1 research outputs found

    ImplƩmentation du Field Epidemiology Training Programme Frontline au Burkina Faso, 2016 Ơ 2019: leƧons apprises et DƩfis: Implementation of the Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Programme in Burkina Faso, 2016 to 2019: Lessons Learned and Challenges

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    Introduction: Dans le contexte de l'agenda de la seĢcuriteĢ mondiale de la santeĢ lanceĢ en 2015. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Atlanta) a initieĢ le renforcement de capaciteĢs des acteurs dans l'eĢpideĢmiologie de terrain Frontline (FETP). Pour l'impleĢmentation du programme, des reĢunions, une eĢvaluation de base, le recrutement et formation de mentors, seĢlection et formation de participants en utilisant l'approche Ā« One Health Ā», travaux de terrain, supervision et interviews de sortie ont eĢteĢ meneĢs. Au Burkina Faso ce programme a commenceĢ en avril 2016. L'objectif de cette eĢtude eĢtait de deĢcrire le processus d'impleĢmentation, les deĢfis et les lecĢ§ons apprises. MĆ©thodes: Une eĢtude transversale reĢtrospective qualitative aĢ€ viseĢe descriptive conduite d'avril 2016 aĢ€ septembre 2019 incluant tous les participants. Des interviews et une revue documentaire avaient eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢs. RĆ©sultats: L'eĢvaluation de base avait montreĢ un besoin dans le renforcement des capaciteĢs pour le systeĢ€me de surveillance. Au total 22 mentors formeĢs. Fin deĢcembre 2019, neuf cohortes (100%) formeĢes dont 6 (75%) avec approche Ā« One Health Ā». Au total 210 participants devraient eĢ‚tre formeĢs sans distinction de sexe, ainsi 267 capaciteĢs (127%). Sur les 267 formeĢs, 22 femmes (8%). Deux qui n'ont pas acheveĢ la formation (0,7%), un deĢceĢ€s (0,3%). Au total 1040 travaux reĢaliseĢs. Les deĢfis restent le suivi post formation, les mutations des agents formeĢs et la peĢrennisation. Conclusion: L'impleĢmentation de FETP Frontline au Burkina Faso a eĢteĢ effective et a fait face aĢ€ plusieurs deĢfis et des lecĢ§ons apprises ont eĢteĢ tireĢes. Il est recommandeĢ la poursuite de ces formations pour le renforcement des capaciteĢs des acteurs de la surveillance. Introduction: In the context of the global health security agenda launched in 2015, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Atlanta) initiated capacity building for stakeholders in Frontline Field Epidemiology (FETP). To implement the programme, meetings, a baseline assessment, recruitment and training of mentors, selection and training of participants using the "One Health" approach, fieldwork, supervision and exit interviews were conducted. In Burkina Faso this programme started in April 2016. The objective of this study was to describe the implementation process, challenges and lessons learned. Methods: A retrospective qualitative descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from April 2016 to September 2019 including all participants. Interviews and a literature review were conducted. Results: The baseline assessment showed a need in capacity building for the surveillance system. In total 22 mentors trained. By the end of December 2019, nine cohorts (100%) trained, of which six (75%) with a "One Health" approach. A total of 210 participants should be trained regardless of gender, thus 267 were trained (127%). Of the 267 trained, 22 were women (8%). Two did not complete the training (0.7%), one died (0.3%). A total of 1,040 works were completed. The challenges remain post-training follow-up, transfers of trained agents and sustainability. Conclusion: The implementation of FETP Frontline in Burkina Faso was effective, faced several challenges and lessons were learned. It is recommended that these training sessions be continued in order to strengthen the capacities of surveillance actors