/leve, vida/morte, riqueza/pobreza, doce/não-doce como simbolismo de gênero ligado ao erotismo, a reprodução e a concepções estéticas.<br>This paper analyzes notions of aesthetics and eroticism and the ways these mould how women in Tete Province, in Mozambique prepare their body. Focus group and individual interviews allowed to assess that women use different products both natural and synthetic by insertion in their vagina or by ingestion to modify the way they feel their body and prepare themselves for the sexual act. In addition, the majority of women elongate their labia minora (small vaginal lips) since their childhood, modifying their body accordingly to aesthetic criteria, notions of femininity and sexual pleasure. These interventions are part of a process of socialisation integrating components on aesthetic, sexuality, reproduction and life in general. This paper aims at showing the importance of metaphors and of the notions of closing up/open, dryness/ wetness, hot/cold, heavy/light, life/death, wealth/poverty, sweet/ non-sweet as gendered symbols related to eroticism and aesthetic

    The Unfortunate Sufferer: Discursive Dynamics around Pregnancy Loss in Cameroon

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    Pregnancy losses are ambiguous affairs in East Cameroon. Childbearing is not always people's primary aim within their fragile sexual and marital relationships, and it is often unclear to outsiders whether a pregnancy interruption is intended or unintended. Drawing on 15 months of fieldwork, I explore the discursive strategies Gbigbil women deploy while navigating such ambiguities. Suffering is central to their defensive discourses. Depending on the stakes in their relationships, women foreground the notion of suffering either to portray themselves as moral and innocent - and maintain social status or raise support - or to allude to or acknowledge their intention to terminate a pregnancy. This dynamic deployment of a suffering discourse reveals the interconnections of unintended and intended pregnancy losses, and of suffering (associated especially with the former) and agency (often associated with the latter)