165 research outputs found


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    The informatization of judicial authority has been put in the federal target programs which provide the solution of such tasks as the formation of the common information space, the realization of the constitutional principles of independent judicial authority and the independence of judges, the increase of the efficiency of the courts activity, and also the realization of the rights of citizens and legal entities on judicial and legal information.The list of program complexes, information subsystems and systems, which allow to automate the process of legal proceedings and the work of bodies of judicial authority has been provided


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    As is well-known, by 2015 Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are planning to form the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) on the basis of the already established Customs Union (CU) and Common Economic Space (CES). Therefore, the economic security of the Eurasian integration process has to be studied and analyzed to ensure long-term sustainability and development. Given the economic and financial problems faced by the European Union, this study is becoming particularly relevant. The article substantiates the importance of creating effective mechanisms to enhance the economic stability of the EAEU and its ability to withstand periodic crises arising in the global economy with shrinking intervals. The research findings may be used by both national government authorities of the CU and the EUS and a supernational body - the Eurasian Economic Commission.Как известно, к 2015 г. Россия, Казахстан и Беларусь планируют создать Евразийский экономический союз (ЕАЭС) на базе уже созданного Таможенного союза (ТС) и Единого экономического пространства (ЕЭП). В связи с этим необходимо исследовать и проанализировать экономическую безопасность евразийского интеграционного процесса для достижения долгосрочной устойчивости и развития. Учитывая экономические и финансовые проблемы, с которыми приходится сталкиваться Европейскому союзу, настоящее исследование становится особенно актуальным. В статье обосновывается необходимость создания эффективных механизмов для повышения экономической устойчивости ЕАЭС и его способности устоять перед периодическими кризисами, происходящими в мировой экономике с сокращающимися промежутками времени. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы как национальными государственными органами членов ТС и ЕЭП, так и наднациональным органом - Евразийской экономической комиссией

    The assessment of opportunities of early ultrasound prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations of fetus (review article)

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    The congenital malformations are heterogenic group of pathological conditions, including isolated, systemic and multiple anomalies of organs and systems of different etiology: genetic, environmental and multifactorial. [9,11,13,18,23,25,30,32,33, 36,37,38] The majority of congenital malformations have a multifactorial etiology that implies simultaneous influence of genetic predisposition and additional external influences. That is why, the evaluation of prevalence of congenital malformations and their nosological spectrum and etiological factors is one of the modern problems of medical genetics. [1,2,9,5,10,15,20,24,26,28,3 1,34,35]. In this regard, their prenatal diagnosis has a particular importance, one of this main direction is the development of methods to detect the congenital anomalies and hereditary diseases of fetus on early stages of pregnancy. The increase of the quality of ultrasound scanners, the opportunity of digital processing of image, and especially integration in practice the high-resolution transvaginal echography allows to postpone the solution of a number of issues of prenatal detection of congenital and hereditary pathology on the I trimester of pregnancy. [13,14,19,20,21,23,30,36,37]. In this article the assessment of opportunity of ultrasound diagnosis of congenital malformations of fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy was conducted.Врожденные пороки развития (ВПр) представляют собой гетерогенную группу патологических состояний, включающую изолированные, системные и множественные аномалии органов и систем различной этиологии: генетической, средовой и мультифакториальной. [9, 11, 13, 18, 23, 25, 30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38] Большинство ВПр имеют мультифакториальную этиологию, что подразумевает одновременное воздействие генетической предрасположенности и дополнительных внешних воздействий. Поэтому одной из современных проблем медицинской генетики является оценка распространённости врождённых пороков развития, их нозологического спектра и этиологических факторов.[1, 2, 9, 5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35] В связи с этим особое значение приобретает их пренатальная диагностика, одним из основных направлений которой является разработка методов выявления врожденных аномалий и наследствен¬ных заболеваний плода на ранних этапах беременности. Повышение качества ультразвуковых сканеров, возможность цифровой обработки изображения, и особенно внедрение в практику высокоразрешающей трансвагинальной эхографии позволяет перенести решение ряда вопро¬сов пренатального выявления врожденной и наследственной патологии на I триместр беременности.[13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30, 36, 37]. В данной статье проведена оценка возможности ультразвуковой диагностики врожденных пороков развития плода в первом триместре беременности


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    The non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique is a prospective solution to support the massive connectivity of an ever-increasing number of wirelessly connected devices and address the spectrum scarcity issue. In this article, the outage probability and ergodic capacity of a two-hop cooperative NOMA network with an energy-limited relaying node are quantified over a generalized − − statistical model. The relay acts in an amplify-and-forward mode and performs energy harvesting (EH) using the time-switching and power splitting relaying protocols. Moreover, the impact of hardware impairments (HIs) is incorporated into the performance evaluation. The obtained results prove the importance of HIs and allow one to evaluate the outage probability and ergodic capacity over various statistical models and system parameters. Finally, the results suggest that the optimal performance at a specific scenario depends on the combination of multiple factors, such as channel conditions, HI level, transmit power, and EH protocol

    Prospects for using CRISPR-Cas9 system in the treatment of human viral diseases

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    The aim. To analyze the possibility of using the genetic mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in the prevention and treatment of certain viral diseases.Materials and methods. The search for publications was carried out in Russian and foreign literature using the following search engines: RSCI, Cyberleninka, eLibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Library, etc. A review of domestic and international scientific papers on the research topic was carried out using search keywords: CRISPR, genetic engineering, genome editing, Cas9, sgRNA.Results. A review of using CRISPR-Cas9 method (“genetic scissors”) as a gene therapy for some viral diseases was carried out, and its main advantages and disadvantages were revealed. An analysis of the data of scientific studies on genetic research methods over the past decade discovers the main aspects of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, modern classification and prospects for using this technology in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of human viral diseases. The possibilities of creating a more versatile and stable version of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology are considered. Particular attention is paid to the technological difficulties and obstacles that scientists face when implementing this system for targeted use in clinical medicine.Conclusion. One of the rapidly developing areas in science giving promising prospects for modern healthcare is genetic engineering, especially in cases where scientific developments are applied in clinical practice. The discovery of “genetic scissors” technology has revolutionized all medicine. Wide opportunities for developing new treatment methods for many viral diseases and creating conditions for their early prevention opened up for the medical community. In the future, with the introduction of this technology into clinical practice, it will become possible to treat diseases that have not previously responded to ongoing therapy and were considered incurable


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    Salt stress is an important factor affecting the quality and quantity of crop yields. The total area of the world’s land exposed salinity increased to 15% in 2011 compared to 7% in 2001. In addition, crops are susceptible to disease, which strongly affects the yield. Thus, viral diseases reduce crop yield, sometimes up to 80-100%, for example Eggplant mottled crinkle virus (EMCV) can infect up to 100% yield of eggplant. Taken together, these two stress factors can cause enormous economic damage to agriculture. Despite of the importance, the effect of salinity on plant virus disease has not been well studied.In our study, we investigated the effect of high concentrations of salt (150mM NaCl) on the systemic viral disease caused by EMCV. The virus causes the systemic necrosis in Nicotiana benthamiana. Systemic accumulation of virus at high concentrations of NaCl was drastically reduced. In the plants exposed to salt stress (100mM and 150mM NaCl) for 21 days before infection systemic symptoms were significantly delayed. The relationship between plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress factors may indicate the existence of universal defensive pathways of plant adaptation to unfavorable conditions

    Some features of competence-based approach in training of future teachers-trainers

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    In article problems of formation of professional competences of future teachers-trainers are discussed. The main systems and types of professional competences of future experts are stated