113 research outputs found

    Reflections on an academic job search

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    Experimental generation of an optical field with arbitrary spatial coherence properties

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    We describe an experimental technique to generate a quasi-monochromatic field with any arbitrary spatial coherence properties that can be described by the cross-spectral density function, W(r1,r2)W(\mathbf{r_1,r_2}). This is done by using a dynamic binary amplitude grating generated by a digital micromirror device (DMD) to rapidly alternate between a set of coherent fields, creating an incoherent mix of modes that represent the coherent mode decomposition of the desired W(r1,r2)W(\mathbf{r_1,r_2}). This method was then demonstrated experimentally by interfering two plane waves and then spatially varying the coherent between these two modes such that the interference fringe visibility was shown to vary spatially between the two beams in an arbitrary and prescribed way.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figur

    Quantum-secured imaging

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    We have built an imaging system that uses a photon's position or time-of-flight information to image an object, while using the photon's polarization for security. This ability allows us to obtain an image which is secure against an attack in which the object being imaged intercepts and resends the imaging photons with modified information. Popularly known as "jamming," this type of attack is commonly directed at active imaging systems such as radar. In order to jam our imaging system, the object must disturb the delicate quantum state of the imaging photons, thus introducing statistical errors that reveal its activity.Comment: 10 pages (double spaced), 5 figure

    State transfer based on classical nonseparability

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    We present a state transfer protocol that is mathematically equivalent to quantum teleportation, but uses classical nonseparability instead of quantum entanglement. In our implementation we take advantage of nonseparability among three parties: orbital angular momentum (OAM), polarization, and the radial degrees of freedom of a beam of light. We demonstrate the transfer of arbitrary OAM states, in the subspace spanned by any two OAM states, to the polarization of the same beam

    Multiplexing Free-Space Channels using Twisted Light

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    We experimentally demonstrate an interferometric protocol for multiplexing optical states of light, with potential to become a standard element in free-space communication schemes that utilize light endowed with orbital angular momentum (OAM). We demonstrate multiplexing for odd and even OAM superpositions generated using different sources. In addition, our technique permits one to prepare either coherent superpositions or statistical mixtures of OAM states. We employ state tomography to study the performance of this protocol, and we demonstrate fidelities greater than 0.98.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Compressive Object Tracking using Entangled Photons

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    We present a compressive sensing protocol that tracks a moving object by removing static components from a scene. The implementation is carried out on a ghost imaging scheme to minimize both the number of photons and the number of measurements required to form a quantum image of the tracked object. This procedure tracks an object at low light levels with fewer than 3% of the measurements required for a raster scan, permitting us to more effectively use the information content in each photon.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Sensitive estimation of angular displacements using weak measurements

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    We demonstrate an experimental method that allows for sensitive measurements of angular position of light using weak value amplification. This offers an alternative to previously established methods that use nonclassical light for angular displacement estimation
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